
IMDb member since September 2020
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    3 years, 8 months


No One Would Tell

Great acting & good story line.
There is just something about the 90's era Lifetime movies that when you start watching you just can't stop. This one captured the seriousness of domestic violence. It showed how easily it is to be sucked up in an abusive relationship and not even realize it. It always astonished me how Stacey would tell her mother to leave her boyfriend but she couldn't do the same for the longest. That's another thing I liked about this movie...it wasn't just a girl staying with a guy, but it showed what could & does happen a lot when women leaves or tries to leave. I also like the judges ending statement. It not only told a story but it explained the seriousness of these type of relationships. Fred savage was also very good as Bobby, he seemed normal on the outside but when it was just him & Stacy he was completely different. It was wonderful acting all around.

No One Would Tell

The acting was lacking.
I went into this movie with high hopes. I really liked the original version with Candace Cameron & Fred Savage so I thought this one may live up to its predecessor. I was wrong. Older lifetime movies are always better in my opinion. The low score is because the acting wasn't believable, aside from Nikki. It came off really cheesy. Especially Rob & Sarah's characters. However, I do believe this is a movie all teens, boys & girls alike, should watch. Whether it be this version or the '96 version. Domestic violence is real & it happens more than we realize. The low score is just for bad acting, not the story itself .

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