
IMDb member since August 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years



Contagion is not Contagious ( Jennifer S.)
The film, "Contagion" by John Murkowski is a hilarious, stereotypical low budget product. The quality of acting was laughable to say the least. The actresses and actors' invariable use of cliché lines from past films made the plot turn sour real fast. The flow of the movie was quite choppy and irregular. It wasn't difficult to follow the movie per se, but there were numerous times in which the average viewer questioned the legitimacy and purpose of certain scenes. The movie itself had the potential to become an endearing film such as "Out Break"; however the film fell real short of making the impression the subject matter should have had on its viewers. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that you should be taking off your bio gear before leaving the quarantine room with contagious pathogens running a-muck. Similarly, it was also hard to believe that the supposed antagonist of the movie could be disposed of by a flying bungee tunnel off the roof. As creative as the ending was, it made the movie even more unbelievable and made a serious subject a very comedic one.

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