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Top Gun: Maverick

Average at best
Being a nostalgia and Jennifer Connelly fan I had to eventually check out what this movie was. Well that and all the hype the film got this past summer made me curious as well.

I give Tom Cruise credit for maintaining his appearance but this movie was average at best. There was nothing in this film that made me really want to root for Maverick. The film dragged out.

There was some cool flying scenes which made as s pointed out the movie average at best to me. And I'm not even a Tom Cruise hater. Seems many loathe the guy for some reason.

I guess Top Gun fans would like this or maybe it's be better to see in theaters but yeah I wasn't impressed. The Lady Gaga song in it is my least favorite of hers and made my ears want to bleed.

Madonna: Justify My Love

A lot has changed
It's kinda crazy to think 30 years ago how much controversy this caused. Watching it today it seems pretty tame. With YouTube I was able to find old Madonna interviews on where she stood behind the video. Her defense was violence and embarrassing other people are shown like nothing but not moments of sensuality between adults.

As I've said in my other reviews Madonna was and well still is ultimately the sexiest woman to me I've followed in my lifetime. Many self um moments of pleasure have come with her in mind. This video was no exception at all. She was very beautiful and sultry in it with her Marilyn Monroe like appearance.

My younger self and well who am I kidding even today I'll still get off on this video watching her but I understand her points as well.

MTV is sadly no longer what it was. Back then this video was banned when MTV was still cool.

Blonde and Blonder

I liked it
I wouldn't call myself a Pamela Anderson fan but I do like her as a person. Shes smarter than people think. Denise Richards I used to like back in the day as well. They are both very cute in this movie together.

The plot is similar to Beavis and Butthead Do America and Dumb and Dumber. A duo oblivious to a lot of the regular world around them while some gangsters want them dead. But yeah somehow it works. I think Pam and Denise were charming in this. They did not come off as promiscuous women either despite still both looking good.

It's not very deep but I liked it. I think it deserves a better than 2.8 score.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Fun Movie
Thus that time of the year where this movie becomes unavoidable to some extent. I mean that is if you're into holiday movies and music and what not. While there's definitely things that have dated the film, over 30 years later it's still a fun watch this time of the year more often than not. I understand those that think it's over saturated though. Every couple of years I'll watch it with today being the case.

My favorite part of the movie is actually the first scene with the tailgater. While Clark's car seems dated today yeah those feelings still hold up though! There's still nothing more annoying 30 years later than being tailgated.

No Small Affair

Cute and underrated movie
Jon Cryer plays Charles a teenager more into photography than dating per say or things more "normal" teenagers are interested in. Until one day a beautiful very young Demi Moore happens to set in front of his lens for a picture and our hero falls in love and develops a big crush upon first site.

What actually interested me at first to check this film out was flipping channels I thought the young Demi Moore was Jennifer Connelly at first. I still kept watching the film out of curiosity and immediately liked it though. Pre social media and what not. It's a very cute coming of age film. I really liked Charles and actually Demi's character of Laura as well. Charles kind of reminded of myself in a lot of ways.

Its rare nowadays to see likeable movie characters.

A Bronx Tale

Chazz's performance
I'd rank among the top 5 performances I ever watched as his performance of Sonny it was that good.

Story revolves around Colegro or C and the two main male role models figures in his life. His hard working and honest bus driver father Lorenzo and the local neighborhood gangster Sonny. One day the young C witness a shoot out and murder in front of his stoop and his life is forever changed. Sonny takes C under his wing the rest of his life while Lorenzo objects.

While Sonny is a gangster he's very smart and philosophical and protective of C. Almost like another father to him. Which causes tension between him and his old man.

Great story along with great life lessons in this one.

The Karate Kid

Childhood favorite
It's a little hard with the popularity of Cobra Kai to see this movie in the same light as 40 years ago. But it's where it all started.

Daniel LaRusso is having a hard time dating to his new environment and not fitting in with anyone. He has already upset Johnny leader of a group of students who practice karate in the Cobra Kai dojo under brutal methods from John Kreese.

