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Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet: Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Episode 10, Season 3

Season 3: The more things change, the more they stay the same
In almost all forms of storytelling, there should be progression. The worst thing a show can do is have a big season finale setting up a whole new experience or setting, then end up right where they were in the previous season.

This show has done that in this season in a few ways and its why I give it a 5. There's a lot of fun moments, but here's the key issues with the show: Season 2 ends with Ian and Poppy walking away from Mythic Quest because there's nothing more for them to do. It's a finished project. Season 2 also showed a lot of growth of understanding between the two. So what does Season 3 do? Re-uses almost all of the same issues of the past two seasons and undoes the progress regarding Mythic Quest itself. Season 3 ends with Poppy and Ian returning to Mythic Quest and them having a mediocre moment of reconciliation that is a half-attempt at what happened in Season 2.

David finally stands up for himself but then in this last episode, that's undone and he's back to being a underboss. Jo helps him be better AND finally shows some social growth, but the episode ends with her and Brad working together again (having resigned themselves to be soulless manipulators).

Rachel going to Berkley and having a long distance relationship? Nope she's back with Mythic Quest and has become Brad, who is now working for her girlfriend and ends the episode with his usual "evil mastermind" gimmick warning to Rachel about what he'll do to Dana.

Art Team finally getting some recognition for all the hardship we've seen them go through? Nope the head of the department tries to have his moment and gets shut down.

Poppy and Ian are the main stars though, their story is what is so frustrating. They had such a great opportunity to do something new with them and the first few episodes showed a lot of potential. They had TWO projects that could have spun off into something else.

So what actually has changed? We got a new Set for the cast that is all white and futuristic that is in the same building as Mythic Quest. That's about it. Oh and CW is gone.

I don't have much hope for Season 4. I'm calling it now that by episode 3, Dana is also working at Mythic Quest again along with Jo and Brad.

Boku no kokoro no yabai yatsu: I Wanted to Be Seen
Episode 12, Season 1

Why this show is so great (Perfect Season Finale)
This is a spoiler-free review for the first 10 I've given because this episode is not only flawless, but it brings together the rest of the season we've seen so far with an ending that both is satisfying but also makes you want to see the next season. You aren't left with more questions than answers and it pays off all the anticipation that has been building with something you probably won't see coming.

I want to briefly recap the importance of where we are before this episode to illustrate how much has changed from the start as well as who the characters were. Both are multilayered and well developed characters because Kyotaro is very anti-social (to the point he imagines killing people that annoy him as a reasonable solution) and Anna is carefree and sees the good in people. Kyotaro is constantly judging others by what he assumes they're thinking whereas Anna judges people by what they actually say and do. To Anna, what sets Kyotaro apart from most guys is that they're usually only nice because they're attracted to her whereas Kyotaro's initial kindness isn't actually kindness, he's just frustrated by Anna's mistakes (how she cuts paper, writes, makes food ect) and it bothers him so much he has to intervene. The fact that he's nice (or acting nice) without hitting on her is why Anna starts to care about him and he slowly realizes he actually likes helping her and does it because he wants to, not because he's frustrated anymore. We've seen them both grow and change over 11 episodes to now they're friends and have romantic feelings for each other (the late night phone call in episode 11 was amazing).

Lastly, the title of this episode is "I want to be seen" and in the first episode, Kyotaro doesn't want anyone to see who he thinks he truly is vs. Anna who everyone is always looking at but isn't always "seen" for who she really is (shown in the first epiosode when she's upset her friends didn't want to use the project she made but no one notices she's hurt except Kyotaro).

So this episode has a lot built up to pay off and it does so in a way that really touches you and makes you feel more deeply than any animation should be able to. The added backstory you get in this episode on Kyotaro is great because when you see it you remember previous flashbacks that alluded to it and it feels complete. Kyotaro's sister gets a lot of fun screentime and again, we see how much Kyotaro's assumptions can be wrong. The last 5 minutes are worth watching a few times to pick up all the small details you can.

