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Pieces of a Woman

Loved It, Very Human
Plot: the best part of the movie. It's a very dramatic story, well developed with a human level that is normal, there are no super human or people who always know what to say and when to say it and I totally appreciated it.

Actress & Actors and Acting: well, the cast is stunning. Both the main characters did a hell of a job, she in particular was stunning and flawless. Vanessa Kirby and Shia LaBeouf shined, and Vanessa made me forget that it was a movie I was watching.

Conclusions: a very powerful movie which can touch you and make you loose some tears. A very mature story that makes you think about how everyone bears his sorrow in different ways and that's something that everyone should keep in mind when dealing with similar situations.


Harsh, Dramatic, Maybe Exaggerated But Very Good
Plot: quite the usual story, but screened in a more realistic (harsh point of view of investigating) way. Some parts are exaggerated, but I've found the story actually enjoyable (in a drama way). Lot of drama.

Actress & Actors and Acting: not the classic cast you would expect, but they really did their job. The part for the protagonist fitted very well, in my humble opinion.

Conclusion: don't expect a new story, but you can be surprised by the way the story is written and displayed to you. It's not the perfect thriller (there could be a lot of improvements), and yet I was entertained and I've realized that I actually enjoyed it even if I usually avoid or don't like heavy drama like this one.

Les Gouttes de Dieu

Masterpiece From a Manga
Plot: haven't read the manga, so I don't know how much of the manga there is adapted in this show, but to me this show is a high quality blend of Oriental and Occidental culture. The story is good and have the right amount of happy, sad, sentimental and deep moments. It's quite simple, but the way it's developed is stunning, I personally didn't expect that.

If you want to find something that doesn't really went well is that in every single episode they drink a lot. I'm joking, of course.

Actress & Actors and Acting: a real high quality cast. I loved all of them. I was stunned especially by the Japanese actors and actress, I mean it.

Soundtrack: nothing to say about it, it goes along really well.

Conclusion: to me it was a surprise when I picked up this show quite randomly and I found out that it was inspired by a manga. I also love the fact that they leaved the original audio most of the time (so be aware that you'll have to use subtitles to watch this).

I totally loved the Trentino part, they developed it flawlessly, depicting how people who live there are and I laughed so much.

As a side note, this show makes you see the good part of winemakers, but remember that nowadays a lot of chemical additives are used by quite a number of the winemakers, so there is also that in the wine you drink. I know it because in Trentino every summer turns into a period during which you can see this foggy clouds go around in the vineyard and that's really sad to me.


As For Season 1 - All Way To Better
As For Season 1:

Plot: it's not that silly as I expected. After the first introduction episodes the pace of this show keeps becoming more and more fast and, more importantly, intriguing, interesting and catchy.

Actress & Actors and Acting: the cast is very good too, especially for the main two girls, they did really impressed me. Very well done to them all!

Visual Effects: the quality is good for nowadays and they probably kept the main CGI simple in odrer to make it watchable for kids, but, hey, in my humble opinion this show is totally not for kids.

Conclusion: At first I was skeptical about watching it, but then a friends of mine push me to do it, so here I am. Well, I thanked my friend for making me watch this, now. The beginning is nothing really special, but then, around the middle of the show, everything starts to becoming better and better (like Severance). So, if you want to watch someting not demanding and yet not so light, this show should be a good choice.

Now, let's wait for season 2!

Avatar: The Way of Water

Avatar: The Way Of N/A
Story: I even fear call it "story". It's filled with nonsense and extremely simple excuses or goals. Even the message they want to send is messed up.

Visual Effects: thankfully this side of the movie is good as the first one. Even if there are not actually new things (all copied from the first one or the real world).

Soundtrack: it was enjoyable and good as the first one, sincerely talking.

Conclusion: this movie is just to watch, there's nothing else to do. Shut down your brain and enjoy the visual, otherwise you'll face the story side and, well, it will make it worst. It's totally a shame, really, the main idea could be good but the way they developed it was totally nonsense. Ah, now that I'm thinking about the main idea of the movie thoroughgly, I would say that even that was nonsense. Really, I'm not joking, don't worsen the good taste the first Avatar movie leave to you watching this one.

The Last of Us

Season 1 - Not So Deep And Good As The Game
As for season 1: Plot: really liked it, it's structured not as well and deep as the game, but the story was really enjoyable.

Actors & Actress and Acting: well, the cast was not the best one, in my humble opinion. They have not that many facial expression, and that's a shame as this show (game) was mainly psychological, so facial expressions are very important.

Visual Effects: a very good part of the show. I also loved the part were they showed the classic Bloater kill in the background.

