Reviews (87)

  • After "Games of Thrones" last season and the negative press both Benioff and Weiss got, I didn't think they were going to make a recovery that soon, I was wrong. I had no idea what this show "3 Body problem" was about at all. When I saw their names attached to this show it got my interest because regardless of all the hate against them; I still think they are great at developing and producing a show and they have proved it again with "3 Body Problem".

    First, I am surprised as to why this show was not picked up by HBO and why Netflix?. From the first episode it was engaging, even though I didn't much care for the video games parts of it, but the opening scene in Red China of Mao and the story of the character Ye Wenjie is what drew me in. When I looked up the writer of the book " Cixin Liu" and discovered there is actually 4 books series, then it made sense why Benioff and Weiss choose to make this into a show and how many seasons it can lead to.

    I personally rarely get impressed with any show or story anymore because almost everything is been done or derived from other stories, there is hardly anything that is original. I can't say that about this show "3 Body Problem", the story is so fantastic and compelling that with each episode it makes you more curious. This fantasy we as humans have with aliens has been explored many many times, but this writer Cixin Liu has an amazing imagination. He has constructed this great science fiction; using real physics and fiction; fused something together that really blows your mind just even thinking about it.

    You need producers Benioff and Weiss for a show of this magnitude to be developed; I am sure they have learned from their mistakes from Game of Thrones. Please disregard all the negative reviews from haters, when someone says "great but not amazing", one has to question what they consider to be amazing, because this story itself is amazing. You don't need to see aliens attack and invasion for it to be amazing. This is something Rod Sterling from Twilight Zone would have called brilliant in writing, it reminded me of one of the Twilight Zone episode called "To Serve Man".

    I think and predict this show "3 Body problem" will become a huge success and among the most talked about shows in years to come. I truly congratulate Benioff and Weiss for finding and creating another insightful show!
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    This show Halo is utterly lame and awful, from the worst casting, to the storyline and characters. I just saw "Fallout"; that was based on a video game, but Fallout was so rich in every aspect when it came to back story, characters and depth something Halo lacks.

    Halo fails on so many levels because the story doesn't really go anywhere, its just one combat after another; everything looks like a bad video game and cartoonish. I can't believe this show made it to a second season, it needs to be cancelled. The story of main character John was never really developed to explain him and his relation to the Halo.
  • It's been almost six years since this show end and many are still angry about the ending?. GOT was never about a happy ending, that was consistent in the entire show from the first season when Ned Stark was beheaded and most of Stark family killed. Jon was a type of a guy who always wanted to the right thing, that doesn't always work out for everyone, even in real life. When he stood up for the Wildlings, he was stabbed to death by the watch. Doing the right thing was part of his character; killing Daenerys, knowing he maybe killed is something that made sense and tied into Jon's character. The last conversation with Tyrian was another reminder of what was the right thing to do.

    I know many hated the ending because RR Martin had not even finished the last book, when Benioff and Weiss decided to end the show earlier. But if you really watched this show carefully again, the fact that Jon ended right back with the night watch made sense, because people who try to do the right thing will never really be recognized or get what they truly deserve. Jon was an outsider from birth; he had a code of integrity that he valued and lived by above all else. It was because of his commitment to his code of integrity that also caused his exile back to the night watch.

    Life never really works out the way we expect it to work out; GOT's theme consistently reminded its viewers of that fact. I think those who didn't like its ending kind of miss the point because expectations were not met, to me that was the point of the show. I still believe that GOT was and still remains to be among the best shows ever made as a tv series. I still watch some of the episodes time to time and miss the amazing cast the brought these characters to life.
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    The only reason I watched this show "Euphoria" was because of Jason Elordi, whom I believe has the potential to cross over into a serious actor of his generation. I have no interest in today's teenagers and after watching this show I feel sorry for anyone who has teenage kids that resemble anything like these miserable pathetic misfits.

    I didn't know Barry Levinson had a son, Sam Levinson, that is probably one of the most talented film makers I have seen in decades. What he did with this show, his understanding of genre and how he used so many different techniques to constantly change the style of his narrative was brilliant, but sadly disappointing at the same time. That someone this talented as Sam Levinson, who truly understands film making and this guy really has learned the craft, how he applied different genre styles for almost different characters, that comes from understanding film history and knowing how to use it that applies to a scene was very impressive in this show. But to have access to all this talent and yet make such garbage?. I saw another film last year "Saltburn" that had similar themes, I just don't understand this fascination of this generation with shock and disgust?

    I had a very hard time watching this show, especially with the main character Rue played by "Zenyada", whom I really didn't find interesting at all as an actor. The character of Rue was just one pathetic selfish person, whom that I couldn't find any sense of empathy for. I have known a lot of people with addiction issues, I have attended AA meetings and I know what addicts and recovery is, she did hit the mark there as the pathetic self-pity addict, but for two seasons to repeat that same story with Rue was where Levinson really failed as a story teller. The only few characters like Fezco, Ashtray, Cal Jacobs and Jules was what kept my interest watching this show. I had issues with Jules too, but she was just more real than the rest of them. Her childhood memories were sad and you could understand that it damaged her on a different level. But like Nate said to Rue, Jules was a winner and going places and that was because she wanted to experience life and not feel sorry for herself because of the traumas of her past as Rue did.

