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Wonder Woman 1984

Why would they do this?
After successfully establishing Wonder Woman as a much grittier version, it's a shame to see that vision completely overlooked.

Opening with some impressive action set pieces (albeit laughably cheesy and subsequently inconsequential) the movie is nothing but plot for over an hour, hammering 80's aesthetic and almost insultingly bad story direction that shoehorns unrequited plots with embarrassing force.

When the movie does eventually pick up, the sheer stupidity of the motives rob the the action of its glory.

Despite being well choreographed, a great look and a stand out soundtrack by Hans Zimmer, the only other positive I got from this was the main villain who was surprisingly well written and performed.

Sadly, this is not the movie we hoped for. Absolute 70's cheese packaged in a fashionable 80s wrapping with only little fun to be had.


Misndry!...Misandry Everywhere! OH THE IRONY!
First of all...I love the original Ghostbusters and was part of the 2016 'trailer haters' club but after viewing, I didn't hate the movie as much as I thought I would.

Good Things!...When the actual 'Ghostbusting' happens, it's great fun. Well choreographed, well executed and has great physics and visuals. I would actually say that the last act makes the film. I would also say that GB2016 has a reasonably good story line, nothing amazing but suits the movie very well.

Bad Things!...The major issue with the movie is the 'humor' and I use quote marks because it just isn't funny. There were one or two moments where I genuinely laughed but the vast majority of the dialogue is so cringe-worthy that I considered ending the movie during the first act.

I can't emphasize how truly awful the 'comedy' is. The movie should have been charmingly funny but sadly, it relies on lewdness and misandry. It's an unsophisticated movie aimed at a puerile audience, so if jokes about queefing, poop and farting aren't your thing...you may want to avoid this movie.

The Cast...Though some of the cast are genuinely funny people, Melissa McCarthy is the cinematic equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. Every moment of her screen time is predictable, desperate and annoying. Kristen Wiig is the best character in this movie, delivering the only few laughs to be found. Though many of her gags are too drawn out and unfunny. Kate McKinnon is dull and forgettable but does bring a little cheeky glamor. Leslie Jones plays a black woman as written by a white guy...ya...moving on.

What Misogyny?...We're all aware of the name-calling regarding the trailer reactions but the irony is, GB2016 is rife with misandry. EVERY SINGLE MALE CHARACTER IN THIS MOVIE IS EITHER AN IDIOT, A VILLAIN OR AN OBSTRUCTION. Let me put it this way...if every female character in GB2016 was a white person and every male character was a black person : this movie would have seen in a VERY different light.

Spoiler! to defeat the 'big bad' at the end of the movie, the writers decided to 'up' the misandry by shooting 'big bad' in his d*ck (massive face palm)

All in All...This is a bad movie but there are parts which can be enjoyed. When the girls are 'bustin,' it's difficult to not be entertained. I heard that the filmmakers were trying to promote strong female roles and to an extent, it works...the girls really kick ass at times. The big problem is that the derogation of men is so abundant and obvious, that it alienates half of it's demographic. It would have worked far better to treat each gender as equals...sure, have dumb characters and villainous characters but the genders should have bee mixed. Ironically this makes the filmmakers intentions completely counter-productive.

GB2016 IS an important movie...it has single handedly exposed the death of sophisticated comedy in mainstream media to the masses. There is fun to be had here but it comes at a heavy price.

The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence)

A feel-good romp if ever I saw one
Human Centipede (First Sequence) - Dark, Twisted, Kinda Stylish. Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)- Abhorrent, Vile, Without Moral. Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) - Fecking hilarious (if you're twisted)

From the messed up mind of Tom Six comes the final chapter in his Bodyshock trilogy, The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) and it goes out on a bittersweet high note.

HCIII (Human Centipede III) has taken a left turn to its canonical prequels, this time being much more comedic in overall tone. Set in an American prison, and (bizarrely) starring Dieter Laser (the antagonist from HC First Sequence) and Laurence R. Harvey (the antagonist from HC Full Sequence.) I say 'Bizarrely' as the actors are playing two completely unrelated characters. Also to note, like in the preceding movie, The previous HC films (including the DVD cases) are used as plot devices and referred to as acts of fiction.

