
IMDb member since June 2001
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Wo de fu qin mu qin

Beautiful,stunning and too real for me.
10 out of 10

First I must say that DATING: traditional Asian Style , in the eyes of Westerners can range from romantic, sentimental, curiosity to right down boring, and vice versa, as in western datings to the eyes of Asians . So it all really depends on individuals.

The road Home and Xiu Xiu, the sent down girl, are the 2 movies that manage to make me cry. Being a fan of Chinese and Japanese cinema, The road home is another masterpiece collection from Zhang yimou. Its a basic story about relationship, parent, love, stubborness, tradition and belief. The movie is in both black and white during the present and in colour during the flashback , where the bulk of the main story is. The cinematography is visually stunning depicting the forest and the steppes of northern China. The casts are superb and admirable. Zhang Yimou always have the knack of bringing the best out of his cast no matter how small their role is.

The love story is touching, and the only people who didnt like it are the solid , stone cold of hearts. A movie like The Road Home is unique that it is also a kind of movie which will tell us the personality of the viewers themselves based of their comments and reviews .

But what really touches me the most in this movie is, being an Asian man, is when the aging mother recalls her youth and her stubborness in old age which reminds me so much of my own mother that i cried. The scene of the long, funeral march in the snowstorm is sad, haunting and touching, and it is these very kind of funeral marches that I had personally performed for my late father as well as my late mother. The only difference is I am on foot, following the hearse.

Musical score is so ethereal, with its stunning depiction and scenarios is what breaks me up . BEAUTIFUL.

Song jia huang chao

Stunning non-fiction epic
9* out of 10

This stunning non-fiction epic is filled with cinematic splendour. Base on accounts of the social upheavals in various points and eras in Chinese history, it is filled with gorgeous cinematography, great score by Kitaro and great cast. Historically accurate if not, a few minor point may be incorrect, but as a whole, it shows you the big picture.

With some of the best stars there is from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Maggie Cheung, Michelle Khan and Vivian Wu portrayal as the three sister are excellent. But the most powerful in performance are from the men. Jiang Wen (outspoken Charlie Soong) also a favourite actor of mine, Winston Chou (charismatic Sun Yatsen) and Kuo Chiuwu (commanding Chiang Kaishek) are powerful and haunting.

Despite an 18 minute footage cut from the original, still its a great direction from Mabel Cheung. As a loyal fan of great movies from China, in likes of directors Yimou, Kaige, XieFei and HePing, Soong Sisters to me will be one of my personal favourite masterpiece, one of the few from Hong Kong.


Qin song

Stunning,exquisite and sumptous epic.
I was surprised at how little information there is about this movie. This stunning piece of work is definitely worth more international regconition. The Emperor of Qin (Ching Shi Huang Ti) is a very popular figure here in Asia and everyone knows him thru history classes and here, is one of my favourite movie on the depiction of Emperor Qin.(221-207 BC.)

I had always admire Jiang Wen , and his cute,playful,fiercesome and brutal protrayal of the emperor is wonderful. Ge You is also great and comical at times. Ge You have won the International film festival best actor award twice.One for "To Live" the other for "Keep Cool". Both movies by Zhang Yimou.

The movies includes epic warfare, love, betrayal, friendship, stubborness, punishment, executions, tortures and power. Anything you should expect from and ancient epic, is all here.

The relationship of the two men in this movie is complicated, fascinating and touching. Full of emotions and feelings.

The entire movie from the beginning to the end are filled with gorgeous image and unbelivable scenarios. The opening sequence left me absolutely Speechless. The middle sequences left me in awe and terror and the final sequences left me in tears.

The Emperor's Shadow is a tremendous hit here in Asia.

Do not believe some of the US critics who down grade this film. From what I've read, some doesnt understand the culture and the history and some are political minded. See it for yourself and you decide.

Trust me. We, here in Asia knows best.

We came from our ancient ancestors of The Xia dynasty - ca.2000-1800 BC thru Qin,Han,Xin,Genghiz Khan to Kublai Khan who formed the Yuan Dynasty, and built the Imperial Palace (Forbidden City) and again thru Ming and finally Qing Dynasty (Empress Dowager Tsu Tzi /Aishin Goro Pu yi of Manchuria) to reach where we are in this modern world today 2001.

The Emperor's Shadow is visually sumptuous, with great cinematography and engaging history. Even if you are not a history fan. The movie can be enjoy via its visuals,ceremonies and scenery.

Red Corner

personal protest and propaganda
Red corner is OK as a movie and the good actors are basically the Chinese cast in there. But after watching Red Corner,I basically regretted buying the DVD.

Knowing that Richard Gere is a close friend of the Dalai Lama and making this movie starring him is basically a personal protest propaganda.

I just find Red Corner is a very mean movie. Insulting. Even if the judicial system of a country is different than the other, I really think that it is nobody's business to make a movie to condemn that system. These are the works that is asking for trouble.

I am born a Buddhist and I am a full fledge worshipper of Buddhism and the Dalai Lama, and I do yearly Pilgrimage. But I don't wave flags and harp about about another country's business.

RIchard Gere should in fact think of handling business (anti-abortion bombings, gay bashings, racism)in his homeland before sticking his nose into other's.

He admits being a buddhist , but his very attitude and protest and to actually act in a movie like Red Corner is very Unbuddhist, That really makes him and the other Steven Seagall 2 biggest hypocrites. I always wonder if "bashing" movies like this had a larger ulterior motives.

You never see Mongolia or Thailand or China or Japan making movies that bashes the American system.


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