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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Lazy, but it's still good like the first
I really don't want to like this movie. It's possibly the laziest sequel in history. The messaging, the story progression, the B plots, the jokes and when they come, even some of the traps are all the exact same as the first or slightly altered. Macaulay kulkin also phones it in, in this movie his acting is so monotone. And yet despite all of this I'd say it's just as good as the first possibly better. Yes it's just the same thing done again and yes the acting isn't as good, but the new traps are so much better in this film and for what it's worth the repeated jokes are actually kinda funnier. I really don't want to like this movie for how lazy it is, but it's hard to not say this at the very least isn't as good as the first because the first one was so well done and this is the exact same with a different coat.

The Snowman and the Snowdog

Just like the first
Amazing just like the first. The animation goes for the same rough yet beautiful aesthetic of the first, where you can see all the effort that went into the animation and how worth it it is. I do massively prefer the story to this movie, it builds upon the first by making the young boy a much more interesting and deep character and it's charming to see all the new things and references to the original. I do also like the music for this although the original is obviously much more famous and classic. The animation while sticking to the original also feels much more colourful and smoother in a very good way. With all that being said I do have 2 massive problems with this. First off while I do like it's additions the actual story beats outside of the beginning is pretty much the exact same, to the point the movie actually feels less like a sequel and more like a remake. And I also think the ending has an annoying bad message. But I'd still argue it's better than the originals ending and I'd still say this is a great movie to kill 20 minutes an all time Christmas classic just like the first.

When the Wind Blows

Not fun, just grim. But that's the point
This movie is not fun. It's an amazing movie and a seriously important message but it's not a fun ride. The animation is really cutesy and simple which fits the simplicity of the couple. The couple is really charming due to their normality and naïveté. The live action stuff and animations is also just really nice to look at. This movie can feel a little slow throughout but for the plot it's telling it works really well. With all this being said, it's hard to say I recommend this film as impactful and important as the message is the movie is just so dreary, bleak and kind of horrifying. The way this couple is so unaware of the danger they're in is actually scary to watch. And just the way this story is told is in a very cheery manner but with such horrifying undertones. The biggest issue is it's depressing to a point that it's not fun to watch.

Father Christmas

Endearing little spin off to the snowman. Father Christmas is a comedic modern spin on Santa Claus. Instead of showing some powerful magical being who lives away from everyone, it instead shows an ordinary guy with lots of chores a somewhat negative attitude and desperate for a break from work. It's a really fun spin on Santa and I love how despite his negative attitude he's shown to still be deeply caring, heartwarming and friendly. I can definitely recommend it but it can be a bit adult with Santa going to a casino and also drinking with Scottish man, he also blooming in almost every sentence. It's a cute movie Father Christmas is one of the most charismatic characters I've ever seen in this and the ties to the snowman are cute.

The Snowman

Beautiful Christmas classic
One of the most gorgeous animated movies in the entire world. You can visually see the amount of effort put into every frame and it makes it such a calming and wonderful experience. The music is so charming and relaxing and the animation is too. This is the most relaxing and soothing Christmas movie out there. My biggest complaint is there isn't much to take away from it it's not a comedy or a story driven film but instead it's about cute wholesome hijinks and a gorgeous and effortful animation. I will say the small story in this is pretty sweet, it's a really nice message for kids and adults and really gives the movie a bit more too make it a classic. This is such a cosy movie and I 100% recommend it.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Underrated masterpiece
Firstly does this movie need to exist? Definitely not. But that does not mean it's bad. Yes it's not as accurate to the books, yes you have the animated version which is much more accurate. But like this movie is an actual full length film, they had to add more and tbh I think what they added is really good. Jim Carrey is hilarious in this movie, the set design and costume design is both really realistic, really well done and really fun. The commentary of society, consumerism and Christmas as a whole is also in a way genius. I also love the commentary on how fake people can be, like genuinely the commentary in this film is surprisingly really well done and kinda subtle if you don't pay attention. The characters are also really likeable (or unlikeable) when needed, plus max the dog is such a good boy. The only real bad thing about this film is it doesn't look as colourful as it probably should.

Ethel & Ernest

Such a nice little film. It's not the most ambitious movie in the world, but it is such a sweet slice of life movie. The movie tells the story of a couple living their life, it goes over tragedies in their life, amazements, politics of the time and many other things. Everything it covers is usually done in the background, the movie does an amazing job at showing huge issues but making it feel real by focusing on the families life, they're less involved with the issues and more trying to survive them. The music and animation is really wonderful and calming. This movie as a whole is just calming and it feels really honest, it feels like a man telling his parents life and showing all the little things that make life interesting, the sadness and happiness. This is a great movie for what it is. As a small nitpick, I did find it somewhat boring between the ending of the second act and beginning of the third act, but considering what I just watched it was still an amazing ride.