    The rest of them were like Maddy, Casie, and Cat were just so boring and even disgusted me with their obsession with sex and drugs, I don't want to even think real teenagers are this sick as these characters in real life. I lived through the 80's before all these cell phones and social media; one of the things in this show was very dominant of how much these teenagers live on their cell phones with texting instead of talking to each other. Although majority of adults also do the same, they live on their cell phones, tablets, social media sewers and that has really damaged how we interact with each other, but these kids grow up this way living and hooking up online with strangers for sex seems to be a normal thing for them.

    I was really disappointed in this show, I have never watched something that I hate the main character; Rue must be the most annoying character I have endured watching. I read the actor Angus Cloud who played "Fezco" died of a drug overdose this year. He was my favorite character of the entire show together with Ashtray, but Fezco, who was supposed be this dumb drug dealer was the wisest and smartest of all the characters in the entire show. When I clicked on the actor's name yesterday to find out who he was; it was then I discovered he had died and it really saddened me because this kid had real talent and it just blew my mind he died of drugs; sad and ironic at the same time.

    In 1983; Francis Ford Coppola made a great film called "The Outsiders", it was also about group of teenagers involved in gangs. Everyone in that film was unknown and everyone of them became famous like Tom Cruise and Matt Dillon. I commend Sam Levinson for having the same keen eye in finding young talented actors, I can also predict many of them like Hunter Schafer (Jules) and Javon Hunter (Ash) will go on to the great work in years ahead, I just hope Sam also puts his talent into better films as well because he has mastered the production side of it but not the narrative yet.
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    The first time I saw this latest "The Batman", I didn't like it, mostly due the casting of Zoë Kravitz. The problem with Hollywood today is these celebrity spoilt brats like Zoë Kravitz, who get the parts in big budget films, not because they have any talent but because of their parent's name.

    I recently watched this film again and this time I just to ignore Zoë Kravitz, as annoying as she comes across. I like Matte Reeves as a director, what he did with the "Planet of the Apes" was just brilliant. He is a great story teller, very meticulous about details and atmosphere. I didn't expect Pattinson as Batman, but he surprised me and he did good. This was a darker version of Batman, kind of like Nolan, but it's the pacing was slower and engaging with the story of Riddler. I really liked the production, the art direction, it had a look of a comic book and Reeves captured this dark gritty of Gotham on the screen.

    The story was also better than I expected, the story on Riddle and the fact he was an orphan who had become this sociopath. His apartment and journals reminded me of Fincher's Seven, this film really almost had the same look and feel to it and it was clever how Reeves almost copied that scene with the journal entry of Riddler. I didn't even recognize Collin Farrell and he did a great job as Penguin /Oz.

    The voice overs was not necessary, but I think Reeves was trying to develop this new version of Batman; with more psychological perspective of Batman and what he is thinking, which I give him credit it was new for this kind of genre of Batman. If they had just left the "Selina Kyle" story out of it or casted someone new who is not full of themselves like Zoë Kravitz, she thinks she is a supermodel, there was zero chemistry between Pattison and her and her acting sucks.

    If we go back to Tim Burton's Batman films with Keaton, how all these Batman films have evolved. Each director and actor did their own version of it. Nolan changed the playbook entirely and with each Batman films the character keeps evolving, so are the villains. The scene with Riddler and Batman at Arkham at the end was very interesting. What Riddler shared about his life as a orphan compared to Bruce Wayne and the reactions from Batman that came across as shame even under the mask. Overall I felt the film was well made, among the best of Batman films. I am looking forward to the sequel, I know it will be with Joker. Reeves can really go all the way with this Batman like Nolan did.
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    I had seen the documentary "Staircase" on Netflix that was even harder to watch than this film. I felt then and now even after watching this film that Peterson just comes across as disingenuous and a selfish jerk.

    Why would anyone want to have a documentary to be shot at the same time he is going to a trial? Why would you put your family through this kind of intrusion?. He always comes across as if he was performing in front of the camera in the real documentary and Firth really captured that, he captured what a selfish liar this guy is. I found the documentary film maker's view or part to be irrelevant and just annoying to watch in this film.

    Given the history of this woman Kathleen, I seriously doubt she knew about Peterson's bisexual life or even tolerated he openly cheating on her to go along with it. That is just absurd and it really ties to Peterson's bs and character.

    This was a very odd and bizarre murder case, where it does create some reasonable doubt? Given the injuries and the blood splatter that hardly was any of it on Peterson. Why was there a twig, a feather and Kathleen's own hair in her hands? That was really interesting, if she did get attacked by some bird the scratches on hair head does make sense and she would be fighting touching her head and hair. These were really odd parts of the evidence that did pose questions and the injuries to her body and neck. If this attack by a bird took place on the staircase, so what there was no other evidence of the bird and where did it go?

