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Once Were Warriors

A time were acting was so much more believable.
Over the many years of clicking past this one and finally deciding to sit down and give this film a hard earned watch there is so much to say...

After the first 10 minutes into the film I gathered much of it was going to be alot of tacky kiwi stero-types, bad lather and face tattoos with a shoty B grade 90s skin. After a further 5 minutes all I have to say is Holy S***

Once were Warriors is completely captivating in a seance of the struggling violent house hold. Some of the acting performances were extremely believable in most circumstances, I have nothing but praise to give this movie and a hands down round of applause! Yes there is still some cringe worthy moments but hot damn this movie came out in 94 lol.

Well done! 20 minutes in is as uncomfortable as a movie can get but I couldn't look away. Definitely watch this one!

Suitable Flesh

Hot Garbage
Well the concept was there and the actors too I guess, but I think its fair to say they are all a little past there prime and weathered, bless them for having a crack but hot damn did they all perform the cheesiest level of acting in a horror Ive seen in some time. Most of the movie switches between unbelievable script reading to comical/frustrating to watch scenes, even the music for the most part is pretty out of place. If you want to set yourself up with some new horrors to watch on you're day off or spare time you are probably better off leaving this one out. It cost me $7 to rent and 130ish minutes of my life that I wont get back lol. Heather Graham was better as the hot chick in Austin Powers, but as i said shes definitely past that kind of stuff now.

Jurassic World Dominion

Predictable, Stale and absolutely ridiculous.
Im really confused how a franchise about Dinosaurs has turned into a movie about BS science with Dinosaurs on the side only for the sake of progressing the movie... A little bit of plot, run away from Dinosaurs, a little bit more plot, run away from Dinosaurs and repeat, and repeat, and repeat. It got so stale so fast I wanted to turn the film off, and lets not forget some of the escape situations are so farfetched I don't understand how the writters expected you to sit through it all.

Jurassic World: Dominion is nothing more then another Hollywood budget film rehashing old characters from past and present films in the franchise with extremely lazy writing. Do not recommend this one.

Glass Onion

Nothing spectacular but still a bit of fun
So the start of the film was a bit slow and there was not alot to get invested in at the beginning but as the movie rolls on I think it would be unfair to say it didn't peak some interest and enjoyment. This flick continues on to the end with not alot of originality and I guess some pretty obvious outcomes but does that mean this was a flop?

Glass Onion: A Knifes Out Mystery, while not being a movie that blew it out of the water it definitely didn't really dissapoint either. I think it definitely falls in the category of something to watch with a few friends at home.

The soundtrack was pretty good and I guess fitting to what was on display.

The cast was good to see, can't say they all did a great job but the bunch definitely had a little bit of synergy which did a good job as far as the pace is concerned.

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

Maybe there the droids im looking for?
To jump straight into this review I can say that the visuals are fantastic and basically flawless, this film is fantastic on the eyes and will definitely keep you invested to keep watching. I was also happy enough with the acting, everyone played there role pretty well and for the most part there is alot to enjoy, this is not a bad film at all but in saying that here is how the penny drops...

The Force Awakens for all its worth is still written pretty poorly, there are multiple times character's progress on the spot or in minutes rather then achive the goal in a meaningful way which really takes away the believability and any real care you should have to invest into the main character's. I have never been a huge Star Wars fan but I have seen enough and read the lore enough to know some things definitely don't sit right. It would become apparent that anyone can wield a light saber successfully the first time they pick it up which definitely did grind my gears...

I will definitely recommend this movie to people as its definitely a entertaining enough watch, I will say that lightly tho as I still have to watch the next two movies and unfortunately I'm not very confident about them as I am with this movie.

Star Wars, The Force Awakens - 6.5/10.

Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich

Directed well but theres nothing new.
I suppose for anyone who hasn't been following anything to do with Jeffery Epstein much would find this hot gossip and juicy news. In some areas maybe but all up alot of the documentary besides some small easy to find information on her own case is just rehashing old news. I think its very fair to say you dont really need to watch this to know whats going on which is quite disappointing because there should be so much more to say. The quality of the documentary is good for it does have, it explains things well and still keeps things interesting. I would have rated this higher if it didn't feel like one of those doccos that was just made for the sake of making. From a Journalist prospective I believe more effort could have been involved.

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

Enjoyable. That is all.
Commercial cinema today is either over praised or not given any credit at all, the middle ground is quite rare so rather then follow the sheep in either direction the middle is where I stand. I don't understand where people get off giving this short film a 9 or a 10 it really makes no sense, are the majority trying to tell me this was better then the Guardians movies? Are people high?

Anyways lets review.

