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San ti

Incredibly slow
This could be better than the netflix version, as it is a more faithful adaptation, but that's not always the most important thing and this show suffers with some pretty bad pacing issues because they are using dialogue directly from the book in some scenes and it seems as if they aren't leaving out a single page aside from chronologically shuffling a few things about. Not necessarily out of order overall, but out of order of how they are presented in the books.

There's a ton of exposition in the books that could actually be shortened in the show because you are actually able to show more of the things that the book had to tell you. They don't go this route. They show AND tell everything. It makes for some unnecessarily long scenes. This shouldn't have been more than 15 or 16 episodes max. I have a hard time believing that I would have liked this if I had not already read the novel.

The Blacklist: The Stewmaker (No. 161)
Episode 4, Season 1

How did the stewmakers body dissolve completely in the 30 seconds that elapsed between the time he is pushed in the chemicals and when the cops bust in? They said they couldn't find any trace of him and thought he got away right? Is this a thing? I don't think it is, but I guess it could be that there's some chemical mix that will dissolve bodies in 30 seconds.

And why is this lady so upset that a mass murdering psychopath gets killed and saves tons of taxpayer money and family anguish? She seriously acts like Red is worse than the serial killer and actually tells him he's no better. The guy that just saved your life and murdered a mass murderer is no better than him? What is this nonsense? Was that just the residual drugs talking?

Selena & Yolanda: The Secrets Between Them

2 stars because they spelled everyone's name right
That's it really... they got the spelling right for everybody's name. Not sure why they made an entire documentary just to give Yolanda a chance to lie some more and show some crocodile tears. She murdered Selena, there aren't any doubts about that. I'm not sure why we need a whole documentary trying to empathize with a murderer and a narcissist.

What's the point of including her nieces and nephews? They don't know anything more about the trial or circumstances than anybody else. I guess that's the only potentially sympathetic people they could find? And that's the narrative they are trying to push for some reason. All in all, it's an unnecessary film that feels like a whole bunch of wasted time that I'll never get back.

The Witcher

They have absolutely butchered this show. The source material might as well not exist at all and they could have just called the show something else, because it is most definitely not the witcher. Even if you have never read the books or played the games, this show is still bad. It has nonsense character arcs and decision making. It's so disappointing that a show with such a huge budget was put into such incompetent hands.

Each season gets progressively worse. I fully expect season 4 to be GoT final season bad or even worse. Such a shame that they took what could have been an amazing show and absolutely ruined it like they have. They have turned the witchers themselves into pathetic useless morons who can't do anything right. Geralt is the only half-competent witcher. All of the others are just fancy set pieces and serve no real purpose other than cannon fodder. It's no wonder that Henry Cavill is leaving the show. I wouldn't want to be associated with this garbage either. I'm ashamed just to admit I've watched it.

Perfect: Android Rising

Oh my
Where to even start with this one? First, why did I even decide to watch this? Well, I'll tell you why... I don't know. I guess I saw it and thought it might be one of those "so bad it's good" movies and that I might get some good laughs out of it. Nah. Didn't happen. It's just one of those "so bad it's really bad" movies. And what's up with the super close-up shots of everything and everyone in every scene? All I can think is that either the cameraman had abnormally long arms or the close shots enabled them to not need to worry about the sets pieces and environments as much. Either way it makes the film feel really claustrophobic.

A couple of the actors were actually decent in a B-Movie, I'm-about-to-be-murdered-for-sport kind of way. For some reason I watched this whole thing. It was like a bad wreck I couldn't look away from. In that sense maybe it was a little entertaining. In a much realer sense though, it was painful imagining what these poor actors had to endure in making this "movie". This movie also appears to have like 5 different names or something. Not sure what that's about. Anyways, don't watch it.

99 Homes

Deadbeat saints?
Every single person shown being evicted in this movie is portrayed as some honest, down-on-his-luck patriot. Not one single person is shown to be as many of them actually are in real life - people who have had months of notice to pay or move out and then act surprised when they get evicted. There is 1 home where the tenant trashes it before they left, but it's only briefly shown. Everyone else is apparently very hardworking, yet illiterate people who couldn't read the notices that you get for MONTHS before you are actually evicted.