BASIC PLOT Warden Bill Boss (Laser) is a man just over the edge of sanity who is unable to rehabilitate his prisoners. Shadowed by Boss is Dwight Butler (Harvey) who's job is to reduce the costs of government spending. Under pressure by Governor Hughes (Played surprisingly by Eric Roberts) Boss is ordered to get the prison up-to standard or else face being fired. Boss, a severely unhinged man from the start, becomes more and more frustrated and completely loses grasp of reality. Boss' frustration leads him to begin maiming inmates in hope of rehabilitating them, these acts include :- melting an inmates face with boiling water. Castrating and eating an Inmates testicles. Snapping the masturbating arm of Tommy 'Tiny' Lister (Twice) all to no avail. Becoming concerned that Boss is creating too much medical expenditure, Butler suggests an alternative method of Rehab......One he saw in a certain movie.

From this point on, I think you can guess whats going to happen but, surprisingly, in its own twisted way, it kinda makes sense. Inmates are unable to runaway, unable to talk back, it will save the state a great sum of money in food and also (not mentioned) save money on plumbing and waste disposal....think about it.

CAST It's great watching Lasers' psychotic overacting although his sustained yelling gets rather grating after a while. Harvey should have just kept mute...seriously...the fake (Texan?) accent he dons is beyond awful. Casting Bree Olsen, yes the Porn Star, as your female lead should also give you idea of how badly acted HCIII is. You can tell Tommy 'Tiny' Lister is having so much fun on set and Eric Roberts is just Eric Roberts in everything he does. Tom Six makes a cameo as a consultant for the creation of a real Human Centipede (nice 4th wall touch) The rest of the cast just serve as unused gore fodder.

BAD POINTS HCIII takes SO LONG to get going, there is surprisingly a small amount of gore in this movie, as most of it is suggested e.g. Bill Boss has a jar of dried clitoris' he likes to munch on. Its also very loud, you just wish Boss would shut the f$ck up sometimes. A large portion of the acting is just dreadful. Not necessarily a bad point, but its confusing to see actors who have appeared in previous HC movies return as unrelated characters, e.g. Dr. Sebring from HCII. The last bad point is that the cover art for the film gives away just how big this centipede is going to be.

GOOD POINTS Hidden in there somewhere, there IS actually a narrative. There gore effects are well done and never seem too unreal. Despite his constant yelling, Dieter Laser is so much fun to watch. It acknowledges genuine problems with creating a Human Centipede and introduces the Human Caterpillar.

OVERALL This is still a pretty bad movie. Tom Six announced this was going to be the 'Sickest' of all his movies.....I think that title goes to HCII Full Sequence. I like that all three movies have their own individual style, the first having a clean stylish look. The second having a cold black and white look and HCIII having a bleached heat look. I think it would have been great to this movie have a low-budget Grindhouse look.

If your a gore-whore and like schlock horror, check it out. Six has put some great black comedy in this film unlike HCII (which you gain nothing from watching)

FOOTNOTE If he makes a Human Caterpillar movie...I'll check that one out too.

[Rec]³: Génesis

Not too bad :/
It seems as though the creators of Rec3 have buckled to convention in favouring a traditionally shot movie as opposed to using a 1st person perspective. This immediately loses the "potential reality" cannoned by the first two films and, as a result, Rec3 comes off as looking like any other "zombie" movie. It is worth mentioning that the transition from 1st person to 3rd is done respectively.

Does this make it a bad movie?....No

There have been some really bad choices made in Rec3, the attempted humour is not a welcome addition, it was unthoughtout and was responded to with a disappointed sigh (and this was one more than one occasion.) Another bug bear was the original soundtrack........it was awesome! and it annoys me that I enjoyed it because it just reminded me that it didn't feel like a sequel.

There is a stupid amount of gore effects which would seem more appropriate in a Mortal Kombat game...not a bad thing, but for a Rec film?... In the previous films, gore was used to scare...not to be laughed at.

Overall, I DID enjoy this film, but for all the wrong reasons. I think it would have worked better as a "stand alone" film and not as a part of the Rec franchise.

Hostel: Part III

Better than the 2nd
I just finished watching this film and i gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised. This felt like a much better structured film than the previous instalments. It follows a similar format, this time set in Las Vegas.

It follows the story of 4 guys on a bachelor party / Stag weekend. They meet two beautiful girls who lead them to a "freaky club" in the backstreet's of Vegas. then a typical "Hostel" story ensues.

The Characters are quite good. They are a very stereotypical for each social group they represent, but this makes their individual experience in the hostel seem bittersweet.

