
IMDb member since October 2006
    2014 Oscars
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Gekijôban Haikyû!! Gomi Suteba no Kessen

Very nice but...
Great quality anime but it requires to know the backstory in order to fully appreciate it, as most of the reviews on this site seem to indicate. Should have checked them in details before I decided to watch it.

I'm not an expert of the genre. Went to the theatre with my family (2 kids aged 8 and 10). Neither of us know the manga. My eldest liked it. My youngest didnt. I reckon it is difficult to get into it fully if you do not know the manga beforehand.

This being said the story was good and character development is well done.

This reminded me a lot of the anime from the 80s titled Attacker You! (Atakka Yu!). I'm not familiar with volleyball but the players who watched this movie seem to have found the experience very pleasant.


Another overrated movie
Sadly some ratings on IMDb are deceiving, and the 7-ish stars on this film make no sense to me, just like for "the cabin in the woods" at the time.

The main character does great acting and he is the only genuine talent in this production. There's no character development for any other role and you only get confused or bored by what's happening.

The end makes no sense and gives a feeling the director realized already 2 hours were gone and he had to find an ending to this mess.

I wonder why the great and talented Rosamund Pike ended up in this disappointing flick.

Please give me these 2 hours of my life back.


Give me my time back
I have a well paying job, and I cost big bucks to my employer.

The writers of this film should therefore pay me back $ 200 for wasting 90+ minutes of my precious spare time at attempting to watch this. Besides, my wife also wants some money back for spending her time with me watching this.

It is visually aesthetic, that is true.

However, it is some kind of abstarct, genre film that does not deliver, the plot makes little sense and the whole point of the film remains yet a mystery to my brain.

The actors lack charisma.

If you want to see Vincent Lindon at his prime, just know he acted in so many better movies.

How this film won the Palme D'Or prize in Cannes is another mystery to me, well, I guess this depends also on who waas part of the grand jury.

3/10 for the visuals.

BAC Nord

A solid French cop drama
Modern French films are often a let down, but this one did not disappoint.

There has been some buzz around it rcently, as some critics say it depicts people from poor districts in a cliché and humiliating way - do not believe these critics. It's never black or white, truth lies in the gray zone.

Media portrayed the real anonymous policemen (their names were not revealed) as villains, this films intends to provide a second point of view on the whole story - this film is based on true events.

It is filled with good action scenes, intense pace (at least the first hour), gripping moments, and food for thought.

How far would police officers go to either satisfy the politicians who pressure them into dangerous ops, or to really stop drug dealers ? This film shows you what a team of 3 of them did, and what it cost them. A recommended watch.

The Dark and the Wicked

Waste of time
My time is precious. I never watch films rated less than 6.0 on IMDb in order to avoid both disappointment and that annoying feeling the director owes you those 90 minutes of your life back. That's exactly what happened here. This movie is a collection of gore scenes with no logic, no connection to a good plot whatsoever. I won't spoil the end as there's nothing to spoil. My advice to you : don't be a fool like me, don't waste your time on this film

From a House on Willow Street

Hard to explain a rating higher than 6.5
I just got fooled by the rating of this flick on IMDb. Just like "A cabin in the woods", this flick had a rating higher than 7 with more than 1,200 votes, which tricked me into giving 1h30 of my life into watching it. Big mistake. Terrible acting, wrong special effects, plot as cliché as one can be... This movie is ridiculous and does not deserve more than a 4.

The Babadook

Just average
I read the reviews and the rating before I decided to give this film a chance. Maybe I should have watched the trailer, but it seems the latter was good, so it might have been misled as well. The movie isn't so bad but it definitely ins't worth its current 7.0 rating. The acting performance is pretty good (especially the Mom) but the storyline is at best déjà vu or cliché, not the least bit chilling anyway. Tis is definitely not a horror film. I rather consider it to be dark fantasy, which won't appeal to everybody for sure. Yet I really don't understand the big hype around The Babadook. I don't think it should be bashed either, but the current ratings & high number of positive comments certainly don't reflect the reality. I had the same feeling about The Cabin In The Woods, which also had 7+ ratings by 15k users at some point, but whose plot was so messy it didn't make any sense. I wonder what's up with IMDb ratings these days. When I see this film get praised mostly as a physchological thriller, I still wonder how come it gets better ratings than a film such as Derailed (also a psychological thriller) which is much better in comparison.


I decided to watch this film after seeing the first one about a year ago. My impressions on the first one weren't so great, even though I love horror flicks, yet I decided to give this sequel a chance, mostly based on the better rating it got, I confess. I think this film is too messy to be enjoyed, random stories with no link whatsoever (if not the shock value) around a central line : 2 private investigators looking into a disappeared student's flat for clues on his disappearance. None of the 4 stories which they discover on VHS tapes were really scary, the director mainly focused on the gory aspects. The shaky camera work (a big trend in horror since "the Blair witch project" it seems) actually managed to make me feel nauseous rather than caught by the realism of the shots. There are still good horror films produced nowadays, unfortunately I cannot place V/H/S/ 2 in that category, it just sounds like another mockumentary which fails at delivering what it is supposed to. I believe after turning 30 I've become pickier about the flicks that really manage to keep me focused. Or maybe the 20-something are actually less picky nowadays, hence the unexplainable good rating of this flick or "Cabin in the woods" !

Double zéro

devoid of interest
Eric & Ramzy are usually good in comedy shows in theater and TV, but when it comes to this movie, it's a complete failure, not unlike their previous project La Tour Montparnasse Infernale. Austin-powers wannabe attempt, this movie completely lacks humor and is full of bad, very bad jokes. I don't know what M. Pires had in mind when he shot this flick, but such comedies have already been done in the past, more successfully. Unfortunately for M. Pires, the jokes are difficult to get for foreigners, but not only for them, as even for a French person it is hard to find moments that can be enjoyed and lead the audience to laugh. If you wanna see a good movie in this vein, better watch the Austin Powers series or even Leslie Nielsen films than wasting any time with this clone.

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