
IMDb member since October 2020
    2022 Oscars
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    3 years, 7 months



I barely give out 10s but.....
This film utterly floored me. Easily the best film of the year and one of the best debuts of all time. Gorgeously shot, confidently helmed, perfectly edited and tremendously written, pig is an unflinchingly emotionally brutal character study that examines getting old alongside many other themes in a thoughtful, often times devastating way topped off by oscar worthy performances from Nicolas Cage and Alex Wolff. Pig is well worth your money and deserves more attention than it is bound to get.

Joze to tora to sakana-tachi

Flawed but warm and genuine romance
There are a lot of coincidences in the screenplay, and one character is absolutely terribly written. But with a stead hand behind the direction, believable and well written characters and gorgeous art to top it all off, this film is a treat that is very much deserving of your time.

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

If you liked the first one, youll like this
I did not like the first one. The directing is serviceable but consists of far too many dutch angles. The performances are mediocre. The cinematography is fine with a few scenes with very good lighting. The writing of this film really tanks it. The dialogue is horrendous, the characters are unlikeable and i wanted all of them to do die. The story becomes more and more nonsensical, formulaic and tiring as the film went on. I liked one of the rooms, the rest were either forgettable or downright boring. The film tries way too gard to give tension to the audience without really knowing how to properly. Plus an atrocious ending makes this a very bad film that had potential.

The Forever Purge

The weakest of the franchise
Poor writting, mediocre direction and pretty lackluster performances attached to a film thats messages have all the subtly of a sledgehammer to the face make for a very poorly handled mess with more contrivances, coincidences and plotholes than you can count on both your hands. Add on to the fact it takes itself way too seriously. Much of the actiom is shakey cam and cuts away before you see anything too violent. The worst of a dying franchise.

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