
IMDb member since July 2020
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Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

A Return to Form
I honestly don't understand how people can dislike this title. Rosario Dawson kills it, and Robin Lord Taylor steps it up from Dishonored 2. My only issue with it is how short it is. The story is cohesive, the gameplay is smooth and the animation and VA are solid. Worth buying, preferably on sale due to its length (or lack of it,) but would 100% recommend. If you're a fan of the Dishonored series, this is a must-play.

Grand Theft Auto V

Fantastic in every conceivable way.
Well worth $30, especially for the world design and the online gameplay.

Frozen II

Yep. That was a film.
A disappointing sequel. But those have never been Disney's strong suit. Best part of the film is probably Idena Menzel's voice work, and the beautiful animation.

Big Hero 6

A classic of the new Renaissance.
Intriguing storyline. Nothing short of beautiful animation. Wonderful voice acting. Enjoyable for all ages.

One Hundred and One Dalmatians

Lovely style, but you spent too long on barking dogs.
Not bad. A fun romp that'll distract your kids for an hour or two. But a bit bland.

Dishonored 2

Not quite what it could have been.
The graphics are gorgeous, and Stephen Russel and Erica Luttrell both do fine jobs as the protagonists' voices, but the story feels a little too parallel to the first one. The dialogue itself is kind of clunky at times, and most of the sets are, if beautiful, uninspired. Not a bad sequel by any means, but not quite the best.


I cannot imagine this game being much better than it is.
The storyline is a perfect blend of linearity and freedom. Yes, you're going to get to the same point in the end, but you get to choose how. Are you going to rampage? Or slip through the levels unnoticed, killing only when absolutely necessary? Or a mix of the two? The level design is amazing. and while 2012 animation looks a bit dated now, the game is still beautiful. Definitely worth a playthrough, well worth $9.99. Only bad thing I can say is that it is disappointingly short.

Pet Sematary

Very underwhelming.
This movie's saving grace are its special effects. The story is rather convoluted, Rachel's death is straight-up mean-spirited, and the ending is needlessly horrific. Not to mention the acting. John Lithgow does a good job, and makes an okay Jud, but he can't hold a candle to Fredd Gwynn--no one can.

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