
IMDb member since July 2020
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South Park: Joining the Panderverse

Once again, South Park hits the nail on the head
The ability of these writers, led by Park and Stone, to highlight the very thing that's been plauging Hollywood for years now, something every studio underling is terrified to utter, is admirable.

It's ironic how the reasons for so many of Disney's failiures in recent years are so blatantly obvious to their unenthused audience, yet somehow remains a complete "mystery" to the big mouse's top brass... Luckily, South Park, alongisde Disney's disasterous performance and onslought of lazily written shows & movies, have hopefully pulled the wool over people's eyes.

Now we can only hope they try to actually prioritizing good storytelling (regardless of the ethnicity or sexual orientation of the characters).

This could be a turning point for Diseny.

But it probably won't be.


What the hell??
Holly bad writing Batman. Don't know where to start with this.. It's just really bad, beyond anything you'd think possible, especially for HBO, known for the above-standard quality of their show. Anyone who tried to excuse the abysmal reaction to this thing with identity politics stuff is either deaf or willfully ignorant. The jokes are just painfully childish and simply are not funny. Now add the utter destruction and spitting in the face of the original IP this is "based" on, and you've got something nobdoy asked for and nobody, as is quite obvious, wants. What a waste of time and money. HBO better cancel this ASAP and not try to drag this on out of fear of "optics". What a shame.

I Know What You Did Last Summer

Legit garbage
I didn't expect it to be good. But I certainly didn't expect it to be THIS BAD.

Some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard/seen, and the characters are all, without exception, infuriatingly stupid. You don't need to suspend your disbelief to watch this. You need to hang it off the tallest lamp post you can find and leave it there over the weekend. It's clear Amazon wants its own Riverdale/Euphoria to rival its competitors, but surely there's another show not half as bad as this. Wow.

Small Engine Repair

Need to make more movies like this
A natural feeling movie, like viewing some other reality through a window.


Absolute garbage
Complete waste of time. Horrible dialogue, terrible acting, not scary AT ALL. Don't bother watching this abomination.

Black Summer

Much better than you expect
This show had a smaller budget than The Walking Dead, but a far more interesting story. If TWD is a soap opera disguised as a zombie show (and it is), then Black Summer is an actual zombie show, without disguises, but with real drama and interesting developments. It flaunts a much better pace than TWD, even better than the first season. Dynamic, unexpected, and original, and that last one is a real achievement for anything to do with zombies. Highly recommend.

Pîtâ Pan no bôken

Best adaptation of Peter Pan by far
Criminally unknown, this show is pure creative storytelling at its finest. It starts off as the basic Peter Pan story but explodes into so much more, it basically becomes Lord of The Rings halfway through if not sooner.

HIGHLY recommended.

The animation style is rich and creative, and so enjoyable.


Wrath of Man

Better than you expect - plotwist!
Movie really outdid itself. Starts off as a certain thing, but midway through we get a bit of a plot twist and a focus-shift that's quite unexpected. Really surprised me with where things were suddenly going and it was quite more intriguing than what I was expecting out of this movie. By the midpoint twist, you're not sure where precisely things will end up. Worth a watch.

Sweet Tooth

Fantastic! More of this Netflix!
What a show! Not only does it break the mold of the boring visuals most of the stuff on Netflix have (by showing the beautiful New Zealand landscape and gorgeous production design levels) but the story and characters are interesting and the dialogue is great. The show is very dark but incredibly lighthearted at the same time, and perfectly walks the line between the two. A bog win for Netflix. Now just stop making all that other garbage and you'd beat the mouse.


Brilliant and profound!
This show becomes surprisingly complex in the best kind of way. Season 1 is very short, and sets things up and is well written, but season 2 is where this show starts shining like the sun (vampires, get it?).

It's got fantastic characters and plot, as well as all sorts of intrigue and plot twists that you would not expect.

The quality of the writing is superior to most live action shows. This is truly an achievement!

Army of the Dead

If you like 80% of the frame blurry this is the movie for you.
I mean, come on! Zack Snyder is capable of making a very aesthetic movie. Too bad this isn't one of them. Since he's also the DP of this movie, there's really no one else to blame for the, and I'm not exaggerating, ULTRA-SHALLOW depth of field in LITERALLY 95+% of the shots. It's so bad than in a good number of shots the characters who are in focus start to become blurry around the edges. It's just aweful, and the entire movie is like this. Some of the shots are so shallow it's like just watching a frame full of bokeh. And not pretty even.