In reality, the majority of people who can't pay their mortgage are deadbeats who spend their money on frivolous things. I've gone to homes to serve eviction notices where people haven't paid their rent for months and there will be a brand new $90k truck in the driveway or $10k worth of unnecessary electronics in the house.

I'm not even sure what the moral of this story is supposed to be. That people should be allowed to live in houses for free? Don't be ridiculous. I could probably go for days about everything wrong with the ending. Are we supposed to feel sympathy for the person who gets a gun and gets into a standoff with the police all while his wife and child are in the home? I'm supposed to agree with child endangerment and violence?

The mother seemed absolutely useless as well and as far as I could tell, she had no job and did not contribute anything other than disapproving looks and haughty I'm-better-than-you speeches. He buys a million dollar home for them to live in and she scoffs at it and runs off with his son to live with her brother instead. Ridiculous. He also could have gotten his son back in a day because he is the legal guardian, not her. The ending is extremely contrived and really, so is the rest of the movie. It gets 5 because it's well-acted and produced, but the script was trash.

Winter Passing

Bad movie about an even worse person
Who seriously thought it was a good idea to have the main character drown a kitten in the first 20 minutes of the movie?? The character went from semi-sympathetic to completely unrelatable and hateable. Any interest I might have had in seeing what happened to this character immediately vanished and was replaced by a desire to see her life ruined throughout the course of the movie. I somehow managed to sit through the rest of the movie, but was ultimately disappointed by her continued existence at the end of the film. And Zooey Deschanel turns in another Zooey Deschanel performance that you've probably seen a hundred times at this point. Just don't bother watching this one.


Solid 6
The acting is that great. There are tons of plot holes. Some of the CGI is god awful. And yet, it's still enjoyable for the most part. I knew going into it that it was going to be very goofy, but it had some decent action scenes and some comedic moments.

It's also paced pretty well which helps. There isn't that much downtime between each new mission that they go on.

You definitely can't overanalyze this one. If you do, you will not have a good time lol, there are lots of inconsistencies and inaccurate portrayals of things. Arnold still can't act, but that's to be expected. If you want something that's easy to watch and doesn't require your full attention, then this is a pretty safe bet.

John Wick: Chapter 4

Beyond absurd
I fear for the intelligence level of anyone who is rating this a 9 or 10. I mean seriously, you all should really get your heads checked. You'd have to be braindead to ignore all the ridiculous building-sized plot holes present in this film.

Even the action scenes are ruined by over-the-top nonsense. They're rendered meaningless and ineffectual just by how long they go on and how high the body count is. Less would have been more for this movie.

The scene where he gets kicked down the stairs and just keeps flinging himself down all of them even though he could easily stop himself might just be one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a movie.

The scenes with the "blind" guy who fights like he can obviously see is probably THE stupidest thing I've ever seen. It's really kind of a shame what this franchise devolved into. It's even less believable than superhero movies at this point. Even more of a shame is that the general public seems to be so mindless that this kind of drivel actually finds success. I'd be embarrassed to tell anyone that I actually enjoyed this.

Snowfall: Sacrifice
Episode 9, Season 6

Gotta agree
With most of these other low reviews. The decisions made by all the characters made zero sense. Cissy could have waited 5 more minutes for Teddy to make the transfer and then shot him. Everyone would have gotten what they wanted.

So sick and tired of these shows just absolutely butchering character arcs and intelligence for the sake of some stupid shock factor or twist. I've spent 6 seasons watching this show get progressively worse so I don't know what I expected. I guess that's my fault for thinking they could come up with something halfway competent. At this point I don't really even care what happens in the last episode because the writers have shown that they have no idea what they're doing.

Time Trap

Holds your attention
Starts off a bit slow, but picks up after that and remains interesting. Some of the acting is off and the special effects aren't that amazing, but the story and concept are both cool. I also thought it ended really well.

On a separate note, this 600 required characters to post an IMDB review may be one of the single dumbest decisions any website has ever made. Quantity does not equal quality. You end up with a bunch of padded nonsense like I am doing right now. Not every movie requires some huge in-depth review. For the most part, reviews should be quick and easy to read anyways. Seriously...I hope you guys fire whoever came up with this idea, because it's garbage.

