
IMDb member since September 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


Everyone's Hero

A little drawn out, but fine for what it is.
I don't like critics who take "kids' movies" so seriously. And while, "fine," Everyone's Hero could have been more "crisply" delivered.

A stickler for detail (kids' movies or not), I was sad to see a couple of easily avoided factual errors.

1. The ball says something to the effect of: "I wish I was made of the hide of Seabiscuit..." This is the 1932 World Series. Seabiscuit was born the following spring. Wikipedia: Seabiscuit (May 23, 1933—May 17, 1947) was a champion thoroughbred race horse...

2. Upon arrival in Chicago, we see Wrigley Field... and light stands on its roof! 56 years TOO SOON!

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