Soundtrack: very good, very near the level of the game. Totally loved it.

Conclusion: not at the level of the game (well, maybe because of the fact that the game you actually live it) and it's way different (only the main flow was kept), but in conclusion, as always, HBO didn't deluded. The cast was meh and, as someone else rightfully said, the pace of this show was wrong, too many things were cut out and that's totally a shame.

A Man Called Otto

Totally Passed!
Plot: haven't read the book, so I don't know how much there is from it, but the story is totally good. It's touchy, very deep and beautiful.

Actors & Actress and Acting: Tom Hanks aside (who did a very good work), the other main characters' cast did a very good job too, totally liked them all.

Soundtrack: in this case I've noticed it and I thought that it was perfect, right time, right volume, right duration.

Visual Effects: not sure, but I got a hunch that the *** was in CG. Maybe I'm wrong, but for that particular scene I guess it was the wisest choice.

Conclusion: if you are searching for a drama, psychological and yet touching movie, well this movie should be in your choice list. Amazing story, very good cast, and also the rest as the soundtrack was done very well. So, if you are in a "want a drama and deep story", this is highly recommend to you from me (hoping that you'll like it and that I didn't get your hopes too high).

Rogue Agent

Really Enjoyed It
Plot: a very psychological one. It's well narrated and I really liked that it's not that kind of story where Americans comes in and resolve everything in just two frames (no offense), it was entertaining from the beginning (and if you think it's a romance just keep going).

Actress & Actors and Acting: Good cast, nothing to say against them. And I really appreciated the possibility to do some British listening practice!

Conclusion: If you like psychological movies I guess this will catch you. Personally I really liked the psychological part and how everything goes toward the end of the movie.

NOTE: if you know nothing about it it will be probably better and more enjoyable (I mean you haven't saw trailers or read about it).

Les Misérables

Worth Watching
Plot: a well developed story and well built characters. The story is various and how everything ties up is entertaining and catchy.

Actors & Actress and Acting: Sincerely the cast in general is very good. All the main characters did a very good job, and also some secondary characters shined.

Soundtrack: good and it goes along the show very well with its dramatic side.

Conclusion: a show that is not for everyone. It's quite slow, with its pace, and the story takes its time to bring everything together. So, if you are a person who likes just action or fast-paced things, maybe it's better for you go searching for something else, while if you like romance and drama, well, I totally think this show is worth a try (and it's talking a person who likes action and thriller/crime).

Bad Sisters

Best 2022 Thriller/Mystery Show, Just Ahead of Severance
Plot: best part of this show. It has no inconsistencies, is narrated in an amazing way, that keeps you want to go on and discover more. So be aware of it, and start watching it early along a weekend.

Actress & Actors and Acting: amazing cast, really. The actresses covered their characters perfectly, in my humble opinion, while he, JP actor, was simply perfect for this part; sorry if I say this, but he does really have the perfect face for it. Also the other actress and actors that covered more background characters were really amazing. If you haven't get it yet, I was positively surprise and I loved them all.

Conclusion: Totally recommended! If you are into thriller, mystery, crime stuff, then this show is a total must!

Moreover, if you'll like this, then try also Severance. At the beginning is slow and totally weird, but if you keep it going you'll be rewarded. And this, Severance, is now on the second position as for the best 2022 show personal chart, Bad Sisters is now on top as it captures you from the beginning!


All The Way Down
Story: quite good idea, well started, explained and presented as for season 1. Season 2 started to be a little bit lower than the first one, while season 3 is just filled with mistakes and nonsense. Well, this is just my opinion about the story.

Actors & Actress and Acting: good cast. Some of them were better than others, but they all did a very good job.

Conclusion: the main idea could average (the situation presented), but everything else is well developed, as far as you reach season 3. The characters developer is well done and followed more or less through, but some situations were obviously presented just to keep the thing alive, that's what I mean when I say that there were some nonsense.

So, a quite pleasing and enjoyable show, but the last season will give you a bitter taste.


Can't Wait For Season 3! (if any)
Story: well, not all the episodes are perfect (a couple are exaggerated, I mean on investigation side and some things on the investigation process is taken lightly), but this show does really entertain! There is the background story which is very intriguing and keeps the interest alight, and there also is the romance, funny, drama, and serious side!

Actress & Actors and Acting: personally, I really like the cast, they all are very good. Very well done, guys!

Conclusion: if you are searching for something not very difficult, funny and with some romance along, well, this show will probably suits you! If you can't stand even the slightly mistake, well, I advise you to go watch other stuff as Orphan Black.