On a Wing and a Prayer

Sometimes less can be more. They went way too over the top with this movie. They didn't need all the extra stuff, it was dramatic enough to begin with. They didn't need kids explaining everything. They didn't need to create any additional stressful situations on the plane itself when it was already stressful enough anyways. They could have simply told the story exactly as it happened and the movie would have been better for it. Sometimes I can understand movies really hyping things up, but this was never going to be an action movie and they tried to turn it into one, which didn't work out well, in my opinion.

If you want to actually watch this as it happened, there's a Youtube video about it on the channel FS Mania titled "PILOT DIES, Passenger Lands King Air". It recreates the entire incident in Microsoft Flight Simulator while using the actual transmissions from the incident. It's about 10x better than this movie is, while also only taking up about 40 minutes. Just watch that instead. Save yourself some time and watch a better video while you're doing it.

The Night Agent

It's entertaining enough, I suppose, but only if you don't think about it too much or don't pay too close attention to it while watching. Anyone giving this anything above a 7 is out of their minds. Or they don't have minds. You'd have to be borderline braindead to think this is a 10/10.

The worst things about the show are the acting and dialogue. Some of the dialogue is so bad that it physically makes me cringe. And when you have dialogue that is that awful, you can't expect the rest of the script/plot to be any better... and it isn't. Just so many plot holes and nonsensical situations, that I don't have enough time or energy to spend writing them all out. If you've watched the first episode or two and are hoping it will get better, then you might as well go ahead and give it up.


Not perfect
Why do so many people rate things 10/10? I mean seriously.. you think this show is perfect? It's the best show you've ever seen? It's on par with The Wire and Band of Brothers? No... just stop it. So many shows are overrated in this manner and I really can't understand it. This show is average and the reviews should reflect that. Instead, we end up with a bunch of infatuated nonsense that makes it impossible to determine what shows are/aren't actually good.

Just stop and think for a minute about these reviews. 10/10 means it is as good as it can get. It's the pinnacle of TV storytelling. That's what this show is to people? Is it the only show these people have seen? There's nothing new here other than some of the actors. It's not filmed in any particularly dramatic or beautiful way. The script isn't award winning. It's just an average/slightly above average show to kill a week or so watching. That's it.

I realize reviews are also subjective, but you can also objectively review something based on script, acting, and just overall presentation. And objectively, this show is far from perfect. Most of the time when I see a 10/10 review, I immediately discount the review as overhyped drivel, thus making the review completely worthless. I'd like my reviews a little more grounded in reality.

This show is OK. I don't regret watching it. It won't blow you away or anything, but it is entertaining. The ending fell a little flat for me, but endings are hard to stick. I do feel like this might have worked better as a movie though. As a TV show it definitely felt a little long and drawn out.


Amazing comedy
This might be one of the funniest shows I've seen in years. I don't think it's supposed to be funny, but it's all so ridiculous that I can't say for certain whether the comedy is intentional or not. I think some of these blind people have 20/15 vision. I wear glasses and a lot of these blind people seem like they'd have better vision than me. I think I'd actually be at a disadvantage if I was the only sighted person in this blind man's world. They seem to have developed some daredevil-esque superpowers. Anyways, this show really knocks it out of the park if it is indeed supposed to be a comedy...

The Strain

And I don't mean the show. The show is pretty bad. I mean the reviews. Anyone rating this a 9 or 10 should get their head checked. You would seriously have to have zero critical thinking skills or be completely lacking a brain to think this makes for good writing. There are plot holes and inconsistencies big enough to fly a 747 through.

The first few episodes are actually really good, but it does not take long for the poor writing to rear its ugly face.

The cast of characters make decisions that I don't think even a five year old would realistically make. Toddlers would handle this outbreak better than the main characters on this show. There are so many things wrong with the script that I really don't even have the time or desire to list them all out here.

This show is a pretty good example of why there is so much drivel on TV these days. Just mediocre to very bad TV shows that somehow manage to find an audience that think they're brilliant. Lazy writing all around, unbelievable characters, poor dialogue. Take your pick. This show has them all.

The Mule

Written by an actual mule
This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Nothing about it makes sense to anyone with even a small degree of intelligence. I seriously question the mental faculties of anyone who watches this and sees no problems with it. There are plot holes and inconsistencies big enough to fly a jumbo jet through. It was a poorly written movie with poorly acted performances to go along with it.