    I still don't believe Peterson was telling the truth and even though he served a 8 year sentence, but that's just not enough for a murder.
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    I recently decided to watch this on HBO max just out of boredom. I am NOT a Nicole Kidman fan at all, in fact I can't stand.

    The story was what kept my interest and the cast was also good with the exception of Nicole, she just looked out place among the rest of the cast. I don't know if Nicole is aware that she is 56 not 35 years old anymore and whatever she has injected in her (Botox) makes her look hideous as if she has mask on her face, she just looks weird, like she is an A. I.

    She is playing a mother and a therapist; yet in every scene Nicole dresses like she is a super model. Every article of clothing she wore in this series was perfectly fitted, even a sweater and Jeans, as if Nicole is modeling for vouge. Not to mention her hair and make up, like she just always perfect as if she stepped out of hair saloon. The scenes among all other women, none of them even dressed or looked as vain as Nicole. She just doesn't come across a woman who is going through this life shattering experience; where a normal would not eat for forget to fix their hair. The scene when she goes to visit her husband in prison and that outfit, I guess doctors don't dress causal like simple jeans and Tshirt and let their hair down. Even when she is crying in a cab her hair and make up are just perfect and its hard to even read the expressions with all the botox. The problem with Kidman is that she is more concerned how she looks than the character she is playing, I remember a film she did called "The Interpreter" and every scene her hair was different and it just was so vain. She really thinks she is the great "actor" in her own mind, even Jane Fonda or Merly Steep never get so self consumed and they are far superior as actors.

    It was very hard to take Nicole's character credible or seriously, she just looks like she is acting and very self-aware and that is part of her insecurity that comes across the screen. She is so self-involved that I think she forgets who she is playing. If it was anyone else like Robin Wright, Juliane Moore or Kate Winslet playing the same character the entire story would have been more credible. Nicole's career boost happened because she got married to Tom Cruise and after their divorce her career slowly took a dive. She doesn't know how to embrace getting old, that is her biggest problem and it's why everything she does is boring. The best performance in this series was from Hugh Grant and it was probably best thing I have ever seen him, he really took this sociopath character to another level, you could not get a read on him and he really surprised me.
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    I can't believe this garbage gets 8 ratings on IMDB ?!

    Anyone with any critical thinking watching this trash can clearly see there is NOT one scene when Chauvin has his knee on Floyd's neck or even refer to it. Why is that?

    There is not any mention of the 17 complaints filed against Chauvin with the Minnesota Police Dept?

    There is not any video footage of. Chauvin's history of abuse with other Black people he arrested. Such as a man called "Jim Bostic", in 2016 he was arrested by Chauvin for not even committing a crime, he was wrestled and attacked by Chauvin to the ground, he put his knee under his neck. Chauvin did the same to another Black woman "Zoya Code" in 2017, he cuffed from behind while he sat on her neck with his knee for over 4 minutes. In 2017 Chauvin attacked a 14 year old named "John Pope" with a flash light and put his knee under his neck. All of these videos are out there on the web, but I doubt the bigots will bother to find them.

    All these videos of Chauvin's history of abuse are on the web and all compiled in a documentary called "Police on Trial", that is on PBS /Frontline, if anyone cares about the facts of who Chauvin was.

    This film is just focusing on the riots and trying to convince you that GF's death was political and its why Chauvin is in prison. Yet omitting the facts that 3 cops who could not subdue a man with his handcuffed from behind? Not explaining as to what threat Floyd posed to Chauvin and the 2 cops when they were sitting on him with his handcuffed from behind?.

    The entire bodycam from the police ends before the 3 cops are are sitting on Floyd, why is that? They focused on the riots, but fail to mention there would have been NO riots across America if Chauvin and the 3 cops just stood Floyd up and put him in the police car. If he was that difficult to handle they could have asked for backup for more officers, used taser or spray, but instead Chauvin put his knee on GF's neck and smiling on camera for those minutes that were over 8 minutes.

    Why didn't this film address the actions of Chauvin that let to this riots? Why is it everything he did is ignored in this film?. This entire trash of a movie is to manipulate and cater to the the ignorant who chose to see Chauvin as the "victim". It dehumanizes Floyd because he was a criminal, but fails to mention he was no threat to any of the officers; he had no weapon. Floyd would be alive if he was just arrested and placed on back of a police car, but three incompetent cops could not subdue a man cuffed from behind, instead they created an event with a audience around them to record a man screaming he can't breath. How dumb was that ?. This is not a documentary, it's propaganda believed by those who lack critical thinking skills.
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    I grew up around the same time Arnold was becoming a famous. I never considered him an "actor", but a movie star, a Hollywood box office persona who became famous because of very commercialized big budget films like Terminator that really iconized him. When I watched "Pumping Iron", he came across as selfish and arrogant; that is part of him that I don't think has changed as much he thinks it has.