10/10 - Can't wait till Season 2!

Boku no kokoro no yabai yatsu: I Hate Yamada
Episode 9, Season 1

Best episode so far (You are not prepared)
Up until this point, I kept wondering if I was giving the show too much credit and that maybe its overrated. The episodes before this have a lot of great moments, lots of frustration (that is intentional of course) and a few things I wasn't happy with.

Then you watch this episode and you are NOT prepared for the emotional rollercoaster that a ANIME is going to take you on. No awesome fight scenes, no incredible CGI or top tier animation, yet this show is somehow able to grip you and make you want to shout out from the emotion it inspires.

Not just the drama itself, but the story progression in the episode is almost perfect. Not too fast like they're making up for the slowness in previous episodes or fabricating some crazy situation to force things to happen. It is all organic but most importantly, its believable!

This gets a 9.5 for sure!

Boku no kokoro no yabai yatsu

The Show's Description doesn't do it justice
In the first episode, you think you know what this is going to be and the personalities of the characters. As it goes, they become people you are super invested in. The series' description is a bit misleading and once you get to the 4th episode you start to get very passionate about the story.

It doesn't drag on too long and cause too much frustration, just enough to notice but then you get a payoff in many forms. The show's humor does mostly revolve around teenage situations that are actually realistic and not just obnoxious "shock" toilet-humor.

I started watching because I kept seeing it highly rated and wanted to see if it was niche or if it was for everyone. This is for everyone and its better than it has any right to be.

It actually builds the relationships in a believable way. The two main characters are multi-layered and not just one note. Every dimension to their personality has a slight variance and sometimes even contradiction, which adds to the believability and speaks to the incredible writing for the show.

Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!

Has great potential but really frustrating to watch
Let me preface this by saying I'm a fan of the Isekai Genre and have enjoyed others where the main character is ridiculously overpowered.

The show is a multi-layered concept: Its a parody of a serious show that itself is a parody. Interesting concept and I really like pretty much all the characters except Cid. He's supposed to be cringe and the fact he wants to be a background character is fun but I just can't care about him.

There's zero threats or potential adversity he faces and most shows at least give a hint that there could be challenges in the future. He kills thousands of innocent bystanders because he's a sociopath who doesn't care about collateral damage as long as his AOE Nuke looks cool (Infact he literally calls it Atomic which is part of the overly-stated joke that the show is supposed to be). I don't know why I should care about anything he does.

The biggest issue tho, is the reason WHY he's so powerful (and its shown in the first episode). He drove himself insane in this pursuit of being so strong that nothing would be a threat to him (including a nuclear bomb) and in his ridiculously stupid pursuit he wanted decided MAGIC was real and then bashed his head on a rock and got hit by a car. His own obsession killed him but the REWARD is he gets unlimited power that he uses like a child with ADHD.

Hopefully you like it more than I did. The only things I want to see happen is either: A. Cid grows as a character and slowly becomes likeable OR B. Cid gets the crap kicked out of him in a extended punishment for his Hubris

However the show has made it very clear that NEITHER of those things will ever happen.

Star Trek: Picard: The Bounty
Episode 6, Season 3

"Bring your Child to Work Day"
It is really incredible how good this show is when you think of the past 2 seasons. Episode after Episode of Season 3 have been amazing watches that are a MUST see for any fan of Star Trek's shows from the 90s.

This episode is has a lot of the Parent-Child dynamic at the "workplace" that is very well written. The amount of Easter Eggs and Fan Service is probably the most in this episode than any of the others so far.

The plot advances a lot in this episode, most shows would make 3 episodes out of everything that happens by intentionally dragging it out. Not this show, which proves that they care about the fans and want to respect our time.

Can't say too much without spoiling, but the reunions and interactions between characters are very interesting and even hilarious at times. Riker and Worf have the funniest moments in their quips to each other.

