
IMDb member since December 2020
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    3 years, 5 months



They are BOTH good!!
I watched the American one and really love it, then came here to see the reviews that said to watch the original one. Been watching the original along side the American one. They are both good! Some of the ghosts are different, mostly pertaining to their country's history which makes it a little fun and different from each other. The American one has American humor and the British one British humor. That's it! The acting is good in both. It's quirky, fun and just end of the day relax funny. And reviewers who keep saying they copied the UK show, they are the same producers and creators people, so the same people just made one for US television. Not all the US has access to BBC so they created one relatable show and for public tv.

Cómo sobrevivir soltero

Stupidly hilarious
This show is so stupid funny. It reminds me of how I met you mother. I watched in Spanish which is hilarious, it's Mexican humor so I don't know if it would be as funny dubbed in English. You can't watch 10 mins of the show and judge it, maybe it's not your cup of tea so don't put a review without watching the whole season. It's a great end of a stressful day show to watch.

Country Comfort

Cheesy but a cute pick me up.
Yes, the show it's cheesy, the acting is okay and a "country" version of The Nanny but it's cute and family funny. Every show on tv is so much drama, full of sex and depressing now a days. So if you need just a little break from that this show is good. It's short (20 mins) and sweet.

Nancy Drew

Don't just watch the first episode! Like most shows it starts off slow but it gets entertaining as it goes on. Like ALL teenage shows the acting is okay but some of the mystery stories are fun to watch. I only read a couple of Nancy Drew books when I was young and I see this show the same way just attracting the current teenagers, why would the CW not stay with current times. So if you really want the feel of the books back then don't watch it. If you don't care and just want to watch something entertaining give a whole season a try. Don't compare your teenage Nancy drew years with the current.


I love that Pixar is creating stories that show different lifestyles, cultures, families etc. My children loved learning a little about jazz. They had never heard it or payed attention to it before. They had so many questions after the movie ended but it gave us as parents a chance to educate them and answer their questions. It is such a cute movie, specially for young children. The characters were beautiful. At the end you felt inspired and feeling good.

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