I think it was good to get some screen time on Drax and Mantis, there awkward synergy together is always good for some laughs, giving them the helm even tho for only 40 minutes definitely gave there characters a boost. This movie also has a decent little Christmas ring to it, wasn't the biggest fan of the music but I respect how they went about it. As something that was definitely out of its comfort zone its not a bad watch.

In saying that some of the jokes dont really hit the mark and some of the dialogue is kinda bland, also there is no forgiveness for what ever the hell they did to Groot, the CGI and animation for him was horrible.

Besides Groot and a little bit of necessary nit picking this special is fine, fair to say its enjoyable and entertaining, is a nice little tease before Vol. 3 comes out... If you try to make out this xmas special is some sort of masterpiece you are bonkers. 6/10 on the dot.


Where the boats and people at?
Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk is definitely a good example of what a over hyped war movie is. I can definitely see they tryed but Im confused to see how they did the real event any justice. The scale for starters is definitely something to point out considering there is multiple times the film reminds you theres 300k of people on the beach when in reality you watch this and it feels more like a few thousand, a handful of boats and a couple of planes... you're joking right?

Then theres the characters. There is not a single character you feel you can invest in aside the one aircraft pilot that gets a fraction of the screen time he probably should. Other characters felt pointless with what little story they did give you.

Dunkirk the movie in the end was pretty underwhelming and lacked depth. I dont take away the effort im sure that was put into this film, unfortunately it just didn't work.

Im Westen nichts Neues

You should not compare this film to the original.
While among the many many people who have not experienced what times where like during the war at it's dire hour myself included, I would like to think this film does a extremely good job of captivating what it would have felt like. There is not a moment when tensions are high that I personally did not feel almost every emotion under the sun as to how the protagonists felt as the brutality of war persisted.

The actors all did a terrific job on there part leaving the flick pretty darn believable. The music does a great job of setting the tone all throughout the film giving a fantastic cinematic experience.

I believe if you go into this movie without playing comparison to the original you definitely won't be disappointed.

All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) definitely deserves a spot amongst well received war movies. I leave this review with a very high recommendation. 8.5/10.


Buzz was written a little poorly, but still a decent little film
Lightyear is a really good example of your standard whole hearted children's film that can definitely be enjoyed by all ages. In saying that while I can see it definitely has some flaws from a critique perspective it would definitely seem the people coming from a over critical place seem to forget this is still a kids film.

As for the positives this movie has its moments and still has that good old fashion Pixar feel especially when it comes to its one liners and chemistry. The characters are nothing new but still have charm. I think its fair to say while Chris Evens was nothing outstanding he did a solid job as Buzz Lightyear.

As for the negatives Lightyear definitely falls a little flat in some areas and some of the story doesn't really make alot of sence. They don't really do a good job Introducing what is suppose to be the first time we meet the the all amazing Buzz Lightyear, this is suppose to be what made one of Andys favourite toys. Buzz comes across with alot of short comings and I fail to see what makes him the all great space ranger every kid in the Pixar world wants to be. But hey once again its a kids film.

Not a bad watch 5.5/10.

Little Nicky

This Coke tastes like Pepsi.
This Adam Sandler comedy is packed with all you need for quality entertainment, it does not go without saying I can understand it might hit a certain niche but does that mean this is a bad movie? Absolutely not.

The Soundtrack is pure nostalgia and even if you didn't grow up with the tunes Happy Maddison productions never fails to deliver great music on their films and this movie is a prime example.

The cameos and tallent on the roster really help bring things together. A time when bringing in familiar faces made the viewing experience exiting and fun and not for the sake of a cash cow.

The lines don't always hit the mark and the dialogue can be pretty cheesy at times but it doesn't tarnish the outcome by any means, there are still some great one liners and funny material to go around.

To finish off, is this movie a masterpiece? Not at all its pretty far from it, but if you are looking for a laugh and a giggle that comes from a good place this 90 minute comedy is were its at.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

This movie is like a above ground pool... well its a pool...
So the movie drags in more then a few areas, characters progress to fast (Iron Heart) and there is about 3 or 4 characters that could probably be the same person as far as there personalities are concerned. All the stoicism amongst them almost leaves the story pretty bland, keep in mind I said almost... While most of the fibers in my body really dislike the direction Marvel are heading with there story telling and character progression, does that mean this is a bad film?

Black Panther Wakanda Forever is definitely not a movie I would consider in the top bracket of the MCU franchise but neither does it sit at the bottom, there is definitely alot of tidying up to do before Marvel releases another banger. I wont hold my breath.

Thumbs up for the tribute to the Chad.

I cant dislike this film but I sure don't love it.

5.5 out of 10.