It can be argued Daniel brings on some of his problems himself but the whole point or beauty of the film is his relationship with handyman Mr. Miyagi. An eccentric maintenance man at the apartments Daniel and his mother just moved into. Daniel learns karate through Mr. Miyagi in a way where not everything meets the eye. Also balance is the key to everything.

An underdog tale.

Madonna: American Life (Director's Cut)

I still recall the controversy when this came out. Madonna even had a special on NBC at night with Matt Lauer to talk about it. I had no real opinion of it at the time but it seemed kinda dark.

Years later watching the video.. while not one of my favorite songs of hers she was right on the money with what she predicted. Corporate greed, ultra neocon policies, and obsessions with fame. Actually surprisingly at the time Madonna backed down on the video after it got banned. I think out of respect for the political climate at the time and American troops.

Kinda sad looking back at it as she was ahead of the curve in what she predicted. She moved on from this video to the Britney kiss later that year and this video was forgotten about. Holds up well.

Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe

Any fans of Beavis and Butthead in the 90s I think will enjoy seeing the pair again.

It's a similar sort of plot to the 1997 movie but it still works for yours truly to make him laugh. Complete obliviousness to the world while hoping "to score" with an older mature woman.

Some funny takes on modern things such as iPhones, Siri, and white privilege provided by B&B as well.

A League of Their Own

This Used To Be My Playground
Don't know the history of the league but it was during WWII when men were overseas a woman's baseball league was formed. A fictionalized and cute movie this was set during the time period/league.

The film revolved around two sisters and their drama, one (Geena Davis) the more talented and athletic one but the other sister more determined. But many good supporting players in this one: Tom Hanks as the washed up major leaguer now drunk manager, Madonna as the deviant dancer, Rosie O'Donnell as the loud mouthed infielder, Bitty Schram (Monk's assistant!!) as the meek outfielder, and her son as the bratty kid. The supporting cast made the movie imo.

There's No Crying in Baseball still gets quoted till this day but it's always that line This Used To Be My Playground and song that stays with me. Nostalgia there.

Diff'rent Strokes

Still entertaining
About 20 years ago already TV Land had a marathon of Different Strokes episodes and that was the genesis of me being a fan. There was a station called TNN or something like that where the reruns would come on.

But amazon prime carries some of the episodes. It's still entertaining all these years later. Some of the episodes feel on the self righteous side but they're about issues that are still out there.

Sad about the fate of the cast. Especially Mrs. Plato. I dont think she had a nasty bone in her body.

My Cousin Vinny

Nobel Peace Prize
I think everyone involved in this movie should get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. In the sense that I still haven't met a person who dislikes this movie. I have my own gripes with the Nobel Peace Prize in general so yeah Joe and Marisa are better candidates.

Two college aged kids driving South get falsely accused for murder. Without any other options for legal representation Macchio's character comes up with his Cousin Vinny from Brooklyn. Who has not yet actually had any experience and took 5 times to pass his BAR (hey, still better than most I say and he's persistent).

All the humor comes with the clash of personalities throughout the film. Even Vinny and Marisa's character's fighting was hysterical at times. Marisa also looked very very good and was very funny.


Married with Children

It wasn't the Cosbys
That was actually going to be the title at one point. But a great show in its day!

What I liked about it was The Bundys were more relatable to I think most people than other TV families. Or at least around the people I grew up with! Al a miserable salesman who always tries to relive his high school glory days, his dim-witted yet sweet promiscious daughter, his under achieving son, and his wife who does nothing with her life besides eat Bon Bons and spend what little money her husband makes. Also a recurring joke is how Al never wants to have sex with her despite her being a very attractive woman.

Far from wholesome and even crude by todays standards, it's not exactly family entertainment per say but quite hilarious!

The View

Yuck. No better than right wing propaganda
As indicated by my the name of my review I'm not much a fan. But because the show is on sometimes as "background noise" in the doctor's office I work in I have familiarity with it. It rubs off to me as a bunch of angry women where anyone that may even slightly disagree with them is wrong.

