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Hanatabamitai na koi o shita

I seriously did not expect to love this movie. I didn't even expect it to be good, I was just giving it a try and I'm actually glad that I did. This was my first japanese movie, and it turned out to be amazing. Although I hoped for a different ending, but the ending in the movie was quite mature. It's a real gem. Loved it till the end. If you're looking for a fun, relaxing, and enjoyable movie them I'd definitely recommend. Also if you're a emotional person, then be ready to cry (it may be a happy cry). Have fun watching the movie.πŸ˜‰πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Olaf Presents

Loved the Mockery!
These shorts were actually good and funny. I don't know if others felt it but to me it kinda felt like Olaf was mocking the classics of Disney. It was quite funny. Especially The Lion King, Moana and The Little Mermaid. Don't need to watch all episodes of this. Just watch the last episode the 6th one. It consists all the other episodes in one. Give it a try.

Next Stop, Christmas

I have to say it's quite a fascinating movie. It's like a feel good movie and it's been quite a while since I've watched a movie like this. I loved every bit of it. It's brilliantly done in both acting and production wise. I would definitely recommend watching it without hesitation. It's simply fantastic!


Definitely a Must Watch!
This movie is so fanatically musical. I loved every bit of the movie. Started out great, was fine in the middle, and ended great again! The musical bits are really mesmerizing, atleast to me they were. If you're planning on watching it, I'd definitely recommend you to go-ahead and get yourself a popcorn and a cola and sit down because you're in for a hell of a musical ride! Splendid movie! Recommended to all ages. Do not listen to those negative critics, believe me if you watch it.. you'll know why.

Alien Ancestors: The Gods of Man

Oh boy! Was this boring!!! It was so boring that I actually dozed off in the first 10 minutes of the video. Like literally dozed! Watch at your own risk.

Nice efforts production team, although it could've been way better.

Jungle Cruise

The movie was quite fascinating really! It was funny, it was romantic, really thrilling and adrenaline pumping... Overall it was fantastic movie and I'd definitely recommend watching it.

Wish Dragon

If you're thinking on watching it then I'd say go for it. You'll definitely love it. It's original and really great. It's Epic! Give it a try.. you'll wish you had a wish dragon.

Je t'attends toujours

This Shortfilm is nice but it'd be better if there were English subtitles for Non-French speakers.

Love and Monsters

Great fun
It was a great movie, I accept it.. it really made me laugh a lot and entertained me a lot too but there was a basic mistake, and that is when the chemical from the nuclear weapons created such enormous mutations in insects then how come humans are still the same? I mean if those chemicals affected the insect they should've affected humans and animals too right? I mean after all we are on the same land, breathe same air, eat almost veg/non-veg, so it should've affected humans too, Right? Other than that, movie was a lot of fun.

Song of the Sea

One of the most spectacular moviye I've ever watched
This movie is simply spectacular, one of the most amazing movies I've ever watched in my entire life. The animation, the storyline, everything is woah! Simply mind-blowing. Everyone should watch it atleast once in their life time. Recommended for all ages, the storyline is so simple even a kid would totally understand it crystal clear. Watch it without any second thoughts or hesitations. It's wowwwww! I could've given 100⭐'s if it were possible.

Le petit prince

Stunningly Beautiful!
If you're reading this review for a idea about how this movie is... Then I'd say stop reading this review and go ahead and watch it without any hesitation, you won't regret it. The most amazing beautiful storyline ever, literally amazing. The movie is like the baseline of our century and our lifestyle since forever, it's pretty deep and gorgeous, I would've given it 100⭐'s if it were possible... It's that amazing. It's simply perfection that anybody could ask in a movie.. love it. Totally recommendable for any age, literally any age.

Ma vie de Courgette

Pretty good!
It's beautiful and totally Loveable movie, great storyline... Suitable for kids as well as adults. Kind and smooth going movie. Watch it without any hesitation.

Pets United

Another absolute Rubbish..
Okay... What's the meaning of this movie supposed to be? There's a storyline but it goes like A-Z and comes back to C then go to P and run back to A. It's pure rubbish, you'll find a few positive reviews but last don't consider them.. ignore this as much as possible.. Not suitable for kids, not suitable for adults, not suitable for anyone.