The gore in this film is satisfying (for a gore lover.) Director Scott Spiegel has not been afraid of showing too much. What is there is short lived but worth while. The detail in the makeup effects must also be mentioned, they really are impressive.

Overall Hostel 3 has much more of a fun feel then the previous films, and the direction was surprisingly clever, in some cases.

I enjoyed this little flick. It had decent story, characters, gore and a satisfying ending. Its not going to win any awards, but its worth checking out.

The Thing

There is a big divide between the fans of the 82 version of "The Thing." There are those which are for this version, and those who are against it.

The Thing 2011 (despite its confusing title) is a prequel and is both faithful and respectful of the 82 remake. It tells the story of the Norwegian base camp, as discovered at the beginning of The Thing 82. It does not try to revamp, or steal any of the origin movies mythology.

The only thing to point out is the sad loss of puppetry. This new edition is a bit of a special effects fest, at times it felt like watching a Resident Evil movie (Except a really good one.) The pace is good, the acting is good, the story is good, the special effects are awesome (though i would have preferred make-up and puppets) its an allrounder.

The director knew he could not make a better film than the 82 version, but what he has produced is a good horror film that respects and adds to the mythology of John Carpenters "The Thing." Which is what a good sequel/prequel is supposed to do.

The Howling: Reborn

Not as bad as expected
A surprisingly good watch. being a lover of the original first Howling movie, I knew i was gonna pick this sequel apart. As i got into the film, i realised that this was actually a decent "Stand alone" movie.

Being a believer that the "MTV Generation" horror genre is far too cliché these days. This film worked quite well. It is the basic tale of a "Coming of age" teen, who realises he is different. Through the course of the film we see how he adapts to his new found strengths, all the while, dealing with his impeding graduation and trying to win the girl of his dreams.

The Story progresses at a decent pace, feeding you enough plot points and mythology along the way. One cliché that did really stand out was, the abundance of only beautiful people that attend the school, not that i'm complaining, but its a little shallow. Every person in this film is eye-candy, which does make for a pleasantly aesthetic watch.

A down-point for me was that I am a big lover of the classic werewolf transformation scene. I felt a little cheated by this movie in that there were several opportunities for this key moment. Every time you think you're in for the big change, what you get is very small.

The special effects are not great. At several moments of the film you can spot that "photoshop" look, it does not really effect the film too badly, but it does look a little cheap at times.

So lets sum this up.

Sexy teenagers, under parr effects, sexy parents, decent story and pace plus a kick ass soundtrack. Its one of those "watch with your girlfriend" movies. Scary werewolves for him to enjoy, romance for her to enjoy and loads of sexy people for you both to enjoy!

Quarantine 2: Terminal

Seriously WTF!!!
I need to start by talking about the Spanish horror flicks, "REC" and "REC2." these two movies are so tightly woven together, in both style and direction, that both could be classed as one movie. "Quarantine," (the re-make of "REC") I found, was a faithful adaption of this fantastic franchise. Complete with semi-cliffhanger ending, I was eager for the sequel.

"REC2 :- Fear Revisited" is possibly one of the greatest sequels ever made. It does not steal anything from the first movie and expands the storyline and mythology beautifully.

The movie "Quarantine 2," single handedly, violates everything that was special and unique about the original films.....even the first "Quarantine" movie.

The first and most unforgivable mistake, is the directors choice to do away with the first person "Shaky-Cam" direction style. I understand that this style of film is not a favourite among movie goers, but "Shaky-Cam" and its sense of reality, was the main charm of "REC." its this style what made it stand out from other horror movies and pulled you into the story. "Quarantine 2" opted for the traditional "Stage Perspective" view, which makes about as much sense as casting Mr Bean to play Citizen Kane.

Mistake number 2 - The "zombies" are far too orchestrated. In the prequels, the zombies/monsters were mindless, manically savage and unconsolable, This new take on the film seems to have given them somewhat of a consciouness. . . . they pause before their attacks and almost seem to analyse before striking, it brings nothing to the film and again, steers the film in the wrong direction.

Mistake number 3 - the acting. Before I rip the performances apart, I have to say, some of the acting was reasonably good. My quarm is again, with the zombies/monsters. I may just be nit picking here, but there is a scene where they climb a stair well and, I asked myself, "Would an unstoppable, savage, flesh eating monster really need to use the handrails?"

