Winnie the pooh to dark for you The start of the movie is easily the highlight, they could of made a 10-15min short film and absolutely blown it out of the park, but they went a different, more muddled, poorly written and edited path..
Other highlights include discount English Lindsay Lohan getting the always great and realistic mid-fight disrobing and fed into a woodchipper, and the girl with the Cumbrellas run in with Pooh's car...
The one thing all the characters had in common was the lack of will to survive... literally none of them put up any fight and basically just laid down and died...
Other than that it was filmed way to dark to be able to see half of what was going on, no real story or cohesion, but some pretty good kills sprinkled throughout the movie.
Costumes were quite cool, Pooh's was better than Piglet's but still both looked good.