Well written, well acted, but kinda dull.
I understand my opinion may not necessarily be a popular one but I cant help but feel as this TV show rolled on and ended it felt a little drawn out and lackluster. Having quite the interest in the actual event that took place many years ago I walked into this series with high expectations, and while I have no doubt this was a hit among others it was not the case in my view. Would I recommend this, definitely, will I remember it or watch it again, probably not.

Chernobyl the TV show in my perspective will go down as just another show seen to fill the void, nowhere near bad by any means but nothing I would consider worthy of greatness.

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

In true Weird Al fashion
Never been the biggest fan of Weird Al growing up but I've always respected his humour and this movie definitely shines his sence of it. Lots of enjoyable moments throughout this flick it definitely doesn't dissapoint. Daniel Radcliffe does a excellent job as Weird Al proving as he continues to play his of the cuff roles in outsider movies you will always be in for some good entertainment. To rap it up I would definitely recommend this movie, the title Weird is definitely suited. The corny and cheesy plot is great for a laugh and would definitely be a good watch around friends and even family.

Clerks III

looks like Clerks only it isn't.
Growing up around the brilliance of Kevin Smiths work throughout the 90s and early 2000s you would only hope when he came back to those movies in the future there newer sequels would stay somewhat true to thier humble beginnings. The easy answer is no... So their is no more comical infused rants filled with dialogue and their is no more off the cuff jokes pushing the boundaries so what does Clerks 3 leave us with?

The first 40-50 minutes of the film feel forced and somewhat cringe to say the least it was definitely hard to get into the feel of this. As the movie moves forward it starts to pick up a bit but by no means is anything spectacular. The ending has its moments and is definitely moving as these are beloved characters that have been watched for years, but while the credits roll on the only feeling I really have is how hollow and lacking the movie really was.

Clerks 3 is basically your above average life drama movie. It isn't even in the same realm as Chasing Amy. While Clerks 1 and 2 where not ever like that I believe if they had more similarities I may have been satisfied. I'm definitely not in a rush to hate on Clerks 3 but I only have one word for it... Disappointing.


Its all been done before.
I guess if you really have to get down to it this movie is a slightly above average adventure treasure hunting film that's supposed to be based off the games? I guess if you're not really about that life you would have found it pretty enjoyable and for those that did I guess thats a good thing. But if im going to give a honest opinion this is what I have to say... Hollywood can take a leak on my leg and tell me its raining all they like there was nothing genuine original or uplifting about this film at all just another lets throw some money at it hollywood movie. To many of these adventure types have the bad guys end up were the good guys end up, the good guys crossing each other over and finding some morel compus by the end of the film, having that one token bad ass chick or in this case two token bad ass chicks, the A team finding the bounty but not really getting away with it... I could go on forever. Wahlburg and Holland are the only reason this gets a 5 out of 10... I'll finish with you aint missing anything if you dont see this movie and the only positive I can give it is I guess it takes up 116 minutes of time if you have nothing better to do.


Doing a Dahmer and doing it right.
If there is one thing to be said straight away about this series it was definitely a sinister and disturbing one. None the less its hard to find anything you can fault it on other then it wasn't necessarily %100 accurate, but for what its worth it hits the nail on the head. Not one actor felt out of place, everyone who played a serious role came off legitimate and believable. While Molly Ringwald is not in it as much she still plays her role respectively. Niecy Nash does a fantastic job as Glenda Cleveland and Richard Jenkins drives it home as Lional Dahmer, I would go as far to say he deserves a supporting actors nomination of sorts. Now who really brings home the bacon of course is none other then Evan Peters, definitely playing one of the best representations of someone in real life to cinema for 2022. This play by play documentary to limited Tv series is hands down a must watch and I would highly recommend it.

The Cat in the Hat

20 years later... and it gets a pass
Its Hard to believe this movie is almost 20 years old. I was 9 when I first saw this and have maybe seen it once more since today when I gave The Cat in the Hat one more crack. I dont recall ever having much to say about the film, Im even more sure what I thought of it untill the rewatch was it was horrible, but anyway here's a small review... This was in no way a dumpster fire but in no way was it great either, definitely got some good laughs out of it to end it sweet. Mike Myers was definitely a hit or a miss, in some scenes it felt he over acted but in others he hit the nail on the head, as far as a Dr. Seuss film is concerned its a pass and would recommend it for that good old nostalgia hit if you're watching with friends or family.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Pros and Cons, but good entertainment.
So it took me some time to get around to watching this one due to alot criticism and dislike for the film from the audience and I'm going to put it down like this... Thor love and thunder may not have been the best marvel movie to come out but it is by far not the worst one. Yes the CGI was a bit much at times and a lot of the plot was made up of some pretty cheesey dialogue with more then the usual amount of jokes being made, but I found the majorty of it to be alot of fun to watch. There are pros and cons to this film 100%... Christian Bale 10/10 performance definitely was the highlight of the actors on this film maybe almost under utilised with Chris Hemesworth of course playing a fantastic Thor, Tessa Thompson and Natalie Portman also respectively playing there roles well. All up this movie is good fun and entertaining, the story line needed a touch up but that certainly didn't get in the way of enjoying this one. Big suggestion dont let what people are saying about this flick spoil it.