They're really setting a high bar for the rest of the season and big expectations of what else they'll bring back from the past.

I think people who have never seen Star Trek before will really enjoy this show too, but honestly the target demo is the nostalgia fanbase and I'm fine with that as long as they do a good job.

Servant: Fallen
Episode 10, Season 4

20 Hours of our Lives Completed Wasted
The Episode's Premise (as well as the previous 2) is that a Storm is growing over Philadelphia that's going to keep getting worse because of Leeane. The Description says "The World is Crumbling" but without that you wouldn't even think it was. Then there's the nonsense actions that the characters take and the dialogue that tries to sound meaningful (like they're actually resolving things) but they don't. On top of that, this episode is very slow despite it being one of the longest runtimes of the series.

You will feel angry at the end. Angry at what happens, angry at the hours of your life you invested in this garbage that you'll never get back and angry because you know you could have written a better ending with minimal effort.

This season retcon'd Leeane's whole character too. She sent her Resume to the Turners BEFORE Jericho died and she was fine with leaving them to help another family at the end of Season 1, but suddenly she's got a lifelong obsession with Dorothy (who she did NOT protect at the end of Season 3 from falling) and now all Leeane cares about is validation from Dorothy (who drugged her, kidnapped her and almost killed her)?

This is just another failure to add to the pile of M. Night's disastrously bad career, yet somehow people still call him "Great" with a less than 20% success rate.

Servant: Awake
Episode 9, Season 4

Giving a Good Episode its Due
This has been one of the worst seasons of the show, but this episode was actually good.

The acting by Rupert Grint is amazing and Lauren Ambrose is pretty good too. The episode progresses the story pretty well. If you're stuck with the show this long, you'll enjoy this episode.

However, because this show refuses to let us have nice things, they screw a lot up too.

The majority of the episode is filler and/or unnecessary. We've spent too much time already watching Dorothy struggle to get around the house but apparently the writers couldn't think of anything better. But good news! Sean and Julian are also injured after last episode so maybe we'll get to see them struggling.

Also the storyline they're running with Leanne's Powers has become laughable and stupid. The Storm from last episode clearly wasn't a major problem since Sean and Julian were able to be taken to the hospital with no problem. This whole "Leeane vs. God" thing is still the worst direction they've taken the show in and I'll be very surprised if they resolve that in the Finale in a decent way.

Star Trek: Picard: Imposters
Episode 5, Season 3

Another Incredible Episode in a Great Season
While Picard Season 1 could be honestly described as Good and Season 2 would be barely called "Ok" this final Season has been INCREDIBLE so far. Especially if you're a fan of the S:TNG.

None of the episodes have been perfect, however each character is given their chance to shine. Riker is still a Tactical Genius, Worf is amazing at Combat (and the choreography is so much better than the 90s) and they're tying both plots together really well. Captain Shaw is really great in this episode too, having proved himself as a great addition to the franchise.

After the last season, I was really hoping they would just stop because it felt like they were ruining their chance to make something great, but if THIS is what we get after those first 2 seasons then it was absolutely worth it!

Servant: Tunnels
Episode 8, Season 4

Really Dumb Direction the show has gone in
I'll preface this by saying this show has become a trainwreck. I wish I could see past the flaws and enjoy it in it's current state, but this isn't a show with a low budget on EW or a secondary streaming service . This is on Apple TV+ and it should be judged accordingly.

With that said, on with the Non-Spoiler Review: Sean and Julian (having somehow fallen for Uncle George's lies, undoing all the growth we've seen this season) are trying to turn Leeane over to the Church so she can be de-programmed. Julian has a few braincells left that make him somewhat leery of the plan at least. Meanwhile Dorothy's screen time is dedicated to her moving around the home on her own, intentionally wasting several minutes of runtime.

