
IMDb member since October 2006
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Doctor Strange

Dr. Strange Seizes to Disappoint with Iron Man like Comedy and Clever Wizardry
How do you fit another superhero into the overly stuffed Marvel universe? Create a dimension. This film exceeded my expectations as Cumberbatch pulls off the likable, charming Dr. Strange. Although Strange's character endures a awkwardly rapid change from a renowned neurosurgeon to a mystical sorcerer, the characters outshine the subpar plot.

Rachel Weisz appearance was all too short as her usual love interest stint. Contrary to fan outcries, The out-of-the-box casting of "The Ancient One" proved to be justified as Tilda Swinton nails the magician monk sorcerer. Mads Mikkelsen character was kinda just...there. Finally and certainly not least, Chiwetel brings his Oscar energy to the Marvel Universe with a powerful portrayal of Mordo.

All and all good movie- felt like I was watching Iron Man in a different dimension...on Mars.

Plot: 7/10

Acting: 8/10

Cinematography: 9/10 (Very visual, think Inception meets steroids)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How Warner manages to screw this movie
With an all-star cast, budget, and million dollar marketing plan- Warner Bros. manages to turn Batman v Superman into a cluttered fiasco. A non-existent script and story is a great deal of the problem- but castings like Jesse Eisenberg as Lex is not going to help either.

Gal Gadot manages to impress in her short moments as Wonder Woman, but once again this disastrous script lacked any depth and barely set the bar for the Justice League Franchise. A 2.5 hour movie could have been spent more productively on Flash / Aquaman's character- and less on a geeky Lex Luthor.

Ben Affleck performance as Batman was done decently, but the personal development with Superman's character was forced and rushed until the ending. How many times have we watched a Bruce Wayne origin story? Also thanks for the Joker easter egg, would have preferred an after- credits scene.

In short words Warner Bros attempt at a DC universe timeline will take years to develop- a foundation as weak as BvS will put its future into serious question.

Edge of Tomorrow

A magnificently built story coupled with a stellar performance by Tom Cruise
"Edge of Tomorrow" successfully manages to portray a complex, sci-fi storyline that respects the intellect of the viewer while also providing jam-packed action. It is inevitable that any time-traveling storyline has plot holes, so don't waste your time figuring out the little details and just understand the main back-bone of the plot.

Tom Cruise aka "Officer Bill Cage" gains the power to continuously re- live the final day of a worldwide invasion against an alien organism. He must attempt to change the course of the war alongside Emily Blunt aka Rita "The Full Metal Bitch" Vrataski, who previously held the power of resetting the day.

Story lines this complex are always destined for failure without solid acting...just look at The Matrix. Cruise's drama, humor, and character development keeps the viewer on the edge alongside an excellent dynamic with Emily Blunt. On a side note I appreciated that Blunt used her real accent in this film, brings out the seduction in her character...unlike her horrendous American accent from "Looper".

To all sci-fans, please be sure watch this movie before it leaves theaters to see Tom Cruise at his absolute best.

Django Unchained

Blood, gore, and a MENACING DeCaprio. Want anything else??
Tarantino has done it once again. Django Unchained brings an equal amount of action, drama, and comedy to fit a wide variety of audiences. The story somehow keeps you on the edge of your seat for the entire 2.5 hour period. Whether it be the extremely exaggerated blood effects or Tarantino's explosive cameo (literally), this movie will solidify itself as Tarantino's greatest. The story is no Pulp Fiction, but the acting is. Christopher Wirz keeps climbing the Hollywood ladder, slowly solidifying himself in the business and all other Tarantino films. Jamie Foxx was absolutely brilliant as Django, bringing a "badass" persona as well as a taste for the excitement. DeCaprio nailed it as well, his acting for an evil plantation owner was quite fitting, and there is one particular scene in the movie that strikes fear in the entire audience. Perhaps the most memorable acting was Samuuel L. Jackson, who plays DeCaprio's loud-mouth loyal servant. He manages to be mostly comical but also acts as an evil schemer. The most underrated part of the movie is most definitely the cameos. I am still confused on why James Remar played two different characters; possible Tarantino's way of fu**ing with the audience? Who knows, but other cameos such as Jonah Hill's was absolutely hilarious, I don't want to ruin it. Do yourself a favor and take a visit to the theaters during these fine holidays to witness true acting and directing.

