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White Noise

too much information.
I think this film contains several interesting themes to be explored and it has various genres throughout, like horror, comedy, sci-fi... But in my opinion the excess of information turns the film into a salad and at the end you feel like you understood, but there are a lot of pieces that gone lost because its soooo much dialogue and nuances in the action, in Jack's dreams about Hitler/the drug dealer of Dylar, anyway. I was really enjoying the first half until the toxic cloud event. After that, the film lost its charm and in my opinion the salad of themes explored in the last parts of the film turned the whole thing into a mess.


Trying to figure it out what is "profound" or intelectual in this movie
I read lots of reviews here of people saying the movie is profound, intelectual, bold, awesome...Really?

By the half I already knew what was all about: a girl trying to get his mother validation and her mother controlling her, just like we have in Aronofsky's "Black Swan". Just like in "Black Swan", the girl's alter ego materializes in the form of a deformed creature (in a crow's body) that gradually becomes "the girl". In the end, a simbolic inner battle is portrayed and the metaphor about the girl's alter ego is completed.

I understand the basic concept of the film, I may be wrong in some aspects, but my interpretation matches almost all of the other viewers, and yet I don't think it is well made. The acting is quite poor (the girl is annoying trying to portrait a repressed young girl) and what most annoyed me was the subplot of her mother's romance, it made no sense and it was pointless, nothing in this subplot were useful to the story and it wasn't even well developed. It is, for sure, one of the worst films I've seen in the last year (I'm a horror movie fan), it wasn't scary at all and the worst thing is that sometimes it relies on jumpscares. "Piggy (2022)" was a looooooot better horror film of 2022, just to say a non-english. In english, Barbarian (2022) was also better, Pearl too.....

Bones and All

Anthropophagy is the act of the anthropophagus, which means, some species that feed with human flesh. Cannibals are one kind of anthropophagus, the kind that eats beings of the its same especies exist for a long time and they were especially found in indigenous tribes in esoteric rituals. The consume of human flesh, in those rituals, generally had the purpose of incorporating the characteristics of the person whose flesh is being consumed.

In "Bones and All" we have Maren, a character that, from time to time eats human flesh and lives with her father. Maren is not conscious about her "condition", all she knows is that her father is overprotective (locks doors, don't let her spend the night out) and the father is very discret about the past of the family, Maren's mother, etc.

Until one day she takes conscious about what she truly is, a cannibal. And then the "road trip" begins. What I interpreted of the film, in general, is that we all are influenced in life by some kind of determinism, the traumas and crimes of our family always falls on us, shaping our lives. It's up to us to take choices, break the shackles of our family, of our past and move forward, choosing to be good just to be good, choosing love and so on. In this film, Maren indeed chooses love and she tries to be a regular person, which she and Lee accomplish, briefly.

Sadly, the determinism and therefore the inherent nature of her condition and all the choices she made throughout the film lead to a bloody end and she could not escape her past and her parents choice.

All that said, the most part of the film is very slow, and I think road trip movies need to have something different, because there are too many. Unfortunately, this case is not "Nomadland", because it lacked emotion. The only parts that grabbed my attention were the bloody scenes, the scene on the hospital and the scene on the woods with that two strangers. Overall, forgettable movie, if it was not for the blood, I think I would not even remember that i've watched.


Triangle of Sadness

A satire on class struggle, rich hierarchy, moral...
The first part of the film introduces us Carl (Harris Dickinson) and Yaya (Charlbi Dean) and this prologue already shows us what kind of people are going to be represented on the film: self centered rich people that relates to others with only interests. And this is important, because when few of them survives on the island, their money is not useful and one of the crew members of the cruise, Abigail (Dolly de Leon) becomes the leader, and more than that, she uses the same logic of interests to obtain advantage over the rest of them, since she's the only one capable of mantaing them alive. I think this movie is a must see and I probably should watch again to pay attention to all the minimum details.

She Dies Tomorrow

Good premise, poorly developted.
The idea was actually pretty interesting, but the picture is slow and nothing happens at the end. By that, you might have a bitter taste of the film, because it is really disappointing.

The Quarry

Confession is powerful
I would believe and render into the story, but the 1:43 hour picture is slow and its just not engaging. I did not feel impact in the final scene, because the character doesnt make you feel the weight of his guilty, the burden of killing a man. I kept straight face the whole film... and thats it. Without Michael Shannon i dont think i'd finish it.

Yaga. Koshmar tyomnogo lesa

It's bad
I almost not finished this film. The script and lines doesnt catch the spectator's attention and it has bad development.

The Astronaut of God

It's just empty.
It's impressive how its bad. The lines delivered by the character doesnt impact, because he has a robotic voice so freaking annoying. By the end of the film i was thanking that was over. Also the title and the development of the subject is poorly made. The reflections are too blank.

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