Lastly, this episode ruins Leeane's character far more than I could have imagined was possible. At the start of the Season she's battling against a few dozen cultists, 7 episodes later and she's declaring war on God (which was hinted at in the Preview but I was really hoping was Out of Context). Let that sink in before you watch this disaster. Even the Church thinks Leeane is a "threat" to God apparently.

They're building towards a Finale of Dorothy vs. Leeane. Super-powered being vs. Middle-aged cripple.

How did we get here? This was a great story of a family unable to cope with loss that degenerated into a awful show about a cosmic battle of Good vs. Evil.

The only good thing about the show is that there's 2 episodes left.

Servant: Myth
Episode 7, Season 4

Terrible Episode, Bad Writing on Full Display
This is a really hard episode to review without spoilers so here goes: This episode is a exposition dump by George onto Sean and Julian. This Season we've seen Sean and Julian finally open their eyes to what is actually going on and that they've either being purposefully ignorant or completely in denial about Leeane and what she can do. It's something we've been waiting 4+ Years for. That is what makes this episode so bad. What George is explaining will have viewers frustrated and disappointed as it potentially undoes so much good character development that has happened.

Meanwhile Dorothy does at least finally start to piece some things together HOWEVER, like this show does with it's main characters, she's not figuring it out for herself. It's being pointed out directly. This time a Co-Worker is clueing her in on a discovery. She's supposed to be a "Investigative Journalist" yet she's the furthest behind of the group on what's going on in her own home.

There's 3 Episodes left in the Show, not just the season, yet they prove how bad their Writing is by trying to speedrun all this exposition and explanation in a single episode after dragging it out. We're at a total runtime of almost 20 HOURS watching this show and this episode makes it clear they intentionally wasted our time without it even being necessary to do that to their audience in the first place.

The biggest insult is that they've made the audience so desperate for actual answers and strung us along so long that most viewers are going to be happy with this episode. Sewer Water is refreshing if you're dying of dehydration after all.

Servant: Zoo
Episode 6, Season 4

A Mediocre episode that at least Progressed the Story
No Spoilers.

I'll start with the good. The episode does actually have character progression that makes sense. People finally have conversations that actually matter and overall the episode is *Somewhat* Good. Sean and Julian are a cool part of the episode (and shows Rupert Grint is still doing most of the carrying for this show). However, Dorothy "figures out" something about Leeane because someone made a single statement to her. Like Seanne in the Halloween episode, these characters usually can't figure out things for themselves and someone has to point out the obvious for them to have a "revelation".

Like the description says, the Cult makes a "Bold Move" but here's something I don't think the writers seem to understand: Hurting people in Self Defense doesn't make you a monster, especially if you're outnumbered or trapped. Her getting satisfaction from revenge is the only happiness she can feel BECAUSE of how badly everyone else has treated her. The writers are probably hoping we'll forget that Dorothy tried to kill her and that she was dragged back into the situation against her will.

There's a really stupid twist with the Cult that is completely ridiculous and proves Leeane's paranoia isn't misplaced.

Sadly they're still doing half-finished conversations with interruptions (to extend the runtime) and overdone Tropes. This week it's "Animals sense evil and get hostile" like we've seen so many times already.

Servant: Neighbors
Episode 5, Season 4

Just another bad episode that's wasting our time
Won't get into any spoilers, but we're pretty far into Season 4 and nothing has really happened. There's no one we're supposed to be rooting for is there? Dorothy isn't likeable, Sean seems really ignorant and pathetic (instead of sympathetic) and Julian doesn't seem to care about anything.

This episode recycles things from past seasons, remember in Season 2 when Dorothy just kept making assumptions about the church and how if she did what they said it would all work out yet it never did? Here we go again with that nonsense. Also Sean behaves in this episode like he's completely ignorant of Jericho's fate being tied to Leeane. The neighbors and the Party is pretty dull, there's what I think was supposed to be a "Clever" Swerve which doesn't land at all.

