Reviews (22)

  • One of the best adds for the New world order to date. Christmas is coming the federal reserve is almost feked! Lets make another movie about how the powers that be(Shiff,Oppenheimer,Rothschild and Rockefeller) can save you from the disaster they created. Only trouble is,I think there might be a spanner in the works,that smacks them straight in the face. How that will smart. I got it on a TS which wasn't bad quality. You would have to pay me quite a bit to watch this at the cinema. Now i've got to waffle on to make enough sht to get this posted. I'm still waiting for a decent version of conon. I haven't been or payed for the cinema for must be 10 years :) More crip and some more. I need the bog here goes Contagion 2011 TS XViD-ILLUMINATI.avi
  • From beginning to end this film is good. Comedy drama and emotion. Self- deprecating and shows the other side of fame.I hope it isn't as bad for Jean Claude as it makes out,but he has been married lots. 10 lines that just encourages waffling nonsense,well don't bother reading the rest as I'm just filling it up. All i can say is it's good movie,but it would help if you have seen his movies already otherwise you might not get it. I don't think the girlie's will get it either way,unless they give it that post modernist guff . ... ahhh tow more lines to go,this is really a pain.I hardly ever comment on a film because of this. the people who made this site are a bit gay if you ask me.
  • I've been studying his subject for a while. If you read any book by a wealthy guy about how to make a fortune then it's basically positive thinking. It's kinda common sense.If you are depressed and go around thinking how depressed you are then it's gonna make it worse. If you go around moaning how poor you are then the same. Have you ever thought of finding something you lost or thought of an old song or movie/show and as if by magic you stumbled across it. Without effort. I have many times and this condenses that concept and shows you what to do. The contributors are all successful,so it's like being told how to exercise by a really fit looking muscle man. He obviously knows what he's talking about. If you can keep an open mind you can live a happy contented life,if that's what you really want and ask for it :)
  • It's the kind of thing the internet was made for. This would never get seen other wise. from an Israeli point of view ,but quite balanced. Obviously there will be people who are so blind that they will twist the truth ,but it is so powerful it will change a few peoples minds to the truth of things and come to think of t could possibly save lives???? Wow now if anything deserved 10 out of 10 then that does. More lines needed. I am so clever and not full of bull that i do not need to waffle on with non sense to get my point across. Is this deliberate to only allow peeps who love the sound of their own voice to complete rubbish on this thing???
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I downloaded a sample and it looked really promising. I just got a DVD screener of pans labyrinth and thought this might be as good. It started off great thinking it would be a stylish action film. Then tho romantic bit started. A movie should be one or the other. Otherwise it does neither very well and this had 2 silly romances running with women the characters would have dropped in an instant??? As for the scene in the hospital!! That was the last straw(or so i thought) did they really have curtains an cubicles with shower curtain rings??? It actually looked better than a British NHS hospital does now(oldchuch Essex?) First he's gonna kiss the bird with the pox and then he isn't and then he is?? (let that be a lesson to you kids) Ah the last last straw !!! The galleons!!! it was either a Laurel and hardy or an Abbott and Costello (maybe both). I actually waited to get a good copy of this and had trouble finding the subs. If you don't get to see this you would have saved wasting 1 1/2 hours of your life. Unless you laugh all the way through.
  • Could have been so good. I only got half way through it and had enough. I didn't mind the conversations that people on drugs have,but after the fifth conversation on exactly the same subject it got to much. I'm still not sure the point he was trying to make. Jason Statham is fantastic in it (and the wig didn't look to bad?) It would have been a better movie just to have him in it shouting a people and beating them up. You can never have enough violence in a movie. DRGUS BAD!! VIOLENCE GOOD ;) Once again i downloaded this so it didn't cost me a penny so who gives a hoot. If i had went to the picture to see it i would have been totally p*ss*d off and have a sore bum as well to sit through this boring stuff.
  • I don't really like scary films unless it is justified. Definitely not a kids film,but i bet some poor sap will think it is an get it on DVD for their kids (or download it ;)). When all said and done i liked it. Anything original is good,and the special affects were good and not over done for the sake of it. Sad and Happy ending. Probably means more to Spanish people like a film with Nazis in it mean more to??? well the rest of the world! No real message,just a good old goodie and bady movie(the baddest bady of all time,the step dad),with an ambiguous bady(the faun). Oh yeah there is a message. Don't let anyone stick a knife in your baby brother. You might not go to heaven.
  • It wasn't that bad until the ending. I think they must have had a brainstorming session as to how many clichés they could squeeze into a movie before it finished. He loved his job more than his wife Tick The worm that finally turns Tick The muscle man brought down to size Tick The bar brawl Tick Etc.etc.. how east would it be to do something different or the exact opposite. Typical American attitude to a profession. You can't just go to work and do your job you got to TAKE IT ON!! like the movie flash back. Couldn't just put out fires,had to wrestle with it and beat it. A mans gotta do you know what i mean. I stopped it before the end cos it was making me sick when the wife that dumped him rushed in all concerned. Really good download though Good for teenagers and people who have never seen any other movie in their sheltered lives