Mistake number 4 - Instead of following the story of "REC2" which is set immediately after the first movie and continues from the same point. This story line has tried to be independent from its original material and fails epically! The basic premise is that the virus has broken free on a plane which is forced to land in a quarantined terminal. The new story changes the mythology to the virus being a biological weapon. This is completely the opposite direction of story line that was created by "REC2." This plot adds nothing to the mythology, in fact it tarnishes it. Fortunately, "REC's" future should be safe from the stain that has been made by "Quarantinte 2"

Do I have anything good to say? There are good points to this movie. The makeup effects are really quite good. . . . erm . . . .thats about it.

My Final Words If you are a fan of "REC" and "Quarantine" avoid this movie at all costs!

Jackass 3.5

Better than Jackass 3D? Maybe
Just finished watching the movie and i was pretty darn impressed.

After the under par Jackass 2.5, I was a bit apprehensive about watching another movie made from failed and unused footage. It seemed more appropriate to be a bonus DVD extra when buying the movie.

But not in this case, 3.5 was hilarious, it has the guys doing what they do best. I was most surprised to see some of the stunts were funnier in this, than any of the stunts that made the final cut of Jackass 3D.

It has a fantastic moment where they "Jeff Dunham," Johhny Knoxville. it has to be seen, and makes for a epic closure to the film.

Nothing more can really be said, you know what to expect from a Jackass Movie, so grab a beer, sit back and get ready to laugh your knickers off!

Cannibal Holocaust

Must see for true horror fans
Lets get this bit out of the way first.

As I'm sure you are already aware, this is possibly the most notoriously banned movie ever made. It features animal killings in extremely graphic detail and, rightly so, was banned. As a reviewer, i do not condone the use of such acts in film making, but whats this brings to the film is quite astonishing in effect.

On with the Review

The violent nature of this film is well documented, and its my belief that overshadows the incredible direction of the film.

It is a film of 2 halves. The first, is the story of a professors search for a group of film makers who were documenting cannibalistic tribes. The search leads the Professor to the jungle, where he meets with a team of trackers who agree to take him to the tribal village where the documentarians were last seen.

This journey sets the tone beautifully, its a well executed insight to the tribes way of life, a brutal, savage and alien world. The direction is wonderful, Deodato, as brutal as his methods were, captures the essence superbly, as beautiful as it is horrific.

Upon reaching the tribal village, the professor discovers the remains of the young film makers and manages to acquire the film canisters containing the footage that the documentarians had shot.

The 2nd half of the film is the reviewing of the footage found by the professor, what ensues is a truly horrific masterpiece of cinema.

The footage shows the story of Alan Yates and his team. as they trek their way, unmercilessly, through the jungle to capture the footage they want at whatever cost.

As they quite unsympathetically brutalise the tribes people to film their reactions, they become almost drunk with power, as they rape, pillage and destroy their way through the tribes village.

Deodato builds these characters so well that you develop a hatred for them, which in turn, makes you cheer on the cannibal tribes to dispose of them. Despite its grotesque nature, the climax is incredibly satisfying.

Credit to the director Like i said at the start of this review, i do not condone the killing of animals for the sake of entertainment. But this is an incredibly well directed picture, the pace of the film keeps you watching till the end. The music is astonishing. In the scene where the film makers are burning the village, the main theme plays, which is a soothing piece of music, quite an irony to nature of the film. It adds so much to the main characters, it makes them seem innocent yet they are the ones who are savage.

Overall This movie excels all expectations, and Deodato made sure of that. Its a gripping story that is well executed. Inspite of its obvious disrepute, this is a fantastic horror flick, it shocks, scares and disgusts to an extreme level. If you are a lover of horror, then this is a must watch.

Mortal Kombat

Definitely worth a look
I don't understand why people are so easy to criticise this film, at the time of writing this review, only 2 episodes have been aired. It is petty and immoral to slate a film that they have not fully seen. E.G "I didn't like the first ten minutes of the film, therefore, the rest of the film is crap." So hear is some advice for those who want to slate this series, YOU MUST VIEW SOMETHING FIRST BEFORE YOU CAN REVIEW IT! Rant over.

Since the Rebirth trailer in 2010, a division has been made between the fans of Mortal Kombat; those who are for the remake and those who are against. Now the series has begun, this still seems to be the case. Fans of the "Rebirth" trailer, i believe, will enjoy this thoroughly, and those that did not, have already convinced themselves that the series is a failure, straying too far away from the source material.