The Matrix Resurrections

I think we could have done without this one...
It definitely felt like throughout this movie they genuinely tryed but in doing so they set the house on fire. The new Morpheus was okay but the character Buggs was quiet average, felt like her acting was forced and stuck trying to accomplish what characters in past Matrix movies achieved. While I would like to say Keanu Reeves did the job as Neo for the fourth time around he just didn't feel believable this time. I think Carrie-Ann Moss was the only one to hit the nail on the head and it was far from enough to save this one. Lots of eye-rolling moments in this as far as what the story was set out to tell, plot armour as far as the eye could see and no real consequence for any of the characters. Im in no rush to re-watch this flick.

The Mummy

Movie night fun.
While The Mummy is not the greatest movie visually and guns seem to do more talking then the dialogue at times, this movie is nothing but good fun and I would highly recommend to watch with friends and even family on a movie night. The actors are entertaining and comedic and the cheesy lines and semi action pact scenes you get keep this classic at a really good pace throughout the film. As this flick cannot be rated as I would truly like to rate it, it's definitely well deserved to sit around the 6.5 to 7 out of 10 mark respectably. To finish off this review I think its fair to say Brendan Frazier, Rachel Weisz and John Hannah get the job done.

Can't Stop, Won't Stop: A Bad Boy Story

Should I have changed the channle?
As captivating and compeling is the life and success of Puff Daddy himself, this was quite a boring watch. What is interesting about this documentary tho is learning about some of the things that might have been unknown going into the film, this man definitely made his way from nothing which is intriguing and respectable, was enough to stick around to find out about to a dagree I guess. While alot of whats happened to the rapping businessman in his day to day life up untill this point in time has been alot to jump up and down about in celebration, the narrating and storytelling definitely was almost as fun as watching paint dry.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Too short and underwhelming
This movie definitely was no masterpiece but I wouldn't say this movie is particularly bad either, It did take a second watch for me to truly rate this film and wish it was a higher rating but there is too much that falls short... The visualisation in this movie is pretty good and definitely illustrates the dark setting of this anti-hero type film. I have always thought as far as CGI goes they nailed Venom but i don't think i can say the same for Carnage.

The dialogue in this sequel is definitely alot more cheesy but still alright to get a laugh. Tom Hardy does his job but there is definitely alot going on that feels forced. What can really be made out to be a disappointment is Woody's Carnage, I would say I had high hopes for his interpretation of Carnage but it was not great, definitely more of a writing issue. All up this is not a bad watch if you turn off. It was unfortunate that this movie could not go longer, there is so much story to be told between the characters Venom and Carnage and the pacing of the film just felt like the writers just wanted to be over and done with this one.

Gekijô-ban poketto monsutâ: Myûtsû no gyakushû Evolution

A empty shell of what once was.
I jumped into this with a decent expectation and understanding this remake was made to bring the newer generations in and get them interested in the wide world of Pokemon which I am all for, but with the money available and ability the company has I can be nothing but disappointed when it comes to referring this from the original sorce.

If I could I would give this a 4 out of 10 as the subbed version makes this watchable and semi tolerable but I am mainly here to review the Dubb... The animation is great and its fun to see some of the pokemon I grew up watching come to life in a different format, that is definitely the only positive I can truly give this film... The dialogue, ohhhh boy the dialogue, it is just so hollow, the voice actors are atrocious, while thats understandable for children it really feels like there was no effort involved, there are better dubbs on international Tv shows and films in real life. The music is nothing what it was I fail to understand where any of the feel in this movie is suppose to come from besides the visuals, there was so much in the old film that got you involved and made you feel involved where all this film has is some flashy visuals. It really is missing the magic.

Day Shift

Even after turning you're brain off. Good luck.
Im all for nonsensical shoot em ups but this is ridiculous. Nothing makes any seance at all and quite abit of the story contradicts itself. Maybe 1 or 2 cheesy laughs but even Snoop dogg couldn't save this mess. If it wasn't for a big company Jamie Fox and Dave Franco this movie would definitely be lucky to have ever made it out of a C grade bargain bin. If i have to give any positive feed back the shoot em up scenes where okay, but in this day and age I would hope Budget companys like Netflix are able to do so. I finish saying all up this movie was disappointing, a easy film made for a easy audience and even then its questionable. This is definitely one of those films that will be dragged up in 10 years or so because of the cast that was in this movie, nothing more nothing less.

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