
IMDb member since December 2020
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The Descendants

High-Quality Drama
This drama offers nothing that unique, it's just really well done. I was moved by the incredibly realistic, raw and deeply complex characters and relationships. They're written, directed and acted brilliantly. These and other film techniques evoke in the audience a wide range of emotions that are exactly what you would expect people in the characters' circumstances to be experiencing. Confusion, grief, frustration, anger and a lingering solemness are just some of the things I was positioned to feel so profoundly alongside the characters. These things justify the grave narrative in a truly impacting way. The characters and plot are definitely the highlights, although there are also several well-crafted and highly relevant themes and perspectives woven into the film, that add more layers of brilliance to an already great watch. There's also not much in the movie that's not purposeful. Great examples of this are the setting and soundtrack, which not only aid the plot but also develop mood and help construct the messages being conveyed. There are also some genuinely funny moments scattered throughout. All of these things combine to produce a viewing that is immensely enjoyable, impacting and thought-provoking. If you haven't seen The Descendants yet, I'd highly recommend it.

Jojo Rabbit

A Bit of Fun
I think it's safe to say that this film isn't a subtle and brilliant piece. The acting was often sub-par, with some questionable German accents in there. The themes and perspectives were highly simplistic and over-explained. On top of all this, there were parts that felt dull and unnecessary, and a few moments of pure cringe. The dragging out of the beginning and end, limiting the film's effect, is a perfect example of this. However, despite it's obvious flaws, Jojo Rabbit provided a fresh and clever critique of the flawed ideologies that underpinned Nazi Germany. It was charming, fun, and a movie that I really enjoyed.

Married by Christmas

Not Worth Your Time.
A typical rom com plot is set up, but it is resolved horribly. The sister and her fiance, who are intolerable characters, have no arc and get their way. The main character, however, has an arc that comes from nowhere. Sure, she's represented as being too invested in her work, but this wasn't focused on nearly enough to lead into the central arc of the movie, carrying the central perspective! Considering the main character is represented positively regarding her belief that she should own the company, and vice versa with her sister and the fiance, it is completely unjustifiable that Carrie learns something from the situation, and the selfishness and unreasonableness of her sister and the fiance are not addressed. The cinematography is mediocre, and there are moments of pure cringe sprinkled throughout. There were some funny bits but nothing memorable. Most of the characters had nothing creative or distinguishing about them and added nothing to the film's messages. The charm of the main love interest and the occasional comedic relief of side-characters were the only redeeming inclusions. The safe-bet rom-com conventions this film held to kept it together and prevented it from being a painful watch. But yeah, it's bad, and there's nothing in it that makes it worth watching.

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