  • OK it's got a message. The film actually says that only 15% of diamonds come from conflict zones so the odds are your diamond came from somewhere else. Incidentally the only decent pink diamonds come from a mine in Australia,so not much slavery there. Oh yeah talking about slavery!! The next time a black person goes on about 400 years and guilt of white people,maybe you could tell them to have a look at this and say what about now. I know they are still gonna turn it around and blame whites again,but there's no way out of that argument,unless they are in total denial. The journalist character gets silly as the movie goes on and all of a suddon she's talking photos??(black and white...Ohhh how very dramatic!!) Still there is plenty of action although seeing as Decaprio is supposed to be a super soldier it looks a bit camp as he seems to flinch when the bullets are flying. Just another thing. I brought back a rough diamond from Ghana(still got it somewhere) years ago?? and they are not that valuable,and it's quite expensive to have them cut and then you have to find someone to actually buy the thing. The movies a bit like fox hunting It good to hate rich people and also good to feel sorry for poor Africans.
  • Just got this from a torrent. Got the look of 'sin city',but not half the class or quality of that movie. Isn't it amazing how you can have a cartoon that acts badly. Maybe it's a lot better in french ,but i had to force myself to watch it until the end. There seemed to parts of the story missing,a lot was left to assumption. I can't see why they bothered to do is as a graphic novel style. It would have been much better as a real movie,but obviously cost millions more. Maybe that where the bad acting came from. They turned up for a few days and just read their lines and then got their cheques? Or maybe they weren't actually in the same room as the other character they were sharing a scene with. The download was top quality though,so that was a bonus and seeing as i haven't paid to see a movie in the last 2/3 years i can't grumble to much :)
  • If your going to copy then copy from the best. I'm sure all you film buffs could list the films this is copied from. I've seen it all before. Oooh to opposing forces yet one and the same?? who is good who is bad ooh it's such a moral dilemma. I suppose when everyone says that you are genius you start to believe it and don't try so hard. They are all talking about Oscars and stuff and how it's about time. I suppose it might be one of those Oscars folks get for just staying alive long enough. I'd tell them to stick their Oscar where the sun don's shine. laters Not bad but not that great. Crank was far superior. They want more lines so like all the other wafflers her goes. Waffle Waffle
  • Tony Blair is a better actor than the actor who played him!!! The silly yank playing prince Phillip!! Just cost it's an English movie the law says you must have at least one American otherwise it wont do well in the US!! His accent was stupid. Dick Van Dyke Murey Poppins!!!crap!!! When will they learn and take the slightest of chances and stick to the best person for the job. The tony Blair was the best looker likely. The queen was quite good. I like the way how when she's woken up in the middle of the night her hair is still perfect!! What PANTS!!! She doesn't go to the toilet or break wind either!!! More lines oh just a few more and i can post it. The movie was a telesync and it was like a screener. Amazing how they can do that. Thanks to who ever filmed it. How the hell they manage it amazes me sometimes. Laters...................
  • I saw this film yonks ago but only half way through and never really thought much of it. I just got a copy and it's got to be one of the best films i've ever seen. The casting was brilliant. Ian McShane is a fantastic actor,but ben Kingsley was superb. There's a scene when he's in the kitchen with ray winstone when he says we know why the real reason he came and his expression changes. I played it a few times to watch it,it was fantastic,the only other person i've seen do that is jack nicholson in as good as it gets. I'd say it's got to be down to the directing. As i've seen ben kingsley in other movies and not though he was as good,and Ray Winston was not his usual character all the way through. It was the dogs!!! that was!! Oh yeah the Devil Rabbit!!!! I just looked up what was made first Donnie Darcko or this and it was this!!By 1 year?? Maybe in a book before? I saw DD before and it was definitely copied. Unless it was copied from another movie????
  • Even though it's a cam it's not a bad copy. I remember seeing how spiderman was made and sam ??? whoever directed it said that when you play horns it makes whoever a hero. That's damn true,but this movie flogs the horns to death and it's not really justified. They got the formula and read the how to text book and thats fine,but there is something missing. Probably any realism or historical fact. Also they play the film with the fact that the writer knew how it ended if you see what i mean. The characters never knew how the war would end because they was in the war and weren't psychic. Another thing. Men in the 1900 would be nothing like the characters in the film. Can you imagine your great granddad being like any of the blokes in this movie?? I'd say it's worth about a 5 out of 10 at the most as it's an action movie and nothing more. Glad i don't have to pay to find out if something is any good any more. Laters....................
  • I've got a friend who has read frank millers comics whoops!! graphic novels for years and has showed me how spot on it is to the comic?? err graphic novel. I couldn't give a monkeys!! about that it's a fantastic film although a bit dark so not something i would watch over and over again. I didn't even mind Clive Owen part! and i think he is a rubbish actor. I can't see why no-one else ever mentions how bad he is??