Hopefully Clint doesn't make anything else, because the world is bad enough already without having trash like this added to it. The acting by his dying ex-wife in particular was especially bad. I'm talking B level horror movies from the 80s bad. How this made it into production is a mystery I don't think anyone will ever be able to unravel.

28 Days Haunted

This show is absolutely hilarious
Of course the ghost hunting is BS. Anyone watching this intending to see a rational or real look at ghosts and hauntings is (obviously) going to be disappointed. They're not real. You'd be disappointed no matter what you watched. This show is, however, very comical. To the point where I'm genuinely not sure whether they intended it to be this way or not. Either way the end result is the same for me - I think it's funny.

Is this show good? No, it's not. It's very very bad, but it has ventured into the "so bad it's good" territory for me. Part of me feels bad giving this anything other than a 1, but it's entertaining and I guess that's what matters.

City on a Hill

Poor man's The Wire
This show was a lot better before it started making every single black person out to be an innocent victim of their circumstances. Black kid deals drugs and murders mutlitple people? Oh, it wasn't their fault, because they had such a tough life being black.

This is how every scene goes. Every single thing that happens to a black person on this show happens because of racism. Every time. According to this show, it is never a black persons fault when they commit a crime. It's absurd.

If you want to watch a show like this that is actually good then do yourself a favor and just watch The Wire instead.

The Sandman

What the hell is going on
No, seriously, what is happening in this show? I can't see a damn thing. This show might be good. I'm not sure if it is or not though, because, once again, I can't see a damn thing.

Why is this show so dark? Have to watch this in a cave just to tell what's going on. And somehow, even when it transitions from candles to light bulbs, it still manages to be dark. I think all the characters must actually be blind and therefore do not need much light to see. I however, require illumination to be able to tell what is going on.

The Old Man: VII
Episode 7, Season 1

Went out with a whimper
This show got progressively worse the longer the season went on. I was hoping they could pull it together for the finale, but I guess I expected too much. They really have wasted a talented cast on this sub-par script. And the "twist" at the end was so predictable I bet most people guessed it was coming after the 2nd or 3rd episode.

This show was like a great big firework you buy and you're all excited when you open it and everything looks good and the pictures on the box look nice and the firework itself is impressive, but when you light it all it does is fly about 40 feet into the air and go off like a bottle rocket.

Resident Evil

The horror
Giving this 4 stars because the production value is actually pretty decent and the cgi isn't bad. Those are the only positives though... the main characters are insufferable. The dialogue and acting is corny as hell. It's not even one of those "so bad it's good" type of shows either.

I kinda wish the production value had been garbage and the cgi looked like it was from the 80s. At least then it would be funny. I can't believe this is what Netflix spends their money on while they cancel other shows that are actually good...

Halo: Inheritance
Episode 7, Season 1

Just listen to all the other reviews. Skip this episode. It probably ranks in the top 10 worst episodes I've seen in any TV show ever. You won't miss anything important. You're welcome.

Ozark: A Hard Way to Go
Episode 14, Season 4

Braindead. That sums up the whole season really. You'd have to be braindead to write a script this bad. You'd have to be braindead to think this is what constitutes good writing. You'd have to be braindead to give this a 10/10 rating.

Maybe it's because I'm watching this and the final season of Better Call Saul at the same time, but I just can't get past how poorly written all of this is. How many things just ultimately make absolutely no sense. It's aggravating investing 4 seasons of time into a show just to have it fall so short in the end.

And it's not like you couldn't see this coming either. This entire last season, especially part 2, has been baffling if you just spend more than 5 seconds thinking about it all.

Ozark: Mud
Episode 13, Season 4

The decline continues
No idea how people can watch this season and think it's good writing. It's been incredibly sloppy and rushed. So many of the characters motivations make no sense anymore and the way the story has been unfolding is illogical.

This cartel comes off as incredibly inept and understaffed as well. They appear to have all of 1 person working for them in the states. Everyone seems to blame Marty for everything for some reason even though he's the only competent one left and everyone only has themselves to blame for the situations they end up in.

I can already tell the last episode is going to be incredibly unsatisfying. There have just been way too many plot contrivances and nonsensical decisions for me to have any faith left that they will manage to have a decent finale.

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