But back in the day I'd say 2000-2010 the show didn't seem all that bad. While not again a fan of it if there was an interesting guest they had on I'd check it out. The political agenda didn't seem as strong either. Not an Elizabeth Hasselbeck fan but at least the show had a conservative voice in the day.

Today it seems just unbearable.

The Karate Kid Part III

Cobra Kai 4
I'm guessing like a lot of Cobra Kai fans, I re-watched this movie for the first time in years recently. In Cobra Kai 4 Terry Silver returned and talked about how over the top the them of this movie was. Ralph Macchio has pretty much said the same in real life.

Daniel goes from a confident fighter to an insecure and winy one. The plot is ridiculous as well: a billionaire who puts his life on hold to terrorize a teenager.

Nontheless Thomas Griffith was very good as Terry Silver the evil villain. It does still have some touching moments with Mr. Miyagi and Daniel. It's the last time the two are on screen together.

Ultimately its a ridiculous movie but not without its charms. Cobra Kai 4 did well to incorporate it unto today.

Madonna: Truth or Dare

Behind the scenes
I'd be hard pressed to call this the first but this documentary came out before reality TV made it big. Plus it gave glimpses into the LGBTQ community before it became more mainstream. Many claim Madonna a trendsetter.

To me she was the sexiest/sultriest person imaginable growing up. Time went on though I became more appreciative of her albums/deep cuts/dedication. Enough to consider myself a fan.

The movie shows her good and bad sides. She can be a control freak and at times mean. But also she's all about love and expressing oneself.

For people who like Madonna it's highly recommended for a snap shot into her life at the time. This was at the height of her fame. The Blonde Ambition tour.

Ernest Goes to Jail

Jim Varney was a talented guy
I was Ernest fan back in the day and decided to unearth some of these movies. I enjoyed this one, there's humor in it grown ups can appreciate as well. There was one actually semi-touching part when an inmate decides to take it easy on Earnest. "He's not like us" when seeing his sweet if not other worldly nature.

The movie showed off Varney's many different impersonations. Between Ernest and the evil Nash.

A Perfect World

Forgotten about classic
A saw this movie almost 30 years ago now and decided to unearth it. I saw Kevin Costner come out in that Field of Dreams Ceremony and I had wondered it I had liked any films of his. Not a Field of dreams fan. After searching his filmography, this one came into my mind. I liked it back in the day and it still holds solid.

Costner or Butch escapes from jail along with a partner and takes a little boy hostage. As time goes on they both start to get along very well with Butch protecting the youngster and acting like a father. In the process showing the boy some of life's pleasures he never got to experience. Such as eating cotton candy, trick or treating, etc...

On the hunt for Butch is Clint Eastwood and Laura Dern. They as well have complex feelings for Butch. There's a certain amount of suspense in the film as well. Even though we are supposed to like Butch he's still a dangerous criminal who took a child from his mother.

Yeah it's a good one.

Swept Away

Not good but not god awful
It's the movie that ended Madonna's film career. On a plus don't care what people said about her I always did found her hot and sexy. Here she looked beautiful/fit/tan/still natural before overdoing a bit on plastic surgery these days. Her acting though just wasn't believable imo. Even when she was in bitch mode. But it's not necessarily all on her it just seemed poorly acted and directed.

The movie did though I think try to make a point money doesn't buy someone happiness through how miserable Madonna's Amber was initially. In that sense it wasn't bad. There was also a cute scene where she gets drunk on the abandoned island and lets her hair down. It's actually was a nice scene for someone knows as such a health/control freak. It had some redeemable features.

But overall just poorly filmed/directed. Years later Guy Ritchie would say he did the film since he had some success early in his career and felt he needed to change it up not to be pigeonholed. He ultimately admitted it wasn't a good idea.

Problem Child

One of my favorite comedies
Very underrated. Troubled orphan kid raises hell whoever he goes. But pretty much everybody was mean to him his whole life and I feel Junior was justified in some of his actions. Until he's adopted by Mr. Healy a loving man who does care about him. It's where it gets interesting.

