
IMDb member since September 2020
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I have a good taste
People who dislike this movie have a bad taste. That's all I wanna say!

Mission: Impossible - Fallout

Good but not Great !!!

Am I the Only One who think It is a weaker Entry to the Franchise!? The Movie starts off very Interestingly. The Syndicate is Still Alive in a different Name and a Member of it (John Lark) Plans to Destroy 1/3 of the World Population 'cause... he didn't like his Previous Job!? Really? CLICHED!!! About The Action Sequences, Only the Paris Chase and "Tom Running" Scenes Stood Out. The Last Helicopter Chase Wasn't that Good. They were cutting back and forth to Benji and Elsa which made it less intense. To Simply Put, This Movie has A weak Plot and The Villain's Motivation isn't that Clear. Also, Michelle Monaghan's Charater was tottaly Unecessary. Remove her and the Movie would still Work. PS Tom Acting was a bit dull(due to Age?) But I Can Forgive that. He's A Great Actor Anyway. Despite Being An Average Movie, it's Still Rewatchable for Some Memorable Scenes 😁. 7/10 For Me.


Just a fun popcorn flick
If you are really bored and wanna watch something fun, try this!

Friday the 13th

Very good
Not necessarily great but is really fun to watch. Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday da 13th, Scream, Texas Chainsaw massacre... these are the few movies that come to mind when you hear the word "Slasher". This is a really good movie with an Original Concept. The Killer is never shown until the Climax which builds terrific suspense and kills are Brutual too. This movie isn't cheesy or anything as some make it out to be but the Actting isn't top notch. Watch it!

Psycho II

Better than the Original imo
This movie is excellent! All the Cast give superb performances, Jerry Goldsmith's score is Phenomenol, the direction and cinematography is great! Why I think this is better than OG is because it has the "Emotional Attachment" to it. You can really feel for Norman, who is out of prison 20 years later and struggling to keep up with the world and Trying so very hard to Fight the Dark History of his Mother and The House. The pacing and editing is also better which the OG suffers from and so did all the movies back then. My Conclusion is: Go Watch It! You'll love it.

The Hateful Eight

Not For Everyone !!!
I can see a lot of Negative reviews here. I can Understand. This movie isn't for everyone! There is a lot of cussing, blood, violence and humor too. It's also around 3 hrs long. If you are a person who gets easily offended by the above mentioned, then don't watch it. It's only for true QT fans!

The Wolverine

Imma just say this. People who dislike this movie have a bad taste in films.

The Danish Girl

I usually don't watch these type of movies but this one was phenomenal. It has a great Cast, splendid Direction and great set designs. This Story is about an Artist who is confused about his sexuality and what he and his wife go through this difficult time. Though Eddie is the main character, the best part of the movie is Alicia's Performance. She kills it! Worth the Oscar! My only issue with this movie is the abrupt ending. Could have been better. Please do check out this splendid piece of Art. 📺📽🎥🎞


Rewatch It!
I absolutely hated it the first time because I didn't Understand the plot. This movie can be very enjoyable at the right mood tho, I watched it again a few days back and I think it's pretty Good. More than Average! Give this movie another chance, you will love it! 👍🔫🤵🏼

The Deer Hunter

Such an overrated movie! What movie takes 40 minutes for a simple wedding scene?? This movie is about a few blue collar workers who go to vietnam to join the war. For one thing, the Direction and Screenplay are horrible! With such a boring plot, you can't even feel for the characters for what they go through. It's too long unecessarily and shows us a one sided perspective of the Vietnam War. It also has too many sidestories which ruins the pace of the movie. I would suggest you to skip this Garbage. Not worth watching!

The Hunt for Red October

Underrated Classic 🚢
This movie is so Underrated!!! I don't know why this movie got mixed reviews back then but it's a pretty Good film. John Mctiernan direction is Awesome as always. Sean Connery, Sam Neil And Alec Baldwin are Excellent in their Roles. This Movie takes itself seriously and doesn't bore you with Heavy Exposition or Dumb Action Sequences. It knows what its genre is. My only Issue with this movie is its abrupt ending. It could have been better. 9/10 for me!

Battle: Los Angeles

Just a fun Enjoyable Sci-fi Action Flick!
I don't get the hate for this movie. They probably went in with wrong Expectations. This Movie doesn't waste much time on setting up characters for the first 30 mins and bore you like other movies do but actually Fleshes them out throughout the movie Which actually helps the plot. You really do fell for them when they die! The Action scenes are also Choreographed very well imo. All the Actors give their best! This movie is definitely worth the watch and I promise you that you won't be dissapointed! 👽🔫📺👍 10/10

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