The Santa Clauses

Good if you like the films
Season 1: If you like the movies you'll love this. It's not overly funny, certainly not on the same level as the first two movies but it is much better than the third. The show perfectly captures the very whimsical universe of the films and even the slight darkness behind it all. This first season also does a great job at developing the universe and even helping some Ollie holes. This is a cute Christmas show and very accurate to the movies, I can recommend. Some of the side characters are also very annoying but considering they're child actors the fact that a lot of them are really likeable and fun is still a pretty good thing.

Season 2: This was much funnier than the first season, like the first if you enjoy the movies you'll love this, it perfectly captures the whimsy, fun and humour of the first two films. The side characters weren't really annoying in this season and were actually more interesting and fun. I think the story is a bit weaker then the first solely because it doesn't have as much plot wise, due to this I also think there's a lot of filler to hit the 6 episode qouta. A lot of episodes feel a bit too long and I think this story could of been easily told as a movie and wouldn't take away any of the plot. Still a decent season though I'm surprised how accurate the show is to the film.

Home Alone

A Christmas classic
A Christmas classic. I don't think you celebrate Christmas if you've not seen this film multiple times. If you haven't though let me say it's one of the best Christmas movies out there. It's a fun movie showing the whimsy and fun of a child being home alone, Macaulay Culkin is one of the best child actors of all time, his facial expressions and charisma is superb in this. The comedy is really good no matter how much I've seen it, both Harry and Marc make the funniest noises and remarks. This movie is just superb, there's a really sweet sun plot that feels surprisingly deep and emotional in contrast to the rest of the film. Oh and the score goes unbelievably hard, they did not need to get such a good soundtrack for this film but they really did. My only real complaint is the family aren't the greatest (but they still do work really well, for the little screen time they have you manage to understand a lot of their personalities and even values) and my other complaint is around the ending of the second act and the beginning of the third, the movie slows down a lot and doesn't feel as smooth as the rest of the film.

Gremlins 2: The New Batch

One of the most underrated sequels of all time
Underrated. This movie is a very clever and unique sequel. It comes in a time where a fair enough of sequels were cash grabs that didn't need to exist or the exact same movie done again and this movie decides to instead be a sequel that captures the basics of the first but completely changes the style and tone of the original. That being said despite the sudden change I think most fans of the first will like this. This movie is less of a horror with dark comedy and more of a comedy that combines lots of meta humour and dark humour. This movie has foruth a wall breaks, references to pop culture and uses itself as a meta commentary on sequels, the movie industry and gremlins themselves. This movie holds up really well, my only real complaint is the main characters feel even more bland than the first film and the first 30 minutes feel slow and it takes a while to get going.


Fun, chaotic, Christmas classic
Classic. This movie is just so so fun. The narration and opening is whimsical and very interesting and even kinda tense. Then when the movie slowly dishes out it's plot gizmo is there being the cutest creature in cinema. Also in general the plot is just fun it's both tense and exciting as it slowly hints at the darker undertones of the movie. When the gremlins do come out the movie is so chaotic and random that it is hilarious, it's exactly my type of humour. The chaos and charisma of all the gremlins is hilarious, the cuteness of gizmo will never get old, the whacky inventions from the dad are always interesting and fun (and very relatable), the music is amazing, the creatures for the most part look amazing and very realistic, this is just a very entertaining and fun kids horror dark comedy Christmas movie.

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause

Uninteresting and unoriginal
I mean this movie isn't bad? Like there's nothing awful that happens and there's not anything that stands out, it's just unoriginal and even worse uninteresting. The story is similar to it's a wonderful life, which is fine it worked amazingly for shrek 4 but this movie has almost no interest in the time travel and does nothing interesting with it. In fact this movie is just filled with plot points that could lead to really interesting drama and could really expand the universe in a cool way and could have some very strong messages and cool/funny moments. But the movie just doesn't do anything it spend most of its runtime setting up the finale and still makes a rushed ending. The villain isn't great, the characters aren't as good as the first 2 and Bernard is painfully missing. It's just a nothing film that could of been an interesting closer to the franchise, had they bothered with giving the plot points more fleshing out and not had them all in one film.

The Santa Clause 2

Better than the first, but still not good
I mean this isn't bad, like the first it's filled with plot holes and the story is far from good. That being said I think I prefer the story for this movie the plot at face value is messed up and awful, but the acting and characters really sell it Abdul make it a really charming and joyful story. Similar to the original but to a much bigger extent. I'd say the first movie is a lot funnier, but this movie still has some pretty great jokes and tbh both movies aren't overly funny anyway. The movie has two and both are really enjoyable. A genuinely sweet romance story where the chemistry is actually really good and a side plot with an evil robot which supplies a lot of the best jokes. I'd say If you like the first film you'll like this one.

