
IMDb member since August 2006
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Interesting but unnecessarily convoluted (very minor spoilers)
Not unlike Nolan's other films this is a Movie that must be seen more than once to fully grasp. The movie is a dialogue heavy biopic that focuses on Oppenheimer's moral struggles but the story is told by jumping between different timelines throughout the entire film which makes it unnecessarily convoluted.

Although the film is mostly a talkie, the soundtrack was not so different from The Dark Knight's which I found to be overly dramatic and very unfitting. I also found the acting to be overly dramatic as well when it would be just characters talking to each other.

One last con is that the movie is 3 hrs long and it doesn't need to be that long, add to that the nonlinear story telling and it becomes a tough film to sit through.

All cons aside, the film still has some of the best and most iconic scenes of the year, so if you're interested in the subject material I strongly recommend it but you need to go in with expectations that you are going into a 3 hr long talkie and not a summer action filled blockbuster.

Barry: wow
Episode 8, Season 4

Not in the A tier for sure
This show started with an interesting premise and followed the Vince Gilligan formula.

Experiment with cinematography and direction.

Give the actors great dramatic scenes. Develop the supporting characters. Create a plot that is logical for the story and characters and let the story unfold by itself.

We sure got a lot of great scenes and episodes, none of them in this season though. This season felt aimless and meandering trying to wrap up a wrapped up story. While I remember a lot of scenes from the previous seasons I cannot recall anything significant from this season.

It is far from being unwatchable but it felt very boring in parts this season and the last few episodes did not have enough to make up for the season's shortcomings.

Succession: With Open Eyes
Episode 10, Season 4

An ending fit for a king
This finale was the best ending one can ask for.

It had all the components we love about this show:

The sibling having fun being silly with each other.

The siblings missing their dad.

The siblings backstabbing each other.

The siblings all getting screwed over.

The disgusting brothers get their way.

The Logan cameo was emotional, the wrapping up of the supporting characters was excellent too.

The episode had great laughs and memorable moments.

Emmy predictions:

Even though 8 am still rooting for Rhea and BCS for best drama, I think Sarah will win and Succession will sweep the emmys this year.

I do think Kieran should win the award for best actor or supporting actor though.

The White Lotus: Italian Dream
Episode 2, Season 2

This show is like Champagne ...
Sweet and bubbling. Two episodes in and I already like this season a lot more. The characters are more intriguing and the scenes is surprisingly even better. Mike White has invented a winning formula with this show that really captures what it feels to go on holiday. The show has a light airy feel to it with tension bubbling underneath the surface and Sicily is the perfect place that matches the atmosphere perfectly. You've got the beautiful beaches on one side and an active volcano on the other. The acting is great all around and it's really nice to see Imperioli back on the small screen, however the two Italian girls and especially Isabella steals the show (she's giving me Megan Draper vibes)

Better Call Saul: Saul Gone
Episode 13, Season 6

They really stuck the landing with one of if not the best episode of the entire show. I thought it will be sad to say goodbye but they did it in such a beautiful way that is true to the essence of the show.

Better Call Saul: Fun and Games
Episode 9, Season 6

What we have been waiting for for almost 8 years
A bleak look at our characters as they deal with the aftermath of the cataclysmic events we witnessed in the last few weeks. It was sad haunting and uncomfortable as it should be. Ending any show is no easy task and the writers prove every week that we are in very safe hands and they are the unmatched masters of storytelling and I really hope that this crew stays together for another project after this show is done and dusted.

Barry: ben mendelsohn
Episode 3, Season 3

Things get interesting
Love the pacing of this episode as it starts building the drama. We watch our characters realising what is happening to them and where the fit in the story. This may be the episode that finally hooked me.

The Offer

Background tv at its best
If you are interested in the making of the Godfather it is a really well done show. The acting is stellar (Ribbisi stands out). The plot and dialogue is fairly simple so it would make a great show to watch while doing chores.

Jerry & Marge Go Large

A light and charming movie
Bryan Cranston and Annette Bening are brilliant in this small but charming film about a retiree gaming the lottery. Although the movie isn't very funny and the stakes are quite low for the characters, the story is interesting enough to make it engaging.

Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution
Episode 7, Season 6

Not for the faint hearted
An inevitable yet shocking and heartbreaking ending to 6A. This was the most devastating death in the BB universe, I'm still recovering.

The death aside, this episode was masterfully executed from beginning to end.

Better Call Saul: Axe and Grind
Episode 6, Season 6

Best of the season so far
This episode felt like a LOST episode with the Kim flashback. This episode was jam packed with great scenes and storyline:
  • Kim is feeling even more conflicted this episode
  • The horror slasher scene with Lalo
  • Francesca breaks bad
  • Jimmy and Kim's plan hits its first obstacle.