    This documentary was self-curated, it also just glanced at some of Arnold's ugly past, like he said in segment, he doesn't have time to waste on thinking how he feels, that was honest but that also a window to his true selfish nature. What was interesting was his childhood and his relationship with his parents and his father. I wish he had expanded on that a little more. He said his brother's death was because he was weaker than Arnold. It was sad and yet interesting that two brothers experience the same childhood and parents and yet Arnold managed to suppress his feelings and why his brother couldn't again was something Arnold didn't want to expand on because it was painful, but he is 78 years old making this documentary, yet he is selective to only focus on his success and not inner self. There should have been an interview with Maria his ex-wife, maybe some of his children. There was no real close friends other Franco Colombo who had died that Arnold had a connection with. Arnold also left out the facts about his father's death. I remember he spoke about it once in a interview years ago; that when his father was dying his mother called him to come back to Austria and he declined because he didn't think it would make any difference since he was going to die anyway; he left that part out of this documentary.

    I don't devalue Arnold as being focused and driven, but he kept using the word "smäh," meaning BS in German, which he felt was part of marketing himself in films and politics. But I think he also "smäh himself to not deal with his past and his true-self. Some people's egos is so big that they don't even how big or how to really address it, even getting older does not lead to getting wiser. I watched another documentary about Stallone and I can say Sly was more self-reflective and has a deeper connection with himself. Arnold was more focused on how to succeed and the road for it is to be selfish. He just comes across as someone who has gotten older with some regrets, but his philosophy is why waste time to reflect about the past or how you feel?..its best to stay busy and never deal with feelings that you have suppressed for decades. You will never grow that way.
  • The best part of this entire episode was the scenes with Elisa Marie an d Tommy. The friendship and how they spoke about their lives was what made it real. I think the writers should revisit Tommy and Lisa Marie in the future of Tommy new show Force.

    Tommy killed her father but somehow this little girl forgave him, that should count as something for Tommy. This little girl gave one of the best performances among the entire cast, especially compared to the the actor who plays Tariq who can't act to save his life. Tommy is really the only reason I watched this show the most, his character is mix of comedy, ruthless, insane and yet loyal to the people he loves.
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    Season 6 was just all over the place and lost its focus. The last 5 episodes that repeated almost everything about Ghost's death was utter a waste of time. They could have just done that in one episode and that was just another proof of how bad the writing got.

    I always knew Ghost will die at the end, his entire conflict of trying to leave his past and how it clashed with the life he wanted to live was the theme of the show. However, why the writers felt to put the focus on the two most annoying hated characters like Tariq and Tasha can only be for the spin-off show about Tariq.

    Tariq was just a spoilt brat, the wanna be gangster that never even worked as a corner boy to understand that world. His short friendship with Kannan didn't amount to anything you call experience. How the writers came up with this idea he could outsmart Ghost was another indicator that that they were forcing this ending.

    When you really reflect on these characters, they were all liars and all lied to each other and that was very consistent. I didn't think this show had much of depth but at it did show how nothing lasts in that world. Ghost lied to himself the most, from season 1 to the last season he constantly struggle to think he had control over his life and the more he tried the worse it got. Tariq was a prime example of what Ghost could not control; he just didn't accept who Tariq was and that was his biggest mistake.
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    I recently started watching this show, I can't believe why it has such a high rating on IMDb of 8.6?. All these reviews with a 10 rating must be from people who worked on this show or related to Hollywood. This is utterly an overrated garbage with more profanity than I have ever heard on a cable show. What kind of an audience was Milch trying to appeal to, teenagers?.

    I was waiting for some story development or an arc, but the entire season was so tedious. I have no issues with a show being slow, but it seems like this show was trying to be like one long impromptu play. The conversations are so repetitive and go nowhere. The most annoying character was "calamity Jane" who had no purpose in this show. I heard the word C**c Sucker so many times, that I don't know how people in that time even knew of such a word?.

    If any of these writers like Milch bothered to do some research on that period, maybe watch Ken Burns's "Civil War" and hear the prose of the letters of the soldiers wrote home, it would make us feel illiterate. Yes, I know the story was about Deadwood, a lawless city with crime, but never in a Western have we ever heard so many F words that you lose interest in watching or caring for the story that they were trying to tell. The kind of profanity was just way overboard and it devalued the show and how HBO went along with it really makes you wonder about the standard that has declined on HBO. I was never a "Soprano" but even that show didn't have the cuss words like Deadwood that was in every sentence by almost every character.