Justice League: Doom

Definitely watchable, but probably won't meet your expectations
When I originally saw the cast for this movie I was extremely excited since its tie to the Justice League show that aired for 6 years. This movie, however, seemed like just another average episode from the show. The dialogue was incredibly weak, there was not as much character development, and the story line was too cheesy. Kevin Conroy was excellent voicing Batman as usual, but even his great voice could not help make this movie above average. My main problem was the choice of characters. The original plot of the story was that Ra's Al Ghul would steal information from Batman's computer that could destroy the Justice League. He would then hire each of the Justice League's greatest enemies to destroy them. This movie honored this storyline in every way except for the most important part, they did not use Ra's Al Ghul but instead some cheesy character named Vandal Savage whose apparently been alive for over 50,000 years. I think many would agree that any plot with Ra's in it is bound to be at least above average. Even then, the characters that were hired to destroy the league were poorly chosen. Star Sapphire vs Green Lantern..really? It was almost worse than Wonder Woman vs the Cheetah, do not even get me started on that. The only reason why I gave this movie a 6/10 was because of the climax. Anytime you see a band of well-known superheroes get defeated in their most vulnerable times it always ends up being gripping. After that whole scene ended, the movie just suddenly ends and the all so immortal Vandal Savage goes to jail for life. I do recommend watching this movie if you are a true superhero fan, but if your not that person don't waste your time.

Green Lantern

Another comic movie that lacks depth..DC fails again
Green Lantern was a film that I have been looking forward to for years. After seeing this movie I can say that a reboot is already needed. The development of the movie has been through a lot; after months of speculation that Ryan Gosling was set to play Green Lantern, Ryan Reynolds was cast instead, who simply had the "body" of a superhero. Reynolds personality simply did not fit the persona of Hal Jordan/Green Lantern. His frequent wise cracks just did not work with this type of hero, and the movie was just too concentrated on him physically. What I hated the most was that the Green Lantern suit was all CGI, Reynolds was not actually wearing a real suit during the movie.

In terms of the overall plot of the movie, it was lacking too much depth. The origins of the story was too focused on Green Lanterns in general, and not on Hal Jordan himself. In fact, there was only one scene of Hal Jordan's past, and one scene of Hal with his family. The story would have been more powerful if we could learn more about his origins and why he was so "destined" to wear the Green Lantern Ring.

In looking at the positives of the movie, Blake Lively was smoking hot and made a decent performance as Carol Ferris. Mark Strong was EXCELLENT as Sinestro. He plays as Green Lantern's mentor, but also maintains the evil villain that we all knows lives inside of him. Peter Sarsgaard tried way too hard with Dr. Hector Hammond's character. As a Green Lantern fan I was questioning what the whole point of the character was in terms of the plot. Sarsgaard's character has multiple scenes where he is making uncomfortable moaning sounds, which was all but dramatic. Overall the film was a disappointment, and the upcoming new Superman and Batman movies will have to save DC comics.

The Ugly Truth

One of the few all-around great love movies, both for women and men!
So as I was forced to watch this movie with my sister and her friend, the original stereotypical thoughts towards all love movies seem to be bursting throughout my head- corny: guy meets girl, girl hates guy at first, girl meets another guy then realizes that the first guy was the love of his life, girl goes back to guy and the movie ends with a touching make-out scene. Well, of course this was the case. HOWEVER, I wouldn't exactly call this movie a chick-flick. It seem to be the "battle of the sexes type," and it did not disappoint. I can easily say that I had some great laughs in this movie; surprisingly, and I am not even a comedy/chick flick guy. The whole moral of the movie is something both guys and women can you relate to, and some scenes are just hilarious for all types of audiences. The whole plot of the story was actually pretty solid for this style movie. In fact, the approach of this movie is so unique that I believe it belongs in its own category. Gerard Butler gives an excellent performance, both funny and charming. The humor had tremendous variety that kept audience laughing hysterically at some points. Overall, I really do recommend this movie for the male audience (Especially couples) and guarantee that they will not be disappointed after seeing this flick.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Exciting dark style, but lacking in variety and story
After being severely disappointed by the fifth movie in the series, the Order of the Phoenix, I can easily say that my expectations for this movie were very low. The third and fourth movie were by far the best in the series, and unfortunately this sequel could not meet those standards. However, after watching it, I was surprised by the way the movie was conducted. At most points in the movie it was very dark, but there were several funny moments that all types of audiences found humorous. The main objections I have with this movie was variety of the plot. I understand that every single element of the book cannot be incorporated into the movie, but there very important events from the book that were not even mentioned. First, the new minister of magic. I mean come on, not even a side comment about him? Or how about what happens to Bill Weasley? Doesn't he get attacked by the Greyback? I was expecting much more actions scenes from the Greyback, not just a couple posing scenes. As for the soundtrack, the same repetitive music from Order of the Phoenix was used, which was an annoying jolly tune that does not at all go with the entire movie, but the music was better for the more darker scenes. Also, there was too much emphasis between Slughorn and Harry. However, I was quite impressed by Daniel Radcliffe's acting, although his emotions could have been portrayed better as he got over tragedies too quickly. I strongly believe that David Yates is by far the weakest of the multiple directors of this best-selling series.

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