
IMDb member since September 2020
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Seriously..what happened to Ashley Judd?
Much like I cannot concentrate on a period drama which includes ladies with veneers and boob jobs, I cannot take this film seriously as an apocalyptic film while Ashley Judd looks like a cross between Rocky Dennis and David Guest.

I usually like this genre, I especially like them when they include a storyline. I also think it helps if people audition for a role and are selected for acting abilities. Ashley Judd, once such a rare beauty with decent acting chops has vanished into oblivion. There was no storyline. No meaningful script. No likeable characters. The bad guys were as intimidating as a wet dish cloth. Surely all of the cast and crew knew they were working on a stinker. It really doesn't get much more pointless than this movie. Much like my marriage, it initially looked promising but in reality it was dull, dreary and lacked any passion. Two stars given on the off chance that I may watch a worse film in the next 40 years which needs to be scored less.

In the Land of Saints & Sinners

Who is here because they are astounded at Jack Gleeson's acting skills?
So me and my husband do not have the same taste in films. I air towards strong character films with well thought out scripts. My husband likes a good cop,bad cop film or a sports legend with a tragic injury. Anyway, when I looked up to see he had put a Liam Neeson film on, I expected to see an elderly man blowing up fifty people and fighting six young men with one arm. I was nearly right. But very wrong.

I knew in the first ten minutes, when a man dug his own grave and gave a rousing speech that this was going to be good. Just look at the cast. All legends but Jack Gleeson??? Absolutely amazing. I loved his role as Joffrey in GOT but naively thought this was just a great character for any actor to play. Now I know that without Jack Gleeson, the role would not have been the same. It took me ten minutes to realise it was him in this film. I was just thinking wow, who is this lunatic. Then the penny dropped and I sat amazed every time he was in camera. Liam Neeson reminded me what he was capable of when he is finally given something other than a hologram character. Yes, some of the brilliant supporting actors were underused but personally, it made it more interesting as screen time wasn't carved up in accordance to fame.

So pleased to have enjoyed a film my husband picked. Next year I might let him pick another one. I said might.

Talk to Me

Worth it for the first hour
I finished watching this about an hour ago and I feel it mad fade into insignificance eventually in my mind but for tonight, I'm sleeping with the lights on.

It does well to show you a 'promise' of what violence could come very quickly in the first few minutes of the film. It is this warning that I think is the ingenious ingredient that sets an anxious tone for the viewer from the outset.

Is it well cast? No. The cast was poorly chosen except for the young brother. The dad was like a wet dish cloth. Was the script good? No, again it didn't offer anything and could have ramped up the eery tone. Was it a good storyline? With some tweaks and a better cast and storyline, this could have been a stand out and dare I say it classic for its genre.

The first hour was scary because it didn't do a paint by numbers. It was truly scary in my opinion when they were taken over by spirits. This is when the younger brother really did well with the part.

They grounded it in enough of a realistic set up to make you think it could happen. It didn't have the American gloss that makes the viewer aware at all times that it is just a movie. This gloss can act as a comfort blanket for the viewer.

I give it a six. I'd like to see a remake one day.. OR at least hear about one as if they nail this one day it would be terrifying.

Night Hunter

Came here for Henry..even he didn't make it worth a watch
I really wanted to like this one. It started off well and went against the grain by revealing quite quickly what most of this genre spend the whole film building up to. The whole film was miscast. Henry was still heavily bulked up and even with messy hair was unbelievable as this character. Ben K did his usual straight faced turn, probably the only interesting character at the table. The most god awful casting was the serial killer/s. I am absolutely baffled by the absurdity of both parts. Surely they were supposed to be a sadistic genius and an abused sibling. Neither could organise a sh@t in a dysentery ward. How this got the green light I will never know. Surely even Henry realised he was onto a stinker when they rolled the serial killer out. I'm giving it a 4 as a nod to the eye candy and the fact that Ben Kingsley was in it.


I wish it had a fatter script and budget
For the first fifteen minutes of my phone I kept checking IMDB and the Internet as I was wondering why I had never heard of this film. From the very start of the film, the acting from the male and female lead is faultless. This continues for the rest of the film. It is exactly the genre I enjoy so it was a gem to find.

The film only feels low budget when any other actor is on film. I also wish the info regarding a child and a back story had been fleshed out. I also wish there had been more of a script or point to the final character Amber. Amber was not on screen long enough to provoke any feelings towards the character or any protective instincts. Was she pregnant to her stepfather? I wish this could be remade with the same two main actors but with a tighter script and better supporting actors.

