
IMDb member since October 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 7 months


Pool Party Massacre

A fun throwback to 80s horror movies
The title says it all. It's fun, not high art. Quite a bit of camp and a killer reveal I honestly did not see coming until right as it was about to happen. I will have to say there's a very huge trend in recent years to make almost every character in this genre unlikable to the point that the viewer won't care what happens to them. This film is no exception with only one in the group who seemed to have any redeeming qualities at all. I'm not sure if this is a commentary on society in general or just a template for wiring these films that's gotten out of hand.

Slashlorette Party

I really wanted to like this
I enjoy the "80s horror love letter" style. I have liked some of the actors in other films. I could not get into this one. Most of the characters are completely unlikeable from the start, and some even get worse from there. After the first kill took out the two normal seeming characters and the prettiest girl who am I supposed to be rooting for to survive here when they all seem so bad? And what even was that last scene? The viewer is left to fill in a lot of gaps that could have been filled by a good script and solid storytelling.

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