Apart from the awful cinematography, the movie is, as others have pointed out, incredibly stupid. That's it. There's no logic to almost anything, the dialogue is laughable, and not in a good way, and the characters are... let's just stop.

This is a dumb movie, that's shot in a dumb way, and Netflix maintains its crown as the main streaming producer and distributer of utter garbage. Congrats!

At first I was rotting for them to change up the marketplace with the streaming platform. But now it seems they're happy churning out nearly unwatchable (and sometimes just plain unwatchable) trash.

What a waste. Do NOT watch this movie. Watch something else.


Think Sicario (the first one) but also focusing on other perspectives, including the Italian mob involvement and the American shipping company. Just top notch production on every front. Acting, writing, directing, , you name it. They just nail everything. Beautiful cinematography, unexpected plot development, creative choices. This really makes all those other mediocre shows on bigger networks look like absolute garbage (and some of them are).

I'm actually hoping there won't be a season 2 so this could be a self-contained masterpiece. But if they do make it, I'm fully onboard.

Boss Level

Worth it! Better than your average action flick
The movie only really has one flaw, and that's the VO story device which becomes slightly overbearing at points. There's just too much of it, which I get, because they decided to just rely on it continuously as the main story engine. I dislike the use of VO except for when absolutely necessary. It could've been done in a different way, sure, but that's the choice they made. But like I said, it's the only real flaw of the movie. The action is fantastic, with Carnahan's direction really propelling this from disinteresting visuals to beautiful shot selection. Some of the CGI looks a little undercooked at parts, but there isn't a lot of it fortunately. The movie is very fun, and has excellent pace. As for the story, it's nothing special, but the delivery is so enjoyable, with Frank Grillo's fantastic charm, that it never bothered me really. Definitely need to support more original IP, whereas stuff with bigger budget is total garbage compared to this. Worth the stream for sure!


A beautiful heartbreaking love letter to immigrant parents.
Fantastic movie. Manages to avoid all the expected clichés. Very gorgeously shot with a subtle aesthetic. Has a heartwarming quality about the characters, while also managing to gradually break your heart as it progresses. There's no real antagonist but life itself. And it's beautiful.

The Little Things

Tries for Se7en vibes, but falls short.
Overall, a wasted opportunity. Denzel is always great. Letto is good, and his character seems to have the best dialogue. Rami feels a bit forced in the role. I just can't seem him as that straightman detective. Probably should've switched Letto and him, as I can see Letto doing a better job in that role, but I doubt he would have been interested in that. But anyway, the crux of the problem with the movie is that the story leads to an unfulfilling end. You know there's some twist coming, because you can't not know with movies like this. You just don't know what the twist is going to be. And it's not an expected twist, I'll give the writer that. At least not until we get real close to the reveal. But... it's also not a satisfying or interesting twist. The movie feels disappointing because of it.

Black Summer

Much better than you expect
This show had a smaller budget than The Walking Dead, but a far more interesting story. If TWD is a soap opera disguised as a zombie show (and it is), then Black Summer is an actual zombie show, without disguises, but with real drama and interesting developments. It flaunts a much better pace than TWD, even better than the first season. Dynamic, unexpected, and original, and that last one is a real achievement for anything to do with zombies. Highly recommend.

Outside the Wire

Actors CARRY this movie
I feel bad for the two leads, as their backs must be sore. The theme of the movie was a little all over the place. Idris' character would exhibit strange personality shifts at the drop of a hat, behaving as a cold and reserved soldier, then suddenly talking like a kid, then back to cold and reserved. Also, the stereotypical "military" depiction in movies like these has got to end. It's always so very clear that the writers/director have no understanding of what the military is actually like beyond tropey 80s movies. It's not getting old anymore, it's six feet under. The story looked like it might show some potential initially, although some of the character behavior was very unrealistic and cliche, but I was hoping it would change. It didn't. It was paint-by-numbers predictability to an annoying degree. That said, action direction is competent, as is the cinematography (nothing special, but not bad by any stretch). That along with the actors pulling more than their weight, earns this movie more than a 5, though not by much. I wish Netflix would start actually choosing better scripts to make because this is getting silly now.