Story: very slow, dramatic, and (to me) not very interesting.

Actress & Actors and Acting: this is the first time to me watching a Denmark production, so I'm not very into it. In my opinion, the cast wasn't that bad.

Conclusion: In my extremely humble opinion, especially for the fact that this is the first time I've watched a Denmark production, this show was very slow. While the drama side can be welcomed by others, I didn't really liked it.

On the other side the story of the writer was well managed (still slow), but, sadly, that was the only satisfying thing of this show (and I repeat, it's just my opinion, someone else can find it good or even amazing).

The 100

A Total Nope
Story: let's say this, the idea could be good (nuclear disaster and guys who tries to be better without using violence), but everything is just dumb, even a new born child can see that. There are characters who just keep changing their mind without any explanation (and so any clear sense), situations that are totally forced toward totally expected and predictable outcomes. Not to talk about how most of the diseases or, worst thing worst, the radiation problem are both totally taken lightly. I'm not wasting my time bringing up examples (I also don't want to hide this review), but there are tons. This young-aimed show is totally counter-educative. Do you heard about Chernobyl? Only that problem will take 10.000 years to be considered gone. Well, not that Chernobyl is the only nuclear disaster that there was, you know, just to make an example.

Actress & Actors and Acting: I'm worry to say this, but the cast was very low tier. Only few of them can be saved (like Murphy, Raven, Monty actors).

Conclusion: a too long show that will make you just to waste time. Just a couple of scenes are worthy as they have good messages, but that's it. I would say that Monty and Raven characters are probably the only one well developed.


I Hope It's Done Through CG
Plot: nothing really special, there are some situations that are just pushy toward that goal even if they do not have much sense. So, if you are here for the story, forget it.

Actress and Acting: don't know, they didn't really convinced me about the character they were acting, in particular at the beginning. At the end they were better.

FEAR: well, this was the side of this movie that went really well. If you are here for a dose of adrenaline, well, I guess you'll probably get it. By the way, in my humble opinion, is quite easy to spot that the background was attached there using CG. Yet, I had fear.

Conclusion: want to watch a good movie? I guess you're in the wrong place. Want to watch a movie that makes you feel something like fear? You're totally welcome here!

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: A Normal Amount of Rage
Episode 1, Season 1

Sorry, Tatiana Maslany, But...
Plot: what to tell you... a dull plot, extremely simple that made me sleepy. Mainly for kids, as lately all Marvel stuff is more and more becoming.

Actress & Actors and Acting: Tatiana Maslany has all my respect as an actress, totally loved her work at Orphan Black and, as I can see during this episode, she still probably the best actress out there. She is the best actress I know for sure. Anyway, this alone do not make a show watchable, sadly.

Visual Effects: not very into it lately, but as I can see Disney did not do a lot of improvements on this side from 2020 or so, even if they have plenty of money to do it.

Conclusion: as Hulk do with their rage, I have to control myself while reviewing a Disney stuff. So, to be blunt... Disney? Of course there's nothing new, just remake or reuse or both.... Totally a shame, since there is Tatiana Maslany as main actress. I loved her work, I love her work, and I'll keep following her flawless work, even if it means watch this... thing. Can't wait to see you on a better project, Tatiana!

Black Bird

Best Crime Show Of 2022
Plot: amazing, and flawlessly narrated, no more to say.

Actors & Actress and Acting: in my opinion this show has one of the best cast possible for this story. Everyone did their job extremely well.

Conclusion: a must for everyone who likes thriller, crime, drama, psychological shows. I believe that the book would be more complete and clear about some parts (like the. Relationship with the prison guard that was not so linear to me), but even just this show is a lot!

Becoming Elizabeth

IMHO It's Underrated
Plot: it's all about court game. Three kids became possible successors of the throne from a day to another. They'll strive to find how to live in place of plotting called court.

Actress & Actors and Acting:I sincerely liked the cast, nothing to say against it.

Conclusion: as soon as you don't expect a documentary, I guess you can enjoy the court plotting. To me it was very catchy.

It's sad that this show is so underrated, but this is just my opinion, it's just a matter of taste. If you'll watch it I just hope you'll like it.


Everyone Knows How It Will End, And Yet It Was Very Entertaining
Plot: easy and the end is totally predictable, still the development and getting through this fight of predators to see how the hunt is done, it was very entertaining. The end is a little bit forced, maybe you can pass on it.

Actress & Actors and Acting: nothing to say against the cast. They all did their job well. The main character's actress did very good, in my opinion, I liked her.