Nightmare Alley

Falls short of the mark.
Sometimes a film comes along with all the right ingredients but still fails to resonate and for me this was one of those.

This should have been great but the pacing was all wrong. There was not a single character in the film to care about except the 'geeks' which were pitiful examples of human suffering. I found Cate Blanchett's character one dimensional and beneath her capabilities. Her reasons for her scheming were not fleshed out and skipped over. Rooney Mara's characters was also dull as dishwater and neither had any chemistry with Bradley Cooper. This could have been made so much darker and padded out in the right places. I wish it had been more 'American Horror Story' and less 'American Bedtime Story'. This had every opportunity to ramp up the creepy but it was a mis mash of great actors playing dull characters. The storyline, much like the carnival, is going nowhere.

The Shack

Dear God...Papa de la pap pap
Who funded this pap? Was it papa? I feel like I've been conned into going to church. I'm young this half way through,my husband is still watching this which makes me wonder if we ever had anthing in common. 3 stars for the first twenty minutes that made me think I'd watch just about anything with Sam Worthington in...even he doesn't make it worth watching.


Okay okay okay, some seriously silly yet seriously creep scenes
This is a really mixed bag. It could have been somebody, it could have been a contender!!

Ethan Hawke always a good actor yet somehow always misses the mark. Yet still he does well enough to carry this film which is a heavy load considering every other cast member is utterly forgettable. I'd have happily killed his wife long before Mr Bugglewhatsit did. The best parts are the murders shot on super 8. Some seriously sick and creepy ideas. I will never look at a lawn mower the same. The whole film is almost shot in the dark which left me wanting someone to turn the light on. The children with the shhhh finger gesture watered it down to a 6 rating for me. Ethan Hawkes character doesn't look like he could investigate a missing sock never mind a young girl. It became obvious to the audience before his character that moving home was not going to be solving the problemo.

Will I go to the toilet with the light on..yes. But more for a buglar and the warning this films serves aa to lock your doors and have a golf club near the bed incase some nutter comes in rather than a child wearing cornflakes on its face.

The Little Things

Shoulda Would Coulda
Jared Leto played a creepy Jared Leto in brown contact lenses. Denzil was an old copper with big regrets. Freddie Mercury was a middle aged copper with big teeth. I know I just watched it and should feel something for this ensemble but alas. I will forget I ever watched this.

Raya and the Last Dragon

This one was a surprise! A solid 7 and well worth a watch
I'm not a great fan of cartoons and I usually mentally switch off when the singing and dancing starts. Thankfully no singing or dancing here!

I'm surprised to read some of these reviews. My 8 year old son said it was the best Disney film he had ever seen. I thought it was a strong storyline and visually stunning! I dont think anyone is going to make a million on selling Maya T Shirts and merchandise will be in the bargain bin based solely on the fact there was less publicity. It isn't your usual shiny perfect world and contained some quite sad back stories for the characters. I would say the negative for me was the dragon character. It was meant to be funny but was as if it had been created for a totally different Disney film and dropped into this by mistake. It didn't have any actually funny dialogue and the colours were wrong for the film.

If you haven't seen it I'd say give it a go! I will definitely be watching it again.

True Detective

Does a series ever get any better than TD Season 1?
I watched season 1 again last week and I am still in awe of every element of this masterpiece. The pace, the acting, everything is so perfect it is mindblowing. I remember the excitement of waiting for season 2, which evaporated after episode 1. Vince Vaughan seems to always carry the can for this seasons issues but they were far larger than one man. I was astounded how bad the second was to the first. The third season, I watched it, I can't remember it. Other than to say it was better than the stinker in the middle.

Shutter Island

The most overlooked film of the decade
This is the only film I have watched once then put it straight back in for a second time. It was like watching a totally different film the second time around. Unbelievable!

I loved everything about this film. The cast, the storyline, the beauty of each shot. It was captivating and haunting. I never hear people mention this as one of their favourite films but it is firmly mine.

The Devil All the Time

Unbelievable Cast
I have a feeling this film will become iconic in twenty years because of the heights this cast will reach. The cast are surely the best amongst their acting generation and have been crammed into a truly unique film. A friend asked me what it was about and I didn't attempt to describe it. I don't think it will be for everyone. It had a sickening feeling all the way through, even though there aee far more visually disturbing films out there. It reminded me of the film Frailty for the sense of foreboding. I watched it this morning and it has stuck with me all day. Brilliant.

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