Reviews (6)

  • I wish I had the episode listings of this old show. You were always on the edge of your seat watching the predicaments the characters got into. Here are three I remember:

    1) My favorite episode was the one where Mercedes McCambridge played a young deaf woman who still lived at home with her struggling parents. She was going to a school for the deaf and seeing ear doctors (pun?)periodically. One day her ear doctor solves her hearing problem. She comes home to excitedly tell her parents that she can hear, only to overhear them plotting her death (for the insurance money I presume). I nearly had a heart attack!

    2) A businessman gets a new job in a high-rise office building (25th floor or so). He gets hired on a Friday and decides to bring his family down to the office on Saturday to see it. He uses his key to get in and take the elevator up to the 25th floor. While they are looking at his office a fire breaks out (in the elevator?). The phones weren't working on the weekend, and the stairs were the only way down. For the life of me I can't remember what happened at the end!

    3) This one is real fuzzy, but it has to do with a couple of young boys left together while their mother runs to the store. They decide to make some peanut butter sandwiches, but they are tainted with botulism (I don't remember why or how). I think they were ready to take their first bites when the mother returned home.
  • 14 February 2004
    I just watched the movie for a second time because a lot of people seem to like it. It was still pretty unbearable the second time. It is such a ridiculous movie. The lines aren't funny at all. I don't know why some people think these lines are a laugh riot.

    Preposterous plot, terrible resolution. It was painful to watch Tim Curry running around trying to explain everything at the end. And don't get me started on that silly 1+1+2+1 routine...
  • 1 October 2002
    I can't believe the comments I'm reading. This film is a total waste of time. Like others have said, it's a 90-minute philosophy lesson. Who needs that? The artsy look is the ONLY thing this movie has going for it. The dialogue is absolutely horrible. I used a $2 coupon from Blockbuster to rent this movie, but I overpaid $2. If I had been in a theater, it would have been the 2nd film I ever asked for a refund (Flirting with Disaster). Avoid!
  • This movie is painful to sit through. You will be very tired of the "blind" gimmick after about 15 minutes, but it goes on and on and on. There are only a few chuckles in this movie, and I couldn't wait for it to end. Save your money and see "The Cat's Meow" instead.
  • There's nothing worse than a movie where you have to decide with every new scene whether it's real or imaginary. It's been done before and will be done again, but it's never very satisfying. We're left wondering whether we are correct in assuming what was real, which I'm sure is the point of this weak attempt at a suspense thriller.
  • I'm another one who is waiting for the day this movie comes out on video. I also laughed from start to finish, especially when Alan Arkin discovers the basketball phenom. This movie was wayyyy ahead of its time, and those that didn't laugh just don't get the jokes!