What's really frustrating about Sean and Dorothy is they don't seem to consider what comes next after Leeane leaves. Even if they got to keep Jericho (which the showrunners might do as some sappy happy ending with no explanation) they know Leeane has dozens of Followers literally right outside. What do they think those people will do if Leeane is forced out?

Lastly, and this is the worst part, they've destroyed Leeane's character and made her generic "Psycho Obsessed Nanny" which is such a overdone trope... Why does she even care about the Turners at this point? There's no understandable character development.

Evil: The Demon of Money
Episode 9, Season 3

Did this Season just get Good? I think this Season just got Good!
I've been harsh on this show a few times and in fairness I will give it credit when it's good. This was really good! Grace Ling in this episode isn't used sparingly like they could have done, she actually has a lot going on that matters. The episode takes you places you don't think it will and had some amazing moments!

Also one of the FUNNIEST things happens in this episode, it's a bit dark but I actually said "YES!" out loud before I started laughing.

I'm going into the finale cautiously and part of me wants to know how the Writers can have a episode this good when so many others have been so bad.

Evil: The Demon of Cults
Episode 7, Season 3

Still waiting for ANSWERS!
I won't get into any spoilers for this episode, but I think myself and most of the viewers are getting really frustrated with the showrunners at this point. We finally had some LOGIC in the show when Ben joined the science group to go back through the cases to prove them non-supernatural and, before this episode, ONE was revisited and it wasn't even a good one. This is important going into this episode because Ben is the focus of the episode.

Kristen and David have a good bit of progression in the episode regarding Lexis, The Entity and RSM fertility so for that reason I'm giving it a 6, because Ben's story is just so stupid and he is supposed to be the SMART one! They visit a cult and the actions he takes after arrival are just so frustrating with a climax that is just a middle finger to the audience. This is one of the bad episodes that seems to just give up on the "Mystery of the Week" that are far too common now.

Oh and Dr. Boggs side-plot is also really bad. He turns to Leland for help writing a book and just goes along with what Leland says, which is really really stupid considering he's supposed to be a great Psychiatrist. Aren't they supposed to be good at "Reading" people and seeing their intent? Does the show even care that Kristen is one (other than the fact she says she's one)?

Evil: The Demon of Death
Episode 1, Season 3

A lot of stupidity in a season premier (Spoilers)
I'm going to cover the DUMBEST thing in the episode second, but let's recap the main body of the episode first:

This week, a group of scientists are trying to prove the "Soul" or "Consciousness" exists by weighing a body right before and after death. It's a incredibly high-tech setup but when they actually perform the experiment, SPARKS start flying (which Ben rightfully points out) and the science team is like "Oh never mind that it's fine". Two people are measured: A Terminally Ill Priest and a Terminally Ill Nun. The Priest has cancer and when he dies he loses weight and when the Nun dies she gains weight. Somehow, the Priest's Cancer disappears and the same cancer appears in the Nun.

Now comes 1 of David's 2 incredibly stupid moments in the show: He thinks the weight loss is a Demon leaving the priest's body... Also it would have been smart if they matched the weight loss and weight gain for the priest and nun to be the exact same number but they didn't.

Ok, now for probably the dumbest, most ridiculous thing they write David doing (which is a shame because I'm a fan of the character and actor): David thinks he sleeps with Kristen, but it turns out it was a Demon in her form, so he keeps sleeping with it because APPARENTLY a Priest's celibacy isn't broken if you have sex with a DEMON!? Wow. Ok, you'd think that would be WORSE right!? Well I guess David found the first perk of being vulnerable to demons, not only can they hurt you but they can provide sexual favors too.

Servant: Boo
Episode 4, Season 4

Worst Episode of the Season so far!
The episode description says "Sean sees Leanne's true colors while she hunts her enemies on Halloween." I'm not going to get into spoilers, but I will say that his revelation is completely ridiculous and out of nowhere.