    I can't call this show a Western, it's a mish-mash and it crashes on each episode. I was not impressed with the casting, maybe Ian McShane?. If you want to watch a good solid western that has some actual history watch "Hell on Wheels", the only cuss word I heard in 5 seasons was "BS". Hell on Wheels and "Godless" are the two amazing westerns in the last decade that are truly well made. Hell on Wheels" characters just seemed more authentic, the main character Cullen was a very troubled man, he was not an easy character to like, and he was complex with many faults. I have watched "Hell on Wheels' twice, first when it was aired in 2015 and just a few months ago and I appreciated even more after the second viewing, that show had a pulse and really drew into the characters and that period. I didn't feel that way about "Deadwood", the production was impressive but you felt disgusted at almost every character one way or another, none of them I cared about. Deadwood is just another blunder by HBO way overrated and it was canceled for a reason, do not waste your time.
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    I had issues with this episode because how Cullen killed Elam didn't make sense?. First, he pushed the knife down that got him stabbed and he was already on the ground but holding the knife. That would have been the time to get the knife off him and regardless of how Elam's amnesia condition Cullen killing him and telling others that he was not Elam anymore was just wrong. It didn't quiet match the Cullen's character to kill someone he cared for, they could have kept Elam alive until he gradually recovered and whether actor Common didn't care to be on the show or it wasn't his decision, to bring him back after surviving a bear attack and then kill him off in two episodes didn't make sense?. There was so many great characters that got killed on this show like "Lilly", but I guess they needed so much drama and pain to be part of Cullen's life. Like Cullen said himself to the man he killed that he never thinks there is peace for people like him in this life or life after, I relate to that.
  • It's just odd how this great documentary doesn't get the attention that it deserves, especially with the recent arrest of Duane Keefe who was involved in Tupac's murder. Kading's investigation about both these two murders is remarkable and brilliant to say the least.

    Up to now I really thought Russel Pool's investigation about the LAPD's involvement was why the case was dismissed. LAPD's treatment of Pool also was very similar to what happened to Kading, but Kading took both cases much further. The arrest of Keefe just proves it, because we already heard his confession in this film, except I didn't think due to immunity Keefe will ever get indicted but as it was explained to me by attorney that Keefe's deal didn't apply to other cases.

    Kading's discovery of the killer of Biggie was the best part of this film. How the female in between who paid off the killer that was part of Shug's cirle and the letters related to the killing, how he tricked into a confession was even more compelling. What stopped his investigation to get Zip to flip on Puffy is still a huge error on LAPD again. We now know both Shug and Puffy funded a hit on Biggie and Tupac, even though Shug is in prison for a different crime, but Puffy is still free and why LAPD didn't want to go any further doesn't make any sense?.

    Two young talented innocent people died because they caught in a middle of a feud between two egotistical insane men over petty things.
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    The only reason I watched this show was because of Pedro Pascal, whom I consider one of the great actors working today. Out of all the 8 episodes so far, the one that really was the best was the third one titled "Long, Long Time", with the story of Bill and Frank, that was just something I never expected to see in a Gay story in a series this dark and dismal.

    I was actually turned off by it at the beginning, but the story of these two men was really interesting. I liked Bill the most and the last scene when he also took the pills with the wine and what he said was the best scene, the letter he left behind was where it really got to me. This one episode was the only I felt something about any of the characters of this show. The relationship between Ellie and Joel is just so tedious, I would have liked to see more of Tess, and more of Bill and Frank in some flashbacks.

    Why did they get rid of Tess so quickly, Anna Torv is another great actor and I have always loved her work, pairing her up with Pedro was a great idea. They could have built a better back story to how they met and even their friendship with Bill and Frank could have been expanded. This recent episode with the religious cannibals was just sick to watch, Ellie killing that guy was even sicker. I find Ellie to be just annoying and stupid, her story doesn't interest me at all.

    Do you wonder what is the point of this show?. The reason I mentioned the third episode is that the character of Bill went through a change, he went from this loner, paranoid; anti-social, kind of hater, and learned to trust and care for another human being. He grew from it and he even admitted it in his last letter. I watched that episode twice and cried both times when the last scenes with the letter and the bedroom window panned out, I am not even gay. It felt like whoever wrote that episode didn't write the show; it still remains to be the anomaly in the entire narrative of the show.
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    I don't know what is the big fuss about this newcomer "Ana de Armas" who can't act to save her life. She ruined the "Blade Runner" sequel and she keeps getting bigger parts like this film "Blonde"; which is way over her head. This fascination and obsession with Marliyn Monroe seem to carry to every generation of Hollywood, but they keep getting getting wrong over and over, this one by far is the worst and an insult to Marliyn Monroe. I just saw the new film about "Elvis" which is just as bad as this one or worse. Hollywood needs to let the memory of these people be remembered in their films and music, not in this kind of trash that is based on fabricated lies that only devalue them. There are so many great documentaries about Marliyn Monroe that you can even find on Youtube, that have interviews footage of her, with people who worked with her and knew her personally, if people bothered to even watch them they may discover who she really was, these type of films are not a way to remember her.
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    I saw this last Matrix 4 and just many people yes I was not surprised that it will be disappointing. I remember when I saw the first Matrix and how I felt when I left theater; the story was just so unique and brilliant. I couldn't believe these were the same people, The Wachowskis who had made "Bound"?!.