There are many fans who refer to this reinvention as the "End of Mortal Kombat," Curiously, the same thing was said about Batman in 1989 AND Batman Begins in 2005. It deserves a chance. Fans have to ask themselves if they would want something fresh or, another Mortal Kombat Annihilation? Even if you enjoyed the Rebirth trailer or not, its worth a watch, if you still don't like it, don't be a bitch about it, just go play Mortal Kombat 9!

Season of the Witch

Give me back my 95 minutes!
Promotion Lets begin with the promotional poster, a Pic of Nicolas Cage with a sword that has a reflection of a girl on its blade. No reference at all to the direction of the film, other than its has Nicolas Cage with a sword and a girl. Its as though Atlas Entertainment thought "Stick a picture of Nicolas Cage on the cover and that should sell it" FAIL!!!!.

Plot The basic tale of the film, there is a plague that has struck a village, its blamed on the arrival of a young girl who they assume to be a witch,so she must be taken to be blessed and sacrificed in order to lift the curse of the plague from the village. But, of course it is to be a perilous journey to transport the girl to the place where she must be sacrificed. Not the worst plot outline ever written.

Characters Behmen (Cage) and Felson (Ron Perlman) are two warriors for the church who abscond and become rogue to a mission that ended in the slaughter in innocents. Debelzaq, (Stephen Campbell Moore), the innocent alter boy who has a knack for the blade The Girl, (Claire Foy) The girl who is accused of witchcraft.

The Actors. Nicolas Cage is an altogether failure as the lead in this movie, His portrayal of a war hardened, 14th century warrior is non-present. He is simply being Nicolas Cage. Also, why they made him look like Chad Kroeger is unknown. Ron Perlman is the one saving grace of this movie, despite the fact he has the stereotypical "hard ass/comedic" role, He pulls if off rather well and makes for a believable buddy. Stephen Campbell Moore was just a total mistake in this film, his role to the story was predictable and unneeded. Claire Foy delivered surprisingly well, although at times i thought she was trying too much to be Reagan from the Exorcist

All in All This movie fails to deliver in what could of been an enjoyable watch, what we get is a recycled story line, stereotypical characters and substandard effects.


There is only one twist in the film that is delivered around 70 minute mark. The film is called "Season on the Witch" but not one witch is to be seen in the entire film! (and not it the same way there wasn't one in "The Blair Witch Project.) It would have been far better forget everything about witches and stick with a demon theme or, alternatively, change the title of the movie to something more appropriate, like "A waste of 95 minutes of your life"

Throughout watching this movie you will be constantly sighing with disappointment as you have already predicted the next steps of the movie. This makes for a tedious watch that would be better spent picking peanuts out of poo!

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Boil it down, its Harry Potter meets the Matrix
As the title suggests, this movie is effectively a hybrid of Harry Potter and the Matrix (coincidentally features Monica Belucci from the latter) I really want to like this film, but there is something far too familiar about it all. The basic gist of the plot, there is a young boy, bound to be a sorcerer who is the "chosen one" to defeat an evil sorceress and save all mankind. The rest of the film focuses on his training, Heard it all before?

That aside, the movie is a good watch, The special effects are in abundance and have great depth and presence. This, i find, is a flaw with the movie, there is no great build up to a climactic ending. If anything, previous action sequences dwarf the intensity of the final battle.

Another let down was the main character, Dave, who's laid back approach to the story adds no emotion whatsoever, there is also a noticeable lack of drama which makes for a dull ride.

But i don't hate this film, it IS a watchable movie. Had i been a young teen, i would of enjoyed this film much more. As a seasoned movie watcher, It this is worn out plot that has been seen many times before.

Psychoville: Halloween Special
Episode 0, Season 2

Surprisingly good fun
Dark humour has now become the trademark of Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton (plus Mark Gatiss and Jeremy Dyson to a lesser extent), and they deliver this brilliantly.

The horror aspects of Psychoville are definitely inspired, references to "The Ring" "The Eye" "American Werewolf in London" and other high profile horror movies are ever-present. This said, all the stories are original and entertaining. The humour is darkly twisted and witty. These are blended together to create a great Halloween treat.

On the downside, the humour is very dark, which could be viewed as bad taste to some, which makes this a potential hit or miss. The other downside was the lack of explanation from the first series' cliffhanger ending. This Special takes places parallel to the final episode of Psychoville the series, and adds even more mystery to the outcome of the cast. A bit annoying for those who have waited for answers.

