
IMDb member since September 2006
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    17 years


Il mercante di pietre

Do not miss this important film
Sadly, all too soon this film will be called "prophetic", once there is another major terrorist attack on European soil. Yes, it is not a perfect film, but it has been undeservedly trashed by the knee-jerk reaction of the frightened press in Europe. Because of its subject matter, Islamo-fascism, it is understandably unavoidable that this film be judged politically, not on its artistic merits. At times it is indeed a bit heavy-handed, but it starts off in a very intense manner, with amazing camera work, and succeeds in maintaining the tension and incredible angles throughout, right up to the last frame. The leading role is of a former journalist who lost his legs in a terrorist attack in Somalia.... the effects and staging - and performance - are so phenomenal that I was shocked to discover afterward that the actor does indeed have his legs intact! Harvey Keitel takes a role which could have been a simplistic stereotype and makes it incredibly convincing and multi-layered. Kudos for the tight direction, great locations, editing and sound track.... all right on the mark! No matter if you are left-wing or right-wing in your politics, this is a film that will make you think and discuss what is happening in Europe and the world at large. For those of us who live here in Italy, it is a much-needed wake-up call.... plus a much-needed Italian film of high artistic quality.

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

Spread the Word about this exceptionally Important Film
This is indeed a wake-up call for the civilized world, and for peaceful Moslems included. This is about the hijacking of an entire religion by nihilistic extremists who now threaten us on a global level. This deserves to be shown in every language, in every country. Do not miss this, and please pass the word on to everyone you know! Extremely well-made, with compelling material, great direction, and some amazing and very disturbing footage. Note that the producers and several of the interviewees make it very clear, time and again, that they are NOT lumping together all Moslems, so ignore what the apologists for terrorism might claim about this film, and see it for yourself.

Lucky Number Slevin

Did they all really need the money?
This one gets a second star only because of showing Josh Hartnett in a very low-rise towel for the first third of the film... great eye candy, not great acting. The script is so full of holes and cartoony stereotypes that one is tempted to think of it as some sort of fable or allegory - but it has no message at all. Armed criminals are displaying a hot young man with a beaten-up face in only a towel on crowded Manhattan streets and nobody notices? A major crime boss with megabucks has former Mossad agents guarding his son in a specially-secured room and they have no closed-circuit monitors and must protect him by blindly busting through a plaster wall? Both crime bosses have sentinels posted on the terraces outside their windows that just happen to vanish when they are assaulted by a strange young man that they don't really trust? Most disturbing is the awfully bigoted stereotyping... the African Americans who are all in crime, especially the two Amos and Andy style thugs who first kidnap the lead.... the Jews, who only use their religion as a front for evil, with Stars of David everywhere, almost like villains in a comic book... and of course, the crooked Italian cop. Just to avoid being called on their prejudices, the producers gratuitously throw in an Asian woman (who is culturally very assimilated, except when she eats noodles in one scene). All very cynical and very Hollywood. What is the moral of this film? Nothing - the good white gentile killers blow away all the evil ethnic killers. Great, guys.... another uplifting addition to Western culture. The only good news about this film is that apparently it didn't do well at the US box office... hope the same happens here in Europe.

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