    The film Bound was caper/ gangster movie, it had it moments but it was an just an average B movie that got a lot of attention. Four later comes "The Matrix" and when I read it was written by the Wachowskis it really surprised me. Matrix seemed way out of their league, even though the film was well executed with all the fancy CGI that really got everyone's attention; it put The Wachowskis's at front and center of Hollywood's attention in their second movie. Something that took directors like Lucas, Coppola, Spielberg and Cameron to achieve. Can the Wachowskis be the next upcoming director in Hollywood, that was the question I was asking?

    I remember like the rest of the fans; I couldn't wait for the sequel to the Matrix, but that's when everything suddenly took a turn and I came out of the theater feeling confused, wondering was this story written by the same people who wrote the original? The movie just felt incoherent and their entire premise seemed kind of shifted, the scene with the Architect is where it got really distorted. I remember other friends who also saw the movie felt as disappointing as I was, the second Matrix spent more on action than story and depth and it was nothing even close to the original.

    That was the beginning of my doubt as to who really wrote the story, but when the final Matrix was released, it still felt disjointed from the first Matrix and I felt it failed as a trilogy. One of the things I remember very vividly was the the Wachowskis's never gave any interviews and Joel Silver was their spokesman and that was something I also found odd?

    However, it all started to make sense few years later when a woman by the name of Sophia Stewart filed lawsuit" over copyright infringement in the "Matrix. Even though her lawsuit failed but it confirmed by my doubts as to Matrix being a original work of Wachoweskis' and they haven't written anything of their own since the Matrix with that kind of depth of the original. Everything else they also directed like Cloud Atlas, didn't come to close to the Matrix. This Matrix 4 was another desperate attempt by Lana Wachoweski to reboot the franchise, but it proved to me once again she had NOTHING to offer but a rehash of the original.

    I can't say I hated this Matrix 4, I guess I liked parts of it with Neo and Trinity, the scene on the roof when Trinity when she says "I remember this, I remember us" it was a very moving scene, it captured that chemistry between these two characters and it was great to see them again together, that was really what made me continue watching it. I think the truth about who really wrote the Matrix will come out one day but I am pretty sure it was not the Wachowskis and they will never join the masters like Lucas and Cameron.
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    I have seen the film "Planet of the Apes" so many times in the past decades and at different ages, yet I still find it to be a great film but with many flaws in the story. If you have read the book, Pierre Boulle's novel provided the source material for the movie. Rod Sterling, who wrote the screenplay, took the idea of 3 people traveling in space and landing on a planet run by Apes, then created his own Hollywood version of it. If you have watched any of the original Twilight Zone series, you can recognize a lot Rod Sterling's themes running in this film.

    One of the things that never made sense to me in this film was why Taylor never mentions or calls where he comes from "Earth"?. Taylor comes across as a very intelligent character; yet he never ever questioned if he has landed on a different planet two thousand years in the future, or how these Apes speak the same language (English) as he does?. This is again a very crucial part of the novel, where the Apes do speak a different language. That was something they didn't want to spend the time to incorporate into the film; because at the end it all tied into him being on earth.

    Taylor also never questions how humans got to be on this planet either?. There was a disconnect between Taylor's intelligence and not questioning his surroundings, especially when they first crashed into the water. You never see these 3 astronauts even wear a spacesuit while coming out of the ship after their ship crashed in the water. Everything about the planet was just like earth, the fact they can breathe oxygen was not even questioned or discussed between the three men.

    Zira and Cornelius were shocked when Taylor spoke English and yet Taylor never wondered how an Ape came to learn to speak? As an astronaut didn't seem that curious about the very questions that the audience may be asking that were never even mentioned in the film. In the novel the 3 astronauts didn't land on earth, they landed on a different planet run by Apes the story was changed for dramatic purposes with some science fiction themes. This was a great cinematic achievement and a classic it has become yet it has many flaws when it comes to its storytelling.
  • After Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012 and the three sequels they made that were utterly garbage and disastrous, I felt that was the end of Star Wars. I had no interest at all in anything Disney was going to make from George Lucas's brainchild because I felt they just wanted to make action films without any clue as to what the theme of Star Wars was. I saw "Rouge One" by chance and I was not impressed, it was like watching a copy of Star Wars, packed with nonstop action with no depth.

    No matter what I heard about Andor, I had no interest in watching it because I thought it was just another spin-off from "Rouge One". I read some of the reviews here on IMDB and nothing I read remotely mentioned "Rouge One"; instead the reviews described it as an adult Star Wars, something I could not imagine that Disney would make?!. I watched the first two episodes and right away I felt the pacing was very different, even though I like a slow pace with dialogue, I was still judgmental and felt it was too slow and even tedious in parts. It didn't hook me in even after the second episode and then I just stopped watching it for over two weeks. I just asked how a Star Wars show that has no or very little action, with more people just talking has managed to capture an audience in a time when people with very little attention span are conditioned to brainless superhero movies ?!.

