
IMDb member since October 2020
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6
Episode 6, Season 4

They chose to sink it
Every episode before this seemed just okay as a standalone episode. The finale had the chance to either make those episodes fantastic or making them suck. Whoever decided this is how the finale should play out chose to make them suck through cheap meaningless ways of tying up loose ends. Every season of True Detective (even season 2) had ridiculously deep plot lines that you had to figure out. This finale made this season feel like a generic 7pm low quality local Chanel crime show capitalizing on a knock off version of popular trends for clout. Low effort to creation, low enjoyment viewing. Honestly, putting "True Detective" in the title of this season should be an offense large enough to justify litigation.

Sons of Anarchy

An amazing show overshadowed by it's bigger name rivals
Son's of Anarchy premiered before its time. Breaking bad was a show that much like Game of Thrones created the interest in tv beyond the cookie cutter crime shows on local networks. Shows like The Sopranos and Dexter paved the road, and Breaking Bad with Game of Thrones traveled it making it famous. Unfortunately during that same time Sons of Anarchy was also trying to make a name for itself. While tales of knights and a science teacher gone rouge were, on paper, more relatable and comforting in therms of a story, Sons of Anarchy creates a relatable feeling deeply rooted inside of audiences that plays on the "what if I was an outlaw" idea instead of the "what if a normal daily life went off the rails" such as Breaking Bad or the comfortable medieval story with and adult spin that Game of Thrones has. Due to this, it was largely overlooked because the world wasn't ready to dive into the darker inner outlaw inside themselves quite yet. However, if it was released exactly the same in today's world of 2020, the woke media would hate it because of the controversial realism the show brings to light of the world in which outlaw bikers live in. It's not for the faint of heart. It's not for everyone. It is also severely underrated.

Stars in the Sky: A Hunting Story

Amazing intro for a much deeper conversation
Hunting among, most things in the world, are looked at through political glasses that act as distortion lenses. If someone can remove these glasses no matter their political views and watch this, then it serves as a wonderful introduction to a much larger discussion on hunting and it's place in the modern world.

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