
IMDb member since June 2020
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    3 years, 11 months



What is the point of creating this movie?
After you watch Oppenheimer and leave the movie theater, you ask yourself: "What was the point of it?" Unfortunately the answer is not clear at all. I strongly beleive that a movie about the scientist who played a key role in the creation of the atomic bomb should unquestionably emphasize on the consequences of this invention and send strong peaceful messages to the audience! Especially in the world we live in today! However, it looks like in the new movie Oppenheimer they almost ignore the tragic facts that hundreds of thousands of innocent people died from the first 2 bombs and that the whole world changed after Oppenheim's invention, which was obviously the biggest drama in this one human being's life. They emphasize and build the story in the movie around the fact that Oppenheimer was later accused of being a spy of the Soviets (who were allies to the Americans in WW2...).

I feel sad that this will be an award winning movie and that most people in the audience will say (or feel they have to say) "A! Oh!! Great movie!", because the director, writers, cast are famous and the topic is important - all these superlatives about a somewhat boring movie, decorated with some nudity (not clear either why this was needed and related to the topic) and overall pointless movie... Or, at least, much more pointless than it should be!

Kara Para Ask

No doubt - the best Turkish series ever! Plus the best Turkish actor Engin Akyürek and the best couple in Turkish cinema - Engin-Tuba
A pleasure to watch - I can watch it over and over and over again, many many, many times.

One cannot tear oneself away from the screen, regardless of the fact that there are 54 original episodes of 2+ hours each.

The series has it all - an incredibly interesting story, raising serious issues, and themes universally valid everywhere in the world and touching every human been - love, family and family values, true friendship, problems of social class differences, corruption in the police and prosecution, money laundering, greed, mafia, crimes, and a lot more...

All the actors in the series play beautifully, led by the unique Engin Akurek (who received an Emmy nomination and won the grand prize at the Seoul International Drama Festival for his role as Commissioner Omer).

Engin and Tuba side by side like Omer and Elif are a feast for the eyes. A talented, gorgeous on-screen couple!


Very interesting series on an important topic
I just finished watching the first episode of Kacis. I had big expectations, and I have to say - the first episode was even better than I expected. Great story, topic that is important for the whole humanity, quality work, amazing acting (especially Engin Akyurek).

I can't wait for the next episodes!

Sefirin Kizi

Amazing performance by Engin Akyürek
This is the story of one life and two love stories in it. The life of Sancar Efeoglu (Engin Akyürek) and his legendary, but tragic love with the ambassador's daugther Nare (Neslihan Atagul), followed by a real, beautiful and powerful love with Mavi (Tuba Büyüküstün). The love story of Nare and Sancar was surrounded by a lot of tragic events, drama, misunderstanding, stubbornness, and it finished with Nare's departure. However, Sancar learned his lessons and life gave him a second chance - Mavi. All that was missing in Nare-Sancar relationships came naturally with Mavi-Sancar: confidence, trust, understanding,mutual help. This made Mavi, Sancar and Melek (Nare and Sancar's daugther) a very happy familly.

This is another series that is highlighted by the amazing performance of the greatest Turkish actor Engin Akyürek. Another role that is different from his previous roles, and shows that he can play any role amazingly well - during the period of the movie shooting he simply becomes at 100% the personage he is playing. I am always speechless about Engin's talent!

Great performance by other members of the cast - Neslihan Atagul and Tuba Büyüküstün in the leading female roles, and the young and super talented Beren Gencalp who played Melek and did an amazing job too.

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