This was still a great watch, some great stories, genuine horror and dark humour. I think it would of worked better as a made for TV movie than a 2 part mini series.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Brave attempt, but why re-invent the wheel
BACKGROUND Being a life long "Freddy" fan, hearing of the release of a new line of Nightmare movies, i was overjoyed. The one thing that really stood out would be the loss of Robert Englund, could we, the fans, accept a new Freddy Krueger? Upon hearing Jackie Earle Haley was to don the glove, i was kinda curious. After seeing his performance as Rorchach in Watchmen, he nearly stole the movie. Casting him as Freddy, in my opinion was a good call, even though he had some hard work to do to compare to Englunds' Freddy.

THE CHARACTERS The film wastes no time in getting going, a great introduction scene. It introduces the all the main characters well. Upon Seeing Freddy for the first time (as his face has been covered by a hat or silhouette for most of the promotional run) i was both pleased and disappointed to find the makeup was fantastic and did look authentic, but it wasn't quite the Freddy you were hoping for. Overall the script made Freddy too dark, and cut out his humour. I also found it inappropriate that the film focuses far too much on Freddy being a paedophile, it spoiled the enjoyment factor and all in all gave an uncomfortable feel.

This cannot be blamed on Earle Haley, his job is to follow the script, and his portrayal of this new Freddy was very good. A dark, loathsome character. Being a hardcore Freddy fan, i missed the dropped shoulder and James Cagney swagger that Robert Englund had brought to the character.

The rest of the cast were very typical of this genre, no-one really stood out, even Rooney Mara as Nancy. This was effectively the main role in the film and she could of quite easily blended into the background with the co-stars.

THE MOVIE Overall this is a dark movie, lacking the dark humour we have come to expect from this genre. Its a shame really that they concentrated too much on the story and Freddys' paedohpillic past. As a fan, i wanted big scares, bizarre deaths, dark humour, sexy girls, blood guts and gore. Instead there are mediocre scares and a couple of semi-hot girls.

WARNING : HERE BE SPOILERS It would be wrong of me to slate this movie completely, it did have some nice touches to it. The subplot about "Micro-Naps" had a great effect to flow of the film. I also enjoyed seeing some of the famous scenes re-created (like the bathtub scene.) SUMMARY Its quite clear that the movie set out to entice a new generation of Freddy fans, but its kind of a swing and a miss. If they had cut out the paedophillic back story and replaced it with a few more gore scenes and dark humour, it would of scored a solid 7.5.



Seen it all before?
OK, so i have just finished watching this movie and all i could think of is that it lacks originality, the whole premise of the film seems to be "borrowed" from at least 4 other films, with obvious similarities between the Mad Max Trilogy and Escape from New York/LA The film also seems to have stolen the character "Selene" from the Underworld Trilogy, from attire, personality and even haircut! (Ironically, main star Rhona Mitra, Eden, shall be appearing in Underworld 3, Rise of the Lycans) There was also the feel of 28 Weeks Later, the whole premise of an enclosed area, subject to a killer virus.

So let me sum this up. A killer virus has wiped out Scotland and a wall has been erected around, to contain it (28 Weeks Later & Escape From New Yore/LA.) 30 Years later it is found that people have survived, so a cure must exist within the wall. the virus has now spread to London and the cure is needed. Cue Eden, a young, strong, fearless, sexy woman with all the moves (Selene, Underworld) is sent to retrieve it. once there she finds it is overrun by what can only be described as cannibalistic Road Warriors (Mad Max)and it is up to Selene.....Oops, sorry.....Eden to find the cure and save the day! OK, so, scrutiny over, this was actually an enjoyable flick, with enough guns, cars, explosions and with the help Rhona Mitras' costume, it keeps us men happy. Sadly lacking in the "story line" department, but still delivers an enjoyable watch.

Not really a Cinema worthy feature but definitely one to rent, so get the lads rounds, get the beers in and enjoy this respectable 7 out of 10.

Banlieue 13

Parkour finally has justice!
OK, so i just watched this movie, and im absolutely blown away! As a fan of extreme sports, free running (or Parkour) has never really been in the lime light, until now, not only is this movie ram-packed with guns, cars, and action but with the introduction of parkour as a directors device, this movie exceeds in what would of been simply a good action flick! The story is set in Paris, in the near future, 2010, overridden with crime, the government has erected a wall around the district to contain all of the criminal acts. Unlike most films, this movie has two heroes, both of which are equally praised. One of the heroes' sister is kidnapped by a gang of underworld-type drug dealers who have also stolen a rather large neutron bomb, cue the other hero, an undercover cop sent to retrieve the bomb.