    I decided to go back and watch it from the beginning again and yes this show slowly grew on me where I was in tears in several parts towards the ending. I have to really congratulate Tony Gilroy, whose work I have always liked. What he did with this show "Andor", in this particular time with thousands of show getting made and streaming, to actually get Disney to let him write a thought-provoking compelling series, that really ties into the current political issues with autocracies and dictatorship regimes around us in countries like Russia, China, Korea, and Iran. What Russia is done to Ukraine and what the Iranian Islamic republic is doing to their people right now hits these current events with Andor. The Empire really reminds me more of NAZI Germany and the Third Reich regime of the 1930s. The cruelty and injustices of the empire and the ISB officers like "Dedra Meero" give meaning to the word evil. If you close attention to how the ISB officers who are as brutal as the SS Nazi's like Himmler are as also cowards when faced with force, both Vanis Tigoare and Meero in the final episode were running for their lives when faced with a mob who had no weapons. Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, and Göring all committed suicide in the end as tough as they portrayed themselves; that is at the heart of all lie when it comes to autocratic regimes, it's just a performance.

    One of the best performances on Andor to me was from actor Stellan Skarsgård who played "Luthen Rael", there were some great scenes with him but the best was on episode 10 when he meets up with Supervisor Lonni Jung who is a double agent. Luther's dialogue and reply to Lonni's question about what he is sacrificing were to me one of the best scenes and highlights of this show. Because our main character and protagonist "Andor's journey is about a man who is transitioning and may be struggling with the same issues of his own to join the rebellion, which requires the sacrifice of the self, to give up that inner peace, condemned to use the tools of his enemy to defeat them by burning up his life for the sunrise he will never see, for gratitude from people he will never get. Such is the life of people who stand up to tyranny and injustice and what Luthen was expressing to Lonni was the core theme of "Andor", this is what makes shows so compelling and brilliant.

    I was not expecting this kind of writing in a Star Wars show at all; that's why I wanted to write this review and admit I was wrong to judge this show on my first viewing. Gilroy and his writers have really accomplished something that people like Rod Sterling would have been proud of today. They didn't give in to the brainless trends of streaming shows, Andor" swam against the current and challenged their audience to seat up and pay attention. I am looking forward to Season 2 and many more seasons from Andor. We honestly need more shows with this kind of depth of writing, there is obviously an audience who have a hunger for it. We are living in very questionable times with the current state of our own political climate with the Trumpism MAGA movement that really mirrors what Empire is in Andor.
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    I have tried to watch this show because Meloni but the show's casting is among the worse when it comes to Law & Order. I think Dick Wolfe is really losing touch when it comes to casting quality actors, the most annoying cast in this show is "Danielle Moné Truitt", she can't act to save her life. I just don't get why among all the talented beautiful Black women actresses in Hollywood they picked her? How many hairdos changes and that FAT ass that they are constantly trying to hide when she is walking.

    Meloni did a series on Netflix called "Happy" last year and it was hillerous and he really surprised me with how funny he can be; I thought he was done with Law & Order and I was glad he had moved on to new projects. When I heard about this show I thought they are doing something new and different that's why he came back; but this show is truly awful, it's like a parody of Law & Order. If you go back to the original L&O it is still far superior when it comes to acting and content, but this is like every cliche of our current culture wrapped into a show, how they made it into a second season is really a surprise?!
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    I want to first point out a large number of reviews here on IMDB with ratings of 9 and 10, that all seem to be from people who either worked on this show or are affiliated with Hollywood. Those reviews are just overly praising, they are trying way too hard to call it a"masterpiece"; to boost this show up to something that it really isn't. I have noticed that with many other shows like "Better call Saul".

    I remember I was hooked when I saw GOT from the first episode; it was actually the 3rd episode that there was a turn in the story. The House of Dragons is just like a series of scenes where you feel it really has no arc. I am not saying it's terrible, but it gets really repetitive and tedious at times. I have felt that in the last 3 episodes; it's almost like much ado about nothing.

    There is so much production value but less content when it comes to this show. There is a lack of other families and other stories, there is just too much focus on one family in one setting, characters repeating themselves and that can get tedious. I hate to compare GOT to this show, but there is not much of a story to this show to get the audience more involved. In the second episode, they already introduced the house of Baratheon, the house of Stark, and the house of Lannister, but there is nothing we know about them in this prequel, so why even show they exist?. In the first 3 episodes of GOT, the characters of Daenerys, Jon Snow, and Tyrion Lannister all were introduced and they had their own stories and how their stories later intertwined. There is nothing remotely like that in the House of Dragons.

    I am not writing this show off yet, but I hope they begin to develop other stories.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show lasted six seasons and yet the ending was weak, disappointing and just awful?. They hype about the finale was just hype, because the rescue plan of Pope was just very badly done. How Pope managed to take down 6 to 8 cops with rifles in a shoot out alone at close range was even more stupid?. Why would Pope, who always was meticulous let him himself bleed out?. Maybe he really wanted to die?