    I first watched it as soon as it came out and the copy was awful,but this time i downloaded a high definition version. Yeah baby!!! It was crisp and i must have missed quite a few of the colours, which do stand out in contrast and keep you on your toes while your watching the film. Can't remember the last film i gave 10 out of 10?? Laters.........................
  • Gave it a five maybe a 6. Could be that if it was made today it would be a lot better as the special effects were very limited. He introduces himself as powder,which seems to me as a bit on an insult,but it must have been made up by his grandparents and then Mary Steenburgen starts calling him powder half way through the film?? No explanation or permission given. I also hate films that treat you as thick and explain what we are gonna do,then remind you of what we are gonna do then explain it again just in case you missed it and then here it comes. I'm referring to the bit where he goes to the sheriffs house and does the laying on of hands. Very like the scene from greenmails don't you think? Quite a bit silly ,but if you are a Buddhist or what ever the religion is that we are all one with the universe then it's right up your street. Laters
  • Where to start. I've never seen a film that had riddles in them that didn't sound stupid when they try to work them out. I think it isn't possible for any actor on earth to make me believe they don't know the answer and then have just worked it out. The English police scenes were so stupid and camp. "Armed police!!!' ooh i say put your gun down!! Pleasey wheezy!! Just a thought but shows the difference between Muslims and Christen's doesn't it?? If it was about Muhammad we would have world war 3 on our hands about now?? I almost stopped watching it towards the end. The hint about healing powers was quite good though?? Just one more line and i can submit!!!
  • I can't really totally review this movie? Cos i only watched up to the horse bit!!! My god that was a real horse!! Not a stunt horse!! That was it for me. I thought it might be OK,it didn't seem cheaply made and i like some of the actors in the film but that is not my kind of humour and if it's your then you must admit it yourself that you've got a sick sense of humour. It made no sense either??

    Was he mentally retarded and no-one realised or something. It's one of those things that you see on the internet that you can never get out of your head. I suppose it's called being traumatised!! Thats me?? Is it 10 lines yet. Thats a stupid idea. I have the skill to say what i want without all the waffle but then this thing forces me to put a load of needless padding in my comment!! Laters peeps.
  • I loved it. Some people like classical music and some like devil music. Same with movies. No one should revue a movie that isn't thee kinda thing. I read somewhere that is was copied form another movie. Anyone know what that is? It was so good that i was actually thinking of going to the cinema to watch it. The copy i got was pretty bad and i have resisted watching it for weeks. I think it must be about 5 years since i've been to the cinema. I haven't paid for a movie for about that long,so thats saying something. I'll probably watch it again when a screener comes out or even a DVD rip. Laters More than ten line poop again. Sorry for the waffle. I bet if i put the word waffle over and over again it would complain. Or even blah D blah something , something. Well here goes.
  • I suppose climate change is the new gospel music for ex politicians.

    You know singers that are no longer in the charts suddenly start sining gospel and then they have a career again.

    Weather has been around long before Al Gore discovered it. According to NASA car exhaust gases are a tiny fraction of the cause of global warming. There was global warming in the fourth century. We are coming out of a mini ice age from the middle ages. Since 1880 the temperature has risen by 0.6 of a degree. Every one realises that fossil fuels wont last for ever so why worry?? They will run out and then therm will be no need to tax everyone to death???
  • I never understood the appeal of woody Allen. The only thing i ever found remotely funny of his was that scene with helium in a movie?? I think if you want to appear intellectual then you have to pretend to like him. The English accents were to over the top. I'm relieved that i don't have to pay for any movies anymore. Although it was a cam it was still quite good quality. Thank god for torrent spy. I don't think i would have actually gone to the cinema to watch this pants. Ahh Scarlett Johansen. She is a babe. No silicone and rubber lips!!! Laters loser's.......................... ten lines or more. Have you ever noticed that people love to say more than is needed. Half the time i can't be bothered to read rubbish folks say.
  • Channel 4??? What do you expect. Errr yeah if i was going to a mates wedding then of course i would go to a war zone, for a laugh!!! Poor sods. There is obviously some truth in this,but i would have turned around about a 1000 miles before they did. They look quite healthy now though, so all's well the ends well. Let that be a lesson to everyone who decides to go from a country where you can do what you want at any time to a dump where peeps are shooting at you. Laters................... I have to leave ten lines??? It's a bit like a school essay. This is the first time i have ever left a message. It just encourages people to leave waffle. I hate waffle. did you hear about Steve Erwin??? He should have used sun block factor 50?? it protects you against harmful rays?? Seeya....................................