I think the film is smarter than people realize with some of its social commentary. Suburban parents who care more about looking good/impressing/staying up with the jones than anything. Big Ben Healy's clips were nothing short of hilarious as well. The Bow Tie Killer was a funny bit as well.

Yeah it's a classic.

Madame X

Enjoyable overall
I've followed Madonna's career for now 25 years. While at times she's annoyed/disappointed me and my interest might have waned, end of the day I am a fan. Enough so I have other reviews of her movies/videos in my history and got the free Paramount preview to check the show out.

This isn't the grave physical undertakings The Girlie Show was and Blonde Ambition but in her 60's Madonna still puts on a show. Good visuals and dance moves. I know she had some injuries on the tour and joked about using opium. One thing she has always prided herself on was living clean and working very very hard. So I hope for her sake that was just a joke.

Most songs she performed came off Madame X but some oldies in there like Vogue, Like A Prayer, Frozen, and even American Life.

I know she's been very political in her later career and I didn't think it was too overkill with it. My only grievance was her personality when addressing the audience could be potty mouthed and rather arrogant. But I guess she's always been like that as well.

But yeah overall I liked this special.

On Golden Pond

Good Film
I'll admit one of the reasons I checked the movie out was seeing a scene of the young Mrs. Fonda in a bikini. I thought she was a babe enough so to watch her workout videos as well. I picked up a thing or two about stretching and working out there as well!

But half kidding aside this was a good film. Chelsea played by Jane Fonda visits her parents on their quiet lake house with her new boyfriend and son. Jane's real life dad Henry plays her dad in this movie and it's implied he was never really the most warm person in the world. I can't comment if that's how Jane and Henry's relationship was in real life.

Chelsea's step son gets stuck with her parents and he is disappointed. Think to life before cell phones and distractions like that! But he does start to get along with Chelsea's dad. These scenes hit home with me whenever I had to go to my grandparents house as a kid. I thought they were both boring then but now look back on those days fondly.

Overall it's a nice film. Recommended for any Jane or Henry Fonda fans.


Old school but still kicks
Gloria (I don't think she was ever given a last name I this movie) is neighbors to a family who the mob wants wiped out out of possession of a notebook. Only the little boy is spared. The boy Phil ends up in Gloria's lap the neighbor. Gloria hates kids and Phil hates her but as time goes on they both start to grow fond of each other.

It's implied Gloria was a mistress/girlfriend/showgirl to some of the mob guys but the movie doesn't go too much into it.

What I really loved about this movie was how genuine it felt to me. Life has its way of turning upside 180 degrees in one moment. Also, you never know what could be dumped in your lap in a moments notice. This movie really dealt well with those themes. Also, loved the old NYC/Bronx/Queens film locations.

Great film.


Now that's what I call a horror movie
I'd probably have to go back a long time to remember a horror movie I liked and or found scary. While I can appreciate Netflix series they make a lot of the emotion just feels forced/planned in them.

I busted this one out of the vault. It did not disappoint. Full of raw emotion and raw scenery in the old grimy NYC of the late 70's/early 80's.

Joe Spinell (God rest his soul) plays Frank Zito a disturbed man who kills random women around town and uses their remains in rather very twisted ways. The movie gets interesting toward the middle of it when Frank actually shows despite the underlying creepiness he can be quite charming.

The strengths of this movie were Joe Spinell's performance which was amazing. That as well as the raw scenery of the old New York.

This is a must if you consider yourself a horror fan. I know some feminists might not like this film but it's more a view inside the dark world of a twisted man than any kind of statement.

Madonna: Burning Up

While I'd like to think there's more to Madonna then just her image, sexuality has always been a theme in her work. She's always embraced that side of herself where as a lot of people just repress it/ignore it/don't talk about it, etc.... This was one of her first videos to explore this.

I'm sure it was very fierce for it's time and still is watching this years later. She has very fierce/smoldering eyes that are very expressive. It's very sexy and cute.

I think the guy driving the car Ken Compton was her boyfriend at the time. Humorously she lets him know who's boss.

But yeah Old School Madonna was the best.

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