They are ruining Leeane as well and making her into a villain through the dumbest ways possible. So far this season it was because of how she was being treated by the family and now its because of random coincidences and the fact that she's apparently lost all rational thought. She acts on impulse making really stupid decisions which makes NO sense considering how smart and calculating she's been before.

This is a issue that keeps getting pointed out because there's no consistency to her character.

Back to Sean for why his sudden change of heart is so stupid: He KNOWS that Leeane is the reason that Jericho is alive again and he KNOWS that if she leaves the family, they lose Jericho. His ONLY option is to force Dorothy to confront the fact that she killed their son through negligence. The Church has made it perfectly clear they will NOT help get Jericho back because it goes against everything they believe.

I'm almost certain they're going to pull some "Fairy Tale Ending" where Sean and Dorothy stay together AND get to keep Jericho by some random unexplained "Miracle".

Servant: Séance
Episode 3, Season 4

First Enjoyable Episode of Season 4
I'll give this episode lots of credit. It has a good amount of tension-building and one intentionally hilarious moment. The issue, unfortunately, is that the "tense" parts are tropes that have been done so often in TV and Movies that "Good" is the highest praise they deserve.

How often have we seen these play out: 1. Character searching possible bad guys' stuff with "Will he get caught?" anxiety 2. Séance that seems Fake at first but suddenly gets intense when it becomes Real.

Also its really disappointing that the show is literally redoing Leeane's situation from the first half of Season 3: She's paranoid of Cultists getting in the home and everyone thinks she's too worried.

Leeane is being forced into a villian because of the way she's treated and apparently Sean is who we're supposed to be rooting for now I guess? But they tried this in Season 2 and they failed so better luck to them this time!

Servant: Itch
Episode 2, Season 4

Season 4 is still disappointing...
The biggest problem the show has is that the majority of Conflict and Mystery could be explained if people just had real conversations and it is on FULL Display in this Episode. The brief dialogue between the characters of 2-3 Statements from each person with the discussion getting interrupted (by some outside interference) is a basic trick that the show uses way too often. Do the showrunners not know that you actually have to have a PAYOFF to long teases of frustration? OR are they scared because they know the entire show would end if everyone sat down and had a hour-long conversation where they could ask and answer questions?

I won't go into spoilers, but this episode's description is "Leeane Torments Dorothy" and you really have to wonder if that's true when you watch it? Leanne spends the episode trying to take care of Dorothy. Dorothy is the one who keeps abusing Leeane when she tries to legitimately help her. Leeane eventually has to be upfront with Dorothy and states "I'm all you've got" and that's supposed to be sinister, but its actually TRUE because all the characters are Selfish Sociopaths except for Leeane. Also, the "conflict" of this episode leads to a hilarious climax that is supposed to be serious.

Sadly, even Rupert Grint couldn't salvage this one.

Servant: Pigeon
Episode 1, Season 4

Season 4 is off to a BAD Start
This show has so much potential and it comes so close to being good, even great at times, which makes a season premiere like this so disappointing.

Leanne is the star of the show and I really like the actress, which is why its such a shame that they have her constantly change her character's personality in a matter of seconds.

There's a sequence in this episode that lasts for almost the entire runtime and it starts out ok but gets more ridiculous and almost comical as it goes on. It sets rules for the events that it then just throws completely out the window with a climax that you should have no regrets when you burst out laughing.

The "Church" is supposed to be a threat and while I've accepted its members are apparently Ninjas who can constantly vanish in broad daylight, what they have them do (and fail at) in this episode is just so stupid. They can't even be seen as a threat at this point.

The biggest issue I have is that the show refuses to explain anything. This isn't a clever "Leave it up to the viewer" its actually intentional that it uses as bait to keep us waiting/hoping for something, ANYTHING, to finally be explained even partially.