The Santa Clause

Not good but still heartwarming
This movie is really not that great, comedy wise there is some really good jokes and moments in this, I chuckled a couple times, that being said I still wouldn't say it's that overly funny and there is way too many fart jokes. The story is ridiculously obvious and generic and the story and universe is filled with so many plot holes that are so easy to catch. That being said despite having no nostalgia for it and not finding it that funny and the story not being great, I kinda like it? This movie has a really weirdly good charm to it. Despite everything I kinda have to say to give it a try, it shows it's age but like I don't know it's just a very enjoyable Christmas movie. A bad film that still works.

Kubo and the Two Strings

Very beautiful, kinda generic
This movie is absolutely stunning, one of possibly even the most beautiful movie to watch. The animation is satisfyingly smooth and the action is very cool. The set design is some of the most impressive in the industry and is beautiful to look at. The first half or so of this movie is perfect, it's sad but also has lots of very subtle yet well done comedy. The second half isn't the best comedy wise, beetle can be very funny and he is very charming but he is a bit over the top with the comedy and can be annoying at times. The music also kind of disappoints me. It's far from bad but when kubo tells a story they have very unique and cool sounding music however, during important scenes and action they don't use this genre of music to their advantage. Finally easily my biggest problem with this movie is the story is slightly on the generic side, while I love what the message of this movie I feel a lot of the plot to get to that message is a very generic "hero's journey" plot with the added plot of a semi pointless fetch quest.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

So calming
This movie is one of the most calming aesthetics I've ever seen. It also feels extremely mature for a children's movie while having nothing to scare kids away. The voice acting is really good, they sound very natural yet very calming. They also show emotion through the animation instead of with the voices. The comedy is really solid it feels very smoothly and nicely done. This movie just feels good to watch it's hard to explain but it just feels so relaxed while still having so much to it both from a storytelling point and character point. The storyline and character development is also surprisingly really deep and well done. Most important changes in character and inner thoughts are done through subtle dialogue or facial expressions and it makes the movie have a lot more weight to it. The music is also really well done. This is just simply a really good kids movie that I can easily recommend.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Overhated, but still not very good
First thing I need to say. This is and never was a reboot to the 1971 film, the writers had never even seen the film. This film is an adaption of the original book and a much more accurate one at that. That being said it's hard to not compare this to the original film and quite frankly while I do think the story for this film is much more interesting and has more character and development and effort put into it. The 1971 film is simply just better. Charlie is just painfully boring in this film, he never really feels like a real character. The other characters are pretty good if not better but their acting does feel a bit off. The songs are really cool and very entertaining but they are pretty forgettable. The cgi doesn't look the best and feels a lot more creepy than the whimsical magics of the 1971 film. And finally probably the weakest fact of this film, it's just awkward and not funny. With all that being said I do love how they handle Willy, I love the backstory they give him and I love how unsociable and awkward they make him (just like how he'd be in real life). While this movie has a lot of issues I will always appreciate what it did with its story and I can say I recommend it.

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Pretty good
Very good kinda? This movie is a classic the acting isn't awful, it's not the best but it's definitely passable. The music is very hit or miss but the songs definitely have their moments. The set design is easily what makes this film so famous. It really captures the beauty and charm of Roal dahls imagination. The world feels very creative and anyone would want to see it themselves. The movie also has weirdly scary imagery and I don't know why and I'm not even 100% sure if it's done on purpose, but it's definitely their. The comedy is also astounding in this film. Gene wilder is amazing in this film he's similar in a way to bill murray in the first ghostbusters, just much more subtle with it. Finally, I think the story isn't the best. There's a lot of obvious plot holes that kinda ruin it and even when you look behind that, all the characters are very 2 dimensional even the star Charlie. (Also due to weird plot choices half the casts choices make them seem like sociopaths).


AMAZING but mostly for adults
Oh of the best Pixar movies of all time. This movie is one of if not the prettiest Pixar movie. The music is phenomenal beginning to end it really immersed you into the emotions and world and is just beautiful to listen to. Like with a lot of Pixar movies the idea is very creative and unique while it's not as interesting of a world compared to something like inside out or coco the world is still extremely well done it has some very neat metaphorical locations that tie into life, death and life after death. The voice acting is also very good and finally the story is astounding, I think this might be my favourite Pixar story ever. The messaging is so strong and philosophical it really gives you a lot to think about while also showing how despite how bad things get, life is truly beautiful. I love the positive messages of this film and I love how it compares with the cynical 22. This movie is simply amazing and I recommend anyone to watch this. The only issues with this film is it's a bit dark for some kids and the messages won't really resonate with them. I also think the final act was a bit lacklustre it felt somewhat generic and I'm very mixed on how it ends, although on rewatch I do prefer the ending much more I still feel it could of been done a lot better.


