
IMDb member since December 2020
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Zack Snyder's Justice League

People giving this 1 star didn't understand
This film was 1000 times better than the Whedon cut. This film has everything well put in music, slow mo visual effects were stunning and the aspect ratio is actually quite good. The film yes is long and it could've be cut into 3 hour film but that being said it made me care for the characters all had a great build up and got you excited to see the big boss battle at the end with Steppenwolf. Synderverse fans will love this film, Synder haters will say it's boring don't listen to them. This film is very enjoyable and if you are a DC fan or casual superhero movie fan you will love this film and want more, hopefully sequels 👌

Pennyworth: The Hunted Fox
Episode 4, Season 2

SPOILERS: Please enter Lucius Fox! Mid Season Finale!
Good episode overall. Well written episode not as exciting or thrilling as the previous episode but a very good episode to keep us all on our toes and to look forward on to the rest of the season. Electing a new prime minister Aziz is only going to make things more interesting, seeing as our Lord Harwood was tortured by the police who Aziz had under his command surely he'll be seeking revenge. Episode ended on a climax finally seeing Project Storm Cloud unleashed to it's somewhat full potential surely it will be used to a greater extent other than killing prisoners. Can't wait to see more of what's to come. A battle is coming and it's going to get ugly

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