Rupert Grint is the best part of this show and once again he's the only good thing in the entire episode.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Whose Show Is This?
Episode 9, Season 1

This is Marvel's "Firefly Funhouse"
So as not to go into any spoilers, I'll just say it was incredibly impressive what this episode both DID and was ALLOWED to do. The Series has been self-aware from the beginning. They knew the show was going to be review bombed by a certain demographic and they intentionally trolled that demo in the show, which continued the cycle of backlash ofcourse.

However, this is something ORIGINAL at least that Marvel has finally done.

Lastly, I'm sorry if you don't get the Firefly Funhouse reference but it really is applicable if you've seen it. Basically, something that has been seen as overly controlled by one main person and forced into bad decisions actually allowed themselves to be ridiculed and had their flaws pointed out.

Ozark: The Beginning of the End
Episode 1, Season 4

Wendy is the WORST and ruining the show (mild spoilers)
I wish the showrunners could make up their mind about her character. In Season 1, she was just awful and meant to be hated. She was selfish, arrogant and manipulative but at least she was beneficial to the Family's main goal.

Season 2, however, she was actually a good character and enjoyable to watch. Her political skills greatly helped and she seemed to be on a path to being likeable... until the final episode of the season.

Then there's Season 3 where she actually starts ruining the show. She's more selfish and arrogant, but also coming off as very stupid and dangerous to herself and the entire Family. Her biggest problem, which I blame the writers for, is her interactions with Navarro. He's the head of a brutal Drug Cartel and she's fully aware of what he can and will do, yet she talks to him like they're equals and doesn't show respect or fear. Then when he gets mad, suddenly she remembers who she's dealing with... until the next time they talk and she's back to being arrogant and ignorant.

This is the first Episode of Season 4, and less than a hour after what happened to Helen she's denying Navarro's request. She has a political campaign history, how simple is it to just lie and tell someone what they want to hear (especially when saying NO can get you killed). Then she is a total hypocrite later with Jonah.

As of this episode, everyone in the family would be better off if she was dead and there's no evidence from the past 11 Episodes to suggest otherwise.

Russian Doll: Brain Drain
Episode 3, Season 2

Interesting Second Season, One big issue with Nadia
In the first season, Nadia was very smart and quickly figured out the situation. Having experienced a very Paranormal thing previously, one big issue while she's in Nora's body: She keeps talking like she's Nadia while she knows everyone sees and hears Nora. She knows she's in the past, with her consciousness in her mom's body.

Why, WHY does she keep talking to everyone as Nadia and keep referring to them as Nadia knows them, not Nora? Is her character incapable of the effort to adjust her words to not seem like a insane person?

If this is why everyone later thinks Nora is crazy (as we saw in Season 1) then that's really dumb writing. Its not clever. Especially, ESPECIALLY if the "Smashing the Mirrors" incident happens because Nadia gets stuck as Nora and can't stand to see her mom's reflection anymore.

Servant: Reborn
Episode 1, Season 1

Important FYI if you're thinking "This looks interesting"
By the end of the 3rd Season, you will still not have any answers to the questions the show keeps raising. NONE.

Every single "reveal" has a sliver of non-supernatural explanation. Does Leann have magic powers? I'd say there's a 99% Chance she does, HOWEVER there is always a tiny tiny doubt that could explain otherwise.

Also, NO Conversation you're hoping will finally happen ever happens. This is not "Leaving it to the viewer" to decide, the show's creator refuses to give answers solely to string the audience along to keep watching.

So I'll save you the 15 Hours of watching for now and maybe, MAYBE if something finally gets revealed by the end of Season 4 I'll delete this review.

Servant: Goose
Episode 9, Season 2

This is what we mean by lazy writing
If someone is hit by a car 10 feet in front of your house in a dense upscale urban neighborhood, the cops don't make a big deal about it. The First Responders are incredibly discreet, quickly and quietly cleaning up the scene with no flashing lights or sirens so you wouldn't even know it happened.

I guess they wanted everyone to have a peaceful night before Christmas.

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