
IMDb member since August 2020
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The Twilight Zone: The Invaders
Episode 15, Season 2

Remember seeing this when I was 10 years old
Have seen many episodes of the original Twilight Zone. I just had it on and in the first few seconds and realized this is one of two episodes I remembered so well when I was a kid. The first one which I have seen many times, was the aliens came to earth and provided cures to cancer among other things and improved the population of the earth by eliminating all illnesses. They could not translate the book the aliens had given the world leaders. One scientist finally decided to take them up on their offer to go to their planet. As he is boarding the ship, a co-worker tells him the book is a cookbook "To Serve Man!" The Invaders episode with Agnes Moorehead had a similar plot twist at the end. So glad I had the channel on tonight so I could finally view this terrific episode for a second time. It was as scary as I remember.

50 to 1

Excellent movie not appreciated by critics!
Saw this several years ago and enjoyed it very much. Great story with memorable individuals. Nice to see this unexpected story about the people and horse that no one thought would win. Even more interesting is that years later some of the elite in horse racing fell from grace. I would recommend this movie to anyone that loves the story of the underdog and those around it have success.

The film is a range of emotions. The horse was an unlikely athlete and surprises everyone including his jockey. Don't know what movie the critics watched with their negative reviews-similar to those who dismissed this great horse.

Waiting for Anya

Don't understand the negative reviews
Just finished watching and thought this film was beautiful. Yes, another WW II film but it is about individuals that really thought and cared about their fellow man. It showed the cruelty of the Nazis but without a shot being fired until the end. I thought the film was touching and told a story that many do not know. Considering the current state of the world, it is a reminder that with goodness and faith people can and will survive. Beautifully filmed!

Two for the Road

Don't get this movie
Have watched this several times. Love Audrey and she is beautiful. But the characters she and Finney just are annoying and selfish. I didn't see anything comedic about it and drama is just forced.

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