
IMDb member since October 2006
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Ang-ma-reul bo-at-da

Engaging yet somewhat predictable
I liked the movie, but due to the intention of the director showing us both the storylines and how we were presented with all the information there was not as much thrill as you would except. Of course the gore, why and how is still relevant. We are engaged in wanting to know why the murder is doing what he is doing we are interested in his background and what he is gonna do next. The start is very much interesting as to how the protagonist is going to go about this and the end with an absolute twist that is a possibility but not one that anybody would wish for. The movie reminds me of the quote - "if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee" by Nietzsche in his book cautioning the reader that by fighting monsters one might in turn become a monster.

Motherless Brooklyn

Very enjoyable - Time flew by
I just saw this late at night, not expecting much however, once it began the 2 hours flew by and i was constantly engaged in everything that happened. The story grips one from the get go and you are constantly wanting to know about the next sequence of the story and as the viewer you also play a detective at some points as the movie sets up indirect things the viewer is supposed to figure out. Then i saw the score on IMDB and i was fairly surprised this movie is at a minimum a 7.5. Very good mystery a genre that i do not remember seeing for a while.

Manbiki kazoku

A movie of intricacies
In life the things that stand out are the episodic or the most lifechanging moments. Thus do we cherish or hate the change. We get to see a family who appear to have little in means yet give, of the little they have.

They help a seemingly abused small girl and this girls big change begins here. However, they all have a new additional member to get used to. This is the first phase the accustomization phase the change or changes that will effect them all. The second one is the cherish,joy and happy phase. The third phase i will not spoil.

Within a little time we somewhat understand the storyline but it is the small intricacies that intrigues and when all the small pieces come together one realises the depth of the storyline that becomes more than initially anticipated. A renewed sympathy and respect to the characters unfold within oneself. Yet with some doubt as to their prior intention, but clearly understanding their intention at this point in time. A nice mellow movie that shows how people can be a positive or negative influence and focusing on the good even when dealt a bad hand. How being good to others makes you good and not being a force of evil is the best way to act.

Death Note

Psychology and plot
So first time writing a review. Before watching I wanted to quickly recap the original anime, though it happened to become a binge watching, due to the anime being quite well put. I had a few problems in the way they depict this guy, to fit the story.

I noticed that Light(in the anime), was the prep school student, with the all around advantages such athletic skills, the looks and to top it off was very intelligent. This means that the chances for him to become arrogant are very high. Since most people judge people, based on these qualities, in which he excels. So him viewing himself, as some kind of "god" and thinking he is better than anyone else actually make sense.

However, in the depiction of the character in the movie, he was the usual smart ass loner type of guy, that needed a confirmation of identity and support from a girl and even being pushed by Ryuk. This just changes everything, since he is somewhat being manipulated by Ryuk and the girl. Whereas the original Light is the manipulator.

The reason I am looking at the psychology of the characters is that the plot is so damn important, and lays out a foundation for things, such as Psychopathic and narcissistic tendencies Light has in the anime, which makes him unable to love anyone but himself. This also gives rise to answer the question that it makes sense for him to kill so many people, without flinching.

When it comes to L, he was surprisingly good depicted by the actor and seemed somewhat believable. So a big applause to him.

Of course, the movie seemed to be only made for monetary purposes. Would I watch it, if not for comparing the original? - I highly doubt it and would not recommend it. I was just interested in the what way the plot would be changed and it is not a change I approve of.

City of Life

Good message - listen people
I am not used to write on this wall but this time i had to say something.

I see people complaining about things that do not have anything to do with the movie. This movie is a portrait of the "melting pot" in UAE and their different lifestyles. This is a real eye opener. For us to see their culture. I have been there and i did not have the chance to see so many things, which actually makes me sad. But this movie was great in my opinion. I think that it also had a whole new way of shooting movies on.

We also see how the poor man.....see it yourself.

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