Nice little spin
Coolest thing about this film is how it spins the Christmas carol formula. With hundreds of different Christmas carol films always taking place in the same time period just with different actors or different characters. This movie brings life by making it very modern, at least for the late 80s. Bill Murray plays a film producer working on a Christmas carol film whose life mirrors Scrooge. The ghosts in this film are hilarious and have some of the best scenes, the new plot twists and threads are interesting although feel slightly unrealistic, although considering how slapstick this film is that shouldn't really be a problem. My biggest gripe with this film is I just didn't find it funny, it had all the perfect jokes to be funny but nothing overly made me laugh out loud, bill Murray also shouts a whole lot for some reason. With that being said this is still a very good Christmas classic and an awesome take on a Christmas carol.

James and the Giant Peach

Kinda basic
It's not awful but it's very basic. Okay first this is a musical but only has 4 songs, the songs aren't also the best. It also starts of very slow but it gets good after the first 20 minutes. That being said the animation is gorgeous, while certain parts don't age well and to me the eyes look a bit creepy the movie is still very charming and nice to look like. The bug characters are also very fun, they're a little one dimensional but still very charismatic and charming. To me the biggest issue with this film is the lack of character arcs, the characters don't overly change in a substantial way throughout. James is also a very uninteresting protagonist and he's also not the best acting wise. It's a decent film but not much more than that.


My mum insisted to watch this, came in not expecting it to be good and wasn't disappointed. Tone and story wise it couldn't be more generic for a Christmas movie. That being said I kinda like some of the mythos it adds to being a genie and I think certain aspects of the story are clever and well written. The comedy definitely doesn't seem to be aimed at my audience, I didn't find it remotely funny. The cgi and acting is also pretty poor but to be fair I'm not sure that really matters for this type of movie... Melissa McCarthy is amazing in this movie, while I didn't overly find her funny she still really not only sells the idea but also sells the character and acts extremely well. Like considering what this movie is and everything else there's some moments where she does like phenomenal acting, which only makes all the actors somehow look even worse than they already did but credit to her for trying so hard in a pretty mediocre movie. I'm sure there are a lot of people who do find this movie funny and I think the idea is interesting for this to be a good movie to some people, it's just really not for me. The ending also felt very rushed and pretty unsatisfying.

AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem

The opening is about the only good part, I like how they deal with the aftermath of the first avp and I like the way they handle it. After the opening it becomes awful, it starts introducing even more characters than the first and unlike the first none of them are interesting, all the characters are bland and one note. Worst of all is the characters ARE THE ENTIRE FOCUS. The predator barley shows up it's mostly just alien killing people, when the predator is in a scene it's just mediocre fights that are ridiculously short so the movie can focus on the uninteresting people again. Worst of all the alien and predator action is entirely shot in shadows so even if that side of it was good you'd barely be able to see it. This movie is awful it solely try's to use shock horror and boring characters to carry its plot. It's sucks too because the designs of the alien and predator in this movie is some of its coolest in any of the previous movies, they just couldn't do anything with it...

AVP: Alien vs. Predator

Very overhated in my opinion. First off this movie isn't really an action flick till the last third. It starts off extremely slow setting up characters and setting, some may not like this as it can be somewhat boring at times and the people aren't as fleshed out as you'd hope. That being said it does help you care at least a bit about the characters, once they set on the expedition it focuses on the place they're in it sets up a bit of backstory and showcases gorgeous shots, the movie deals with a bit too much exposition but I think it does a good job at fleshing out the world even if it'd be much better to show instead of telling. When the movie finally gets to the alien and predator stuff it's pretty interesting for the most part it's hype and has extremely cool action, their are however some moments where it relies too much on cuts which can get annoying. I think overall while this movie starts of slow it works because when it kicks off there is a lot of good action and surprisingly this movie is actually tense in some parts. It's more aimed at the action predator fans then alien fans but I really like this movie and think you should definitely give it a try.

Predator 2

Like it more than the first
Honestly I'm mixed on this film, like the first it's not very tense as most deaths are off camera just like with the first. I do however prefer the story for this one, where the first movie was just about marines wandering in a jungle and slowly getting picked off this movie changes up a lot of the story while even slightly changing the genre. This movie is in a city, it has cops trying to find and kill the predator and it almost takes on a body cop/ detective flick. I love how it changes enough of the first and adds a lot to it, the ending scene is also very hype and does a very good job of expanding the universe. My biggest gripe with this film is I find a lot of the acting kind of plain making the characters not overly interesting, I also found the final fight went on a little too long but overall I really enjoyed this film and would say it's about as good as the first but could of been better where it not due to the acting.

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