Reviews (1)

  • When I lose my faith in humanity or the arts, I need but to watch this Fifth and greatest installment to the "St. Bernard Saga." As clever as Chinatown, as dark as Citizen Kane, as imaginative and righteously foreseeing as Dune, this homage to cinematography will cause the most rooted theologian to question the existence of a God-creator. How can man bring forth such a work of utter perfection? In a word, this film is angelic. Again I stand amazed by the range of an actor as unequaled as John Larroquette. His immortal dialog, "Who pooped in my shoe!?!" should have earned him an Academy Award. And what could be said about Kathy Griffin's performance. My sole is reborn as I here here witty combacks and jingers dance from atop her rapier-like tongue.

    I have been petitioning to have it replace "Bridge over the River Kwai" in the AFA's list of the best 100 films of all time! I only hope that before my existence on this plane comes to pass, I can see but one more playful yarn with this the most beloved creature to grace the planet.