Penned by the legend Luc Besson, you can guarantee the story is gripping enough to hold its own with the mix of the extraordinarily executed parkour, this movie is definitely designed to have you holding your breath on the edge of your seat.

Packed with adrenaline, District B13 is a must for action lovers!

Jackass 2.5

Not much more than a glamorous bonus feature, Sorry guys!
Upon learning there were to be a Jackass 2.5 to be released, i was indeed over the moon. I also learned that it consisted of all the bonus footage from the filming of Jackass No.2 STOP! Although it would be true to say this film is comprised of "bonus footage" from the main film, it would be more accurate to say this film is comprised of "failed footage" from the main film.

Reading some of the other articles on this "straight to video" release, I found myself agreeing with many of the opinions mentioned. Jackass 2.5 is basically a glamourised bonus feature, that (in my opinion) should of appeared on a 2nd bonus disc available with the main film, The content, although very funny, is not strong enough to stand on its own. Still, it is a great watch for the hardcore jackass fans with some hilarious skits (the best of which both involve Prestons' enlarge rump!) The biggest let down for me was Bam Margeras' overly-eager gayness, it seemed to transform the flow if the skits into the lowliest of gay porn. I understand that the show is all about pain and humiliation but excitedly wanting to do such things to your ,ahem, "exit hole" makes it a little too ...... seedy! Still, despite the above, it made for enjoyable watch, lets face it, being in the foreshadow of the amazing Jackass No2, it was a tough bill to beat. And im sure Jackass 2.5 has generated a lot of "bad press," but i hope it ain't put the guys off making a third installment of the now legendary Jackass Anthology! Mike Gibson - jungleboyuk@hotmail.com


Like being a child again
INTRODUCTION I am a newbie when it comes to Asian cinema, but with the release of such re-make films like "The Ring" and "The Grudge," i seemed to fall in the middle of hundreds of folk, all saying "its not as good as the original!" So at these comments i set to find out for myself.

Upon watching these movies i did genuinely get a chill factor (unlike there over-acted American counterparts!) which is what lead me onto this movie.

Shutter is one those films that you have to watch alone for the full effect, turn out the lights, turn up the volume and have the toilet paper on stand by!

SYNOPSIS OF THE FIRST 20 MINS The story tells of a young photographer and his graduating girlfriend, upon their drive home after a drunken party, they accidentally plough over a young girl, scared, shaken and inebriated they submissively decide to drive away from the scene.

The following day is the girls graduation, the young photographer is taking photos of the occaision. When he develops them, all the pictures of his partner have a shine on them, almost a lens flare, but more disturbingly, on the picture of the whole year, there is a ghostly image to the left of his partner, is it the face of the girl they hit?

THE REVIEW When watching his film, you notice there are some ideas that may be considered "borrowed" from other films, ie The blurred pictures of individuals (the ring) the use of modern technology for apparitions to show themselves (also, the ring) the ghostly image of a plain girl stalking the main characters (er, and again, the ring and also the grudge)

From a directorial point of view, this film is wonderfully made, with fantastic use of the red light exposure room, and also the use of genuine "spirit photos" that most of us may have seen in our day-to-day lives, it connects to the viewer on a personal level and seems to feed on a genuine chill you may have received once in your life.

For anyone watching this film, I would advise to keep watching, just when you think the film is over, there is one more almighty twist that you will have to watch yourself to find out. If your one of those people who just isn't interested in reading subtitles, then let this be the first one you dedicate yourself to. You will find the whole experience much scarier, as your eyes are concentrating on the subs, you don't see anything coming, cue the toilet paper!

SUMMARY Its incredibly depressing to learn that the Americans are to be doing a westernised version of this film, i would guarantee (following the ring and the grudge) that this film is destined for the bargain bucket.

By the end of this film, your heart should be racing, also, you will be promising yourself to never have another photograph taken. Filled with jumps and twists that will turn you cold, Shutter delivers on a massive level and is definitely not for sissies. Rent or Buy, shutter is available now.

Mike Gibson - jungleboyuk@hotmail.com

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