
IMDb member since August 2020
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Nanny and the Professor

Romantic tension undercurrent
I disagree with previous reviewers who found this series to lack a romantic element. Those viewers obviously missed the emotionally fraught episode in which Nanny requested that her mother's wedding dress be shipped to the States from England.

I agree with the previous reviewer who zeroed-in on the fact that this series belongs in an earlier era of film history, rather than being misplaced as it was at the height of the Sexual Revolution. Those who are attuned to the steam build-up which accompanies old-fashioned tales of strict self-governance will understand. Think of the A & E version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and note that their first simple kiss did not occur on camera until the final scene after the honeymoon carriage had departed somewhat out of view of all of the wedding guests. Yet one could scarcely miss the steam that had built up to the proposal scene.

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