Can't wait for D-Day next week.

The Pentaverate

Austin Powers and the Illuminati
A review of the first episode only: Mike Myers is back in an Austin Powers style comedy and so far it's not too bad. If you are a fan of his comedy you won't be disappointed but don't expect any LOL moments at least for the 1st episode.

Better Call Saul: Hit and Run
Episode 4, Season 6

Tension building at its finest
I don't get the complaints about slowness at all or the episode being boring . Are people expecting fireworks every episode? This is not a movie nor a 4 Hr Marvel miniseries. This episode sets up the tension for what's to come and makes us even more afraid of one of the characters that will be returning as we watch our favourite characters tossing and turning dreading their return as well.

Mad Men

Interesting but flawed
There is a lot to enjoy in the show. The main cast is amazing. Hendricks and Jones are gorgeous and steal every scene. Slattery provides a lot of great comic relief. The show is very similar to the crown in construction. Many episodes revolve around a certain event or theme. The overarching plots are meandering and leave a lot to be desired. A lot of events seem random and out of the blue. And the last chunk of episodes were extremely disappointing. The finale was just watching the characters make random decisions or enter non-sensical relationships. The middle seasons however does have stellar episodes that are worth of a rewatch.

My ranking of the seasons would be: 1) S3-6 9/10 2) S1-2 8/10 3) S7A 7/10 4) S7B 5/10.


Mediocre at best
While the idea was nice at first. This show has now turned into a mediocre trashy soapy drama set in the world of the Fresh Prince. It is watchable but something to keep in the background.

Nightmare Alley

Intriguing stylish but flawed
I loved the setting, the period piece, the overall plot, the characters, the acting. Bradly cooper excels in the role and delivers one of the most memorable performances of 2021. Onto the bad: The script is lacking in various areas and feels like it is missing quite a few scenes crucial to characters developed. Cate Blanchett characters is very undeveloped making the drama at the end quite underwhelming. Also the movie feels too cut short at the end which made some of the plot development again lack in effect and not make too much sense. As for the very last scene I wish we could have seen what was told to us at the end in more details which would have made it more dramatic.

The Batman

Good but long
It's really hard not to compare this to the dark Knight. They are both dark and very serious takes on the caped crusader. However the fast pace coupled with iconic scenes of the Dark Knight made that dark take work. The Batman however felt like an overly stretched two part episode of Batman the Animated Series. The pace is very slow and there are no iconic scenes in my opinion. It is very reminiscent of Seven and Zodiac in themes and plot but are comparably lacklustre in execution. That being said everything else is good and if you are a fan of Batman it is still worth checking out but I'd wait for it to pop up on streaming so you can watch it in parts and not get bored.

Note: It is not worth staying past the credits.

Bel-Air: Dreams and Nightmares
Episode 1, Season 1

Not bad at all!
There's nothing groundbreaking here yet but it's kind of cool to revisit these characters in a different light. The actors are pretty good and so far I see some potential for a solid series.

Station Eleven: Goodbye My Damaged Home
Episode 7, Season 1

Interesting but boring at the same time
I can follow the show but I still do not get the point of the show. It seems very meandering in plot and tone yet parts of it are really interestiNg and I still find myself wanting to finish the remaining 3 episodes.

Station Eleven

Calling it quits after episode 4 maybe.
Great pilot and potential but the show keeps flashing forwards and backwards which dampens the flow in my opinion. There are a lot of Shakespeare references which can be quite confusing for those who haven't touch Shakespeare since high school. It does also feel boring and drawn out which makes me wanna quit but at the same time I do feel I might miss out if I quit it. Will revise the review if I complete it.


Quite conflicted on the rating
While all the criticism of this film is valid, I couldn't help but enjoy the film. I was entertained throughout. It's probably the nostalgia and I am big fan of the film.

Cobra Kai: Minefields
Episode 7, Season 4

Loving the new season so far!
I know the opinions are mixed on this point but this season for me is a much welcome improvement upon the last season and ìs much closer in spirit to the first season and the movie trilogy.

Don't Look Up

Best Netflix Original Film I have seen so far.
A really good mirror on our society today. The ending felt a bit too protracted and it was by no means a perfect 10 but definitely was a fun and thought provoking.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Don't get the hype
A movie with a plot more suitable for a Sunday cartoon special. I am failing to understand the love for this movie. It's not a bad movie but not too great either.

West Side Story

Movie of the year, maybe?
Not much to say. I went in with high expectations and left with them being surpassed. The cast, the directing, the cinematography, and the character development are all outstanding.

Haven't seen Spider-Man nor The Matrix yet, but along with Dune this is one of the crème du la crème of movies this year.

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