Visual Effects: well the movie is darker than usual, so it's not that you'll see all the details, but, for me, the story took over it. In my opinion, in late 2022 it's quite a shame this kind of behaviour as I guess that nowadays should be easy doing visual effects.

Conclusion: a good movie to pass some time. Personally I would recommend it to everyone who likes pure action with some tense moments. But if you know nothing about Predator, probably some part will be something like "What? Why?".

The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey

Extreemly Good
Plot: the narration of this show is very high quality, the best part. Maybe is also thanks that it has a book as base, but, I repeat, the narration is one of the beast I found lately.

Moreover, the topics that this show faces are delicate, and yet it helps to open your eyes and learn something.

Little side note: if you are here searching for a intricate thriller / crime, then you'll be disappointed, that was not the main purpose here, thus the thriller part is simple.

Actors & Actress and Acting: Samuel L. Jackson shined, really. In my opinion this is one (or maybe the one) of the best of his works. Everyone else did their work very well, really. This show had a very high quality cast.

Soundtrack: in my humble opinion it was a good part too of this show. It never spikes out of nowhere or went out of lines. But, hey, I'm not that "expert" on music side. Personally, I've found it right as every shows of film should be.

Conclusion: a masterpiece that will touch and catch you. Just have a little patience during the first episode since it seems that everything is just a drama, but after that this show will start doing it right (not that the first episode is bad).

I personally recommend this to everyone!

The Batman

Nice Thriller Part, Everything Else Is Avarage
Plot: I liked the thriller part, the other stuff in this movie was average.

Actors & Actress and Acting: a very good cast! Especially the main characters.

Visual Effects: well, they seemed well mad. Since the movie was all at dark it was hard to notice imperfections. This probably made them economy on this side of film making.

Conclusion: in my opinion, as this movie is three hours long, it's probably not worth watching. Nothing special, but the thriller part was entertaining!

Chernobyl: The Lost Tapes

Everyone Has To Watch This (If You Haven't Watched The TV Show)
Okay, I'll be honest. If you have already watched the TV Show "Chernobyl" of 2019, this is just a bit more, there are not that much more information. The Show actually contains more detailed information, wile this movie is more about "visualize the disaster" in a more detailed way.

In my opinion this movie or the TV Show should be streamed at high school.

Side Note: I want to believe that this movie release in this period is not a political manoeuvre, since there are some tapes that are about "America do better".

Chernobyl is what happened and no one can change it, but what if this disaster happened in another country? Think about that. Also, how many things are silenced by each one of your country? Think about this too before accusing.

Anyway, this is just my opinion, everyone is free to think what everyone wants.

Planet Earth

Go Watch Tiny World, Intead, If You Want To Watch A Proper Documentary
Why I didn't like this "documentary":

  • too many sad messages during the narration, as if who's watching do not know that nature is perfect and knows how to face every struggle
  • not appreciate message which seems that predators are the bad guys and that's a lecture everyone should know
  • this documentary shows you some variety of animals, but it hardly goes deep on the way of life of those particular animals. That leaves a gap on who's watching, in my humble opinion
  • what actually displays you very clearly this show, are predators who slays their prays. I'm not against it, nature can be cruel, what irritates me is that there is this sadistic part of this documentary where they shows you very well how predators take down their pray and how the pray is still alive in their mouth. This is the thing that I totally could not digest. It's too much. They could have, instead, narrate more about the way of life of the animals
  • not liked the soundtrack, not every time tunes the right tune at the time

So, in conclusion, thanks for letting me see some new animals, but also not thanks for just show them without, let's say, explain them a bit more about how they live, how they face struggles, and so on.

Inspire at Tiny World, that's a real documentary to me, where you see new animals, you learn about how they live and their particular skills.

Love, Death & Robots

As For Season 3
Al You Need To Know:

Season 1: amazing, stunning animation and some very good stories (my favourite is Lucky 13).

Season 2: good, pretty simple animation and none very good story, just some good ones.

Season 3: delusional, simple animation (animation of season 1 was better, in my humble opinion) and just maybe three stories that were okay.

Sadly Netflix uses to push on release the more the better, not checking the quality of the show. Especially after seeing that the first season goes well. That's a shame, really.

The Endgame

Tricks Are Really Enjoyable
Plot: really good (even if there are some points where characters play dumb). In my opinion it is worth watching.

Actress & Actors and Acting: I liked the cast. They all played their role well, in my humble opinion. Well done, everyone!

Conclusion: finally a nice thriller show, done well with a good story. I f you like thriller, I guess you'll like it (or at least you won't think that it was a waste of time, hopefully).

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