Unusual great stuff
Laika is really coming up with great concepts. This one was unusual, and was really great. It's really loveable movie.. totally recommended for kids or adults.. Enjoy watching it.

Ghost in the Shell

Neither Good not bad!
It was okayish. Although I didn't like it, the movie seemed to be neither good nor bad, watched it only for black widow.


Not a Great adoption but it's okay...
I don't know how many of these reviewers actually read the book before watching the movie, but as of me (as I've read the book recently) the movie was an adoption of "CORALINE by Neil Gaiman". The book was pretty impressive, but the movie was kinda off as there are literally too many details that have been adopted wrong, which kinda made it bad experience, as a person who read the book I'd say every detail that was in the book was really pretty important as they're the actual key of the whole book. And the movie was a bit speed going where it should've been more detailed, slow where the parts were not much important. And there are some adoptations that made the whole movie upside down like the neighbor guy, and the ending was a bit low standard, I mean when the book had such a pretty amazing ending why would someone adopt a new kind of ending? A little disappointed with the whole movie but it's great too! I liked it anyways even with all the faults. I would totally recommend it if you haven't read the book, if you did.. then you'd be craving for details like meπŸ˜…. Go ahead and watch it without hesitation. It's an awesome movie. Have a great time watching it.

The Boxtrolls

Movie was really amazing, storyline was amazing and was on right track all over the movie, animation was really great.. really loveable movie, especially for kids. Kids would love it, although totally recommended for any age, just watch itπŸ˜‰

Earth to Echo

Repetitive storyline
This movie is great, I'm not saying it isn't. It's just feels like the storyline is repeated, as there are so many other movies exactly with same plotline. Aliens drop, kids help, adults stop, aliens free to go. It's all repeated man, the movie's concept of spaceship lying underground was good but it could've been better. Although I appreciate the efforts made,keep up the work.


Good movie
I thought the a animation wouldn't be as much as I expected but turns out that animation is really amazing, storyline was pretty good too! Totally loveable movie, I would recommend it, especially for kids. Great job guys.

Jupiter Ascending

What the hell, I mean it was really good, the storyline, the acting and all but teh graphics seemed a bit off and the fact of Jupiter's queen seemed a bit off but aside from that everything was great. I had to turn it off once in a while to take a break from it. Recommendable but I'd say Watch at your own risk.

Ender's Game

The movie's concept was so brilliant, the graphics were literally cool, the kids did learn how to steer a spaceship and fight enemies but it was a sad thing that at the end they eliminated a entire planet, they commited a genocide. That was really bad and the worst thing is the kid doesn't even know until it was over and everything is destroyed and the whole planet was vanished.

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Beautiful, Hoping for more!
It's a beautiful movie, storyline was mind-blowing, and the acting is really good.. although the movie seemed a bit off in the middle, it still had an amazing turn of events which covered the rest of the plot. I'm expecting a series, idk if there'd be another part for this but if there was I'd be really happy to watch it. It can be like Star Wars. It's brilliant, the graphics, the plot, acting.. Great movie guys, Keep it up.

Mune : Le Gardien de la Lune

Now this is what I call Amazing!⭐
Storyline was helluva amazing, there was no mistakes and no blanks left behind, everything was in perfect proportions which is why the movie is literally beautiful. And the best part is the movie isn't like it's just for kids, even adult's would find it amusing. Great movie, would recommend it to anyone. It can be watched repeatedly yet you wouldn't get bored. 10 ⭐'s for efforts and the beautiful outcome. Enjoy the movie πŸ˜‰

The Great Silence

Could've been better
Direction of the movie was good, a few characters were likeable but the storyline was kinda off, it could've been more interesting if the movie had some turns. It was plain and downgoin'. Although I give the actors and the efforts 5⭐. Okayish.

Knives Out

Brilliance of suspense
It was a long movie comparitively, but the brilliance of the Direction and the videography made it so pleasant it cannot go unnoticed. The storyline was hell of twist man! I mean I swear I never thought I'd see Chris Evans as a villain in any movie but woah! this movie just made it real with awesome plot twist. This story would've made a helluva book if written as a novel... It'd be like one of those antique pieces of like Sherlock Holmes or a book by Agathe Christie. I loved this movie, totally recommended.

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