
IMDb member since August 2020
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    3 years, 9 months



If the word cliche was a movie, it would be named Godmothered.
I've already said enough. Even this review is a cliche.

The Prestige

Blows my mind that people will go out of their way to downvote every single positive review.
Good movie, underrated, yet some people simply don't like it because, because, because... because what? All points against the movie are invalid.

The Last Airbender

There's a good reason why no one likes this movie.
Ruined one of my favorite, if not my favorite cartoon shows ever. Turned it into a complete laughingstock. I do not exaggerate when I say that I will never, NEVER forgive M. Night Shaymalan for what he did. I can see why some people may not think it's bad, that is, if you haven't even seen the show. I was a little boy when I saw this "movie" and to this day I just can't seem to shake it out of my brain. It makes my physically ill, and I cannot stand the thought of it existing. That being said, it... nah, it's still pretty bad.

Rick and Morty

Season 4 dropped the ball. Still one of the greatest animated shows of our generation.
Filled with so much creativity and imagination, this show is an instant classic. It's like the ultimate anti-sitcom. Scifi fans will get a kick out of the many silly and yet intriguing concepts, while those interested in the more dramatic scene will enjoy the emotions and real problems brought up on virtually every episode. Entertaining, a binge watch for sure, would give it a 10/10 except for the awful fanbase and the fourth season.


This movie rewards you for seeing it again.
I'm not gonna lie, first viewing was a big letdown. As a Nolan fan myself, I was shocked to see what I considered "annoying bad" writing and sound design. The sound design still is a problem as of writing this, but upon second viewing, it was like a little switch flicked on every time I saw something I didn't understand from the last viewing. The little details that I considered bad writing suddenly seemed like an obvious answer. The cheesy parts I thought were, well cheesy, had so much more depth. I'm not going to spoil it, but thinking about The Protagonist and Neil makes me feel so many emotions that upon second viewing never made me feel the way I did, truly beautiful. No movie is perfect, this one definitely isn't perfect. This is no Dunkirk or Inception, but I guarantee this movie will make you use your brain.

Chicken Little

A Look Back On It
I remember this movie as one of the earliest memories as a child. All the way back to the first house my parents lived in together, my first books, first games, and my first movies. This one stands out to me in a big way, I had never even thought a movie could be that wild and crazy while also having some themes I could understand as a one-year-old, a movie with a soundtrack that I could still hear as a kid while doing other stuff a kid my age would do. I think I wore my parents out on this movie, but they still let me watch it over and over again. It is truly a great movie for a kid, enough to keep the children content and to keep the parents mildly interested. Its obviously not a mind bending classic, but it is a movie that is very near to my heart.

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