    I always figured that all the characters will either die or get caught, but for Craig to die and Deran to just leave, not even a hint as to where or how? The only part that made some sense was how Pope burned the house down at the end, all his hatred for smurf just came out in that scene and it was best scene in the entire finale.

    When you see Josh at the end seating near a pool in some resort hotel offshore, as the real sole winner of the Cody family, that his revenge was accomplished to what Smurt and her sons treated her mother. It was a weak ending and an insult to the audience who watched this show for past 6 seasons.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is among the best Westerns ever made in the last thirty years since "Lonesome Dove", but I would say this is even better. I have seen "Godless" several times since 2017 and each time I loved it even more. The writing of this show is what surprised me the most, how the scenes of each character from their past to the present are presented in such a subtle yet moving way. The pacing of those horse scenes with Jack O'Connell (Roy) hardly had any words, but the expressions of the character standing back, just summed up the feelings of what the character felt, and this happened all throughout this show with almost every character.

    The direction of Scott Frank is really among the best when it comes to how he sets up the scenes, the camera work, and how he spent time with these characters that went further than western to date. I wish there were more Westerns made this way, with a story that was about characters and their struggles than just a shoot-out. The last scene when Roy rides to California was like you rode with him the entire way, the only thing I would have liked to see is that he finally found his brother in person. I doubt anyone can top "Godless" in decades to come, this was an anomaly masterpiece.
  • I read most of the reviews last week when this show aired, there were a lot of negative remarks and comparisons to the original GOT. I think it's really immature way to judge a show to compare it to another show that came before it, every show should be judged on its own merits.

    I think "House of Dragons" shows promise, but it's too early to judge it and compare it to the previous cast or the story. This time is supposed to be 172 years ago, I don't know how people can even call this a prequel to GOT when there is over a century of difference in time?.

    This show so far seems to be more focused on succession and the politics behind it. My first impression of the casting of "Milly Alcock" as Princess Rhaenyra is that she is perfect for the role, this girl has charisma and presence without even talking. I was even more impressed with her in the second episode.

    I would say the same about the rest of the cast particularly Paddy Considine as the King and Rhys Ifans as Otto, who are both caliber actors. What I am trying to understand is the character of "Lord Corlys Velaryon" played by Steve Toussaint, as I don't recall any black "Velaryon" family or Targaryen in the Westros in GOT?. I don't know if this is another "woke" thing?.

    I think the core theme of "House of Dragons" is more about the struggle of a woman to become a Queen, something that has never been done before in the patriarchy of the Targaryen and seven kingdoms. Although there is this strong defiance by Daemon Targaryen to accept that his brother denied him to be his heir, that he could become the enemy. However, I believe Daemon loves his family and especially Rhaenyra and he is actually her only true ally.

    If you are going to watch "House of Dragons" and compare every character to the original GOT and keep looking for faults, then I suggest stopping watching it altogether, because this show does not measure up to your standards. George R. R. Martin is now more involved with this show and has more control than he did with GOT, and let's not forget how the two opportunist "David Benioff" and "D. B. Weiss" destroyed the last season of GOT. I am glad Martin is no longer tied to those two scumbags, so I have faith "House of Dragons" will be a great success and prove many wrong.
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    I never thought I would ever become a fan of this show, I but just like the show "Gomorrah", this show also grew on me over the years. I never liked or was a fan of "Ellen Barkin", but she was good in this show, maybe because Smurf and her had a lot in common. I have actually like the show even more since Smurf died, I think mostly because the focus shifted equally now to all the characters.

    Anyone watching this show knows it will not end well for these characters, one thing I would credit the writers is that it has never failed to show who these characters really are on the inside. If anyone has ever watched the HBO show "Gomorrah", there is some similarities in terms of the characters, except Gomorrah was more raw and every character was expendable.

    Regardless of how much you may like these characters, but their selfish criminal self is always on display. I think its fare to say that Jay is probably the worse of all them, he only cares about himself and now with arrest of Andrew he has shown his true colors, that he is willing to even get Pope killed in prison, in order to save his own ass. Both Craig and Deran have maybe a little better, but both may either killed or go to prison?. These stupid Flashbacks are only written because the writers are desperate to have a full episode, even though the flashbacks don't really serve a purpose.

    What I find wrong in American Hollywood crime shows versus Italian shows like Gomorrah", is that crime does not pay, but we have watched 6 years of "Animal Kingdom" that these characters have gotten away with everything, if they survive it will be kick in the face to the audience. When I watched Gomorrah, I was disgusted and hated almost every character, but at the same time I felt a sense of empathy when they all died, to this day I don't think there is a show that comes even close to the realism of crime than Gomorrah. That is what good film making is supposed to do and I am sorry to say that I doubt ""Animal Kingdom" would have the same maturity or courage to do that.
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