News of the World

Kid's gonna be a star
Yes, the movie is lacking in plot and substances, but while it's not fast-pace, I wouldn't call it slow, as no scene lingers more than it should. Is it a great movie? No, but it's good, solid enough, and the performances are very good. Hanks is never bad, and the overall story is interesting enough to follow, though I wish more would happen or higher stakes were involved. The girl is definitely going places, as she steals every scene she's in.

Wonder Woman 1984

I don't blame the actors.
They are doing their best. Whoever wrote (or gave creative notes) on this movie should be locked up. This was written for five year olds. It makes NO SENSE, and is a spit in the face of what Wonder Woman is meant to be about. Oh, I'm sorry, did I say Wonder Woman? I mean Spider Woman, because that's what this movie is trying to be... Pedro Pascal is really trying, and I feel sorry for him because he's a good actor and doesn't deserve to be involved in this. Same goes for Gal Gadot, which can be a fantastic Wonder Woman if only the writing was better. I'll go ahead and venture a guess that the reason that this movie takes place in 1984 is because some execs were like, Stranger Things is hot right now, we should do something in the 80s too! Except it isn't really used for anything other than a couple of lame jokes. Also... you're telling me it's been 66 YEARS and WW is still obsessed with Steve Trevor? Get out of here with this lazy lazy writing. Do better Warner Bros, you have terrible creative execs that wouldn't know good story if a script slapped them in the face. And they should get slapped.


MUCH better than the rating suggests
I remember watching this movie as a child a few times, and I enjoyed it on each and every viewing. It's an interesting plot, with attempts to do something beyond the same old same old Sci-Fi shtick. Movie deserves a lot more love than it's getting. Worth a watch 100%

The Wolf of Snow Hollow

Deserves a much higher rating
A real surprise in terms of story, character, and dialogue quality. Went in expecting a simple, mundane level of story, but the dialogue and character work was far superior to movies with a way higher budget. From a professional standpoint I would say the only downside is I didn't love the relatively flat lighting in some of the scenes (mainly in the day scenes). Felt like it cheapened the look of the movie, but it wasn't anything too bad. Worth the watch for sure!

Love and Monsters

Finally, Netflix makes a good movie.
Went into this expecting more of the same from Netflix's past five year run, blend, idiotic, and uninspired. But lo and behold, this movie was none of these things. It was visually impressive, engaging, and just all around a good movie. The trailer doesn't do it justice. I'm hoping this is the first in more to come, as Netflix has been dropping the ball quite continuously in recent years. This movie has heart.

The Argument

Surprising second half
It starts of solid, nothing immanently great but better than the regular drab, although it often does feel a bit obvious and trying to hard. However, as the second half of the movie arrives, drastic and unexpected changes occur that really elevate the movie by several good notches. Starts off only ok, but becomes really good by the end. Worth the watch 100%.

Raised by Wolves

Oh boy... where to start?
What a hot mess this show is. CGI looks pretty bad for a lot of the scenes, but nothing too cartoony for the most part. But never mind that. The plot is so preposterous, even for a science fiction show. Check that, even for a FANTASY show, because this show is all fantasy and has ZERO science in it. Nothing makes logical sense, you've got plot holes the size of the Grand Canyon every other step (so you better watch your footing or you'll find yourself plummeting dooowwnnnnnnnn...) I was able to suspend my disbelief for a while in the beginning, although I did not like a lot of the nonsensical stuff. Even in Sci-Fi shows, the story and the things that happen in it still need to make sense. Not in the real world, but in the story world, and in the world of psychology. Otherwise, you just have characters behaving in unbelievable ways, and stupid things happening because... plot. In a word. Bad. Really bad. Do NOT waste your time on this. Expected more from HBO. This almost feels like some bad Starz channel show with a bigger budget.

The Old Guard

Do better, Netflix.
What a waste of time. Somebody either wrote the script for this over a weekend or the comic book it's based on is terrible (haven't read it so I don't know). The dialogue is downright painful it's so cheesy so often, and the characters, cardboard cutouts that they are, are cliche from the land of tropes. Action is... fine, I guess? Very pointless, much like the plot (which doesn't make much sense). It's basically just highlander only bad. Also, main villain is campy as a 60s Batman villain (which makes sense seeing as how he played one on that atrocious Gotham show). I wonder when Netflix will stop just producing utter GARBAGE? Seems like it won't happen anytime soon.

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