
IMDb member since November 2006
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The Legend of the Five

Probably not as bad as you think
I guess it depends on who you are.

Five high school students on a class trip get transported to a fantasy world. On their quest to return home they discover they are elementals.

I'll watch anything. But appreciate where it's coming from .And, although it's low budget, it could be WAY worse (Riddle Room -a 2016 movie that was REALLY not worth it! Or The Girl- w/Michael Biehn and Tia Carrere- really OH SO BAD!).

This seemed like a high school play production done outside. The story has potential but the writing could be a little more elaborate.

As it opens, the main character is struggling with her mother's death, but holding it together for her father, who enters the scene. It's hard to tell what the actor's motivation is in the scene. Is he angry? Is he abusive? No? Oh, he's supposed to be sad? Good thing that's his only scene. Bad thing he's in the opening.

The acting was amateurish. Gabi Sproule, in my opinion did best- and this was her only credit on IMDB. The main actor is listed as a producer, her mother as executive producer. Also Joanne Samuel, the director, has her son (Jesse Ahern- also a producer) to do film editing, music editing and supervise visual effects. Although it could have been better, it could have been worse. The ending leads us to believe there could be a part 2. If it happens a better writer, director and editor could greatly improve the ratings.

A Lesson in Cruelty

A -short- Lesson in Cruelty
Although I found this movie entertaining, it was a little too "on-the-nose" for me.

Justing Lebrun plays a verbally abusive, sexist, racist CEO who has been molded by his father. He is known to be a cheater and liar who belittles and slave drives his employees. He receives an invitation to his own 40th birthday party by his staff and is excited, as he has never had a birthday party because of his father. But, the employees are not there to honor him. Oh, no.

This was a quick watch. Although I enjoyed it I would have like to see a little bit more. William E. Harris has a short part but I would have like to see more from his character. It would have added a little depth to the story. As it stands, mean boss gets payback from employees. A little over and hour. Mediocre dark comedy. I watched it, but I wouldn't choose to watch it again. And I'll probably forget it after submitting this review.

The Darkest Minds

A little rushed- still enjoyed it
This movie has been on my watchlist for a while. I finally watched it!

I'd put this along the lines of Maze Runner and Tomorrow, When The World Began, no doubt. But with a little less action. A few loose ends were left hanging. Probably expecting a franchise but nothing in the works for continuation.

I love Amandla Stenberg. I loved her as Rue in "The Hunger Games" and I love her here, as Ruby. I hope she has a busy future ahead of her because I'm looking forward to seeing her again.

Mandy Moore has second billing but she shows only for a few moments at the beginning and end. Also, Bradley Whitford has third billing and very few scenes. Not disappointed, it is a YA movie after all.

I did not read the book or hear about it. The reason it took me so long to finally view the movie was because the tags were "Action, Adventure, Drama" with no sci-fi, so I wasn't really interested in watching a teen drama. Then I read the storyline (which is probably why I added it to my Watchlist) and finally watched the movie.

The movie did feel a little rushed. Like some characters who were touched on probably had larger parts in the books (Lady Jane, played by Gwendoline Christie) but I have enjoyed the movie enough to say I will probably read the series, since there are four books now.

The Girl

Just awful, expected more- spoilers
This movie is ridiculous. I've always been a Michael Biehn fan. I didn't even recognize him- as the actor that he is. If you watch the outtakes at the end of the movie you can see how annoyed he is with the process. ("Is somebody gonna call action?") But he is trying to be patient... Because...happy wife, happy life? The director is Jennifer Blanc-Biehn, Biehn's wife. The script sucks. Acting is awkward. I won't say the actors themselves sucked because I've seen Michael Biehn do much better work. Same with Tia Carrere. But this was not their best.

It starts with the murder of a young girl who was held captive and abused. Flashes of other victims insinuate a serial killer. Is it a horror/ thriller?! No. It's listed as a sci-fi/thriller. Well, it wasn't very thrilling and I didn't realize the sci-fi element until the end.

Although it starts with a murder he never touches the girl. She is chained and given a pot to piss in. He tells her he'd be angry if she makes a mess. She's chained, hands tied and mouth taped. Yet, when he returns the used pot has fallen over and there is a mess. Instead of consequences he sprays the mess with freshener.

The boy finds the girl and brings her food and hangs out with her. Not once does she ask him to set her free or to call the cops.

When the girls "power" is revealed it's like, "Ohhhh...that's what was going on..."

The dad throws the girl and boy in the trunk and drives them to a location to be killed and buried. (It doesn't work out for him.) They turn to see the mother. She heard the speech and saw everything -but how did she get there?!

All in all, it was an hour I needed to be stationary so it kinda helped with that.

Lucifer: Everything's Okay
Episode 1, Season 4

So glad Lucifer is back!
I was so excited to hear that Netflix picked up Lucifer! And, it does not disappoint! Being able to pick up the original cast and having a bit more freedom for the writers and still keeping the essence of the show. Love it!


Watched an English dubbed version- Didn't read the books
I like the story-

Kirill (Nikita Volkov) returns home after a work celebration to find someone else living in his apartment. Soon he finds that no one remembers him- Not even the government! He discovers he has been chosen to be a customs agent, a person who can open doors to other worlds.

This movie feels like a rough draft. There was so much touched upon and and crammed into this movie. It would have done well to expand some parts of the storyline. The romance between Kirill and Anna had no depth or resolution. Although there were a few touching moments they weren't long enough to let you care.

Since this was an English dubbed film I must say the voice actors were mediocre. There was a part in the beginning where an actor is speaking and you only hear Kirill reply. Emotion is not always relayed and it takes away from the actors' intention.

There were a couple of neat little action scenes, some special effects and glimpses of other worlds. Scenes with Kirill and Kotya seemed natural.

This has at least inspired me to find the books and have a read.


I wanted to like this movie more but...
Apparently everybody dried up and these two are alone in the world, wandering around looking for water. That's all they do is walk, look for water, walk and look for water. Then the younger of the two, Leif, finds a book: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

First of all, if I found a spring or a stream I'd be setting up house. None of this walking walking walking. But, they're lonely so they're walking to find people.

It seems like they've been together a long time. You get this older brother, younger brother kinda vibe. Emri is the older of the two, Leif is the younger. They both tell a story of their last parent's death but never about how they met or how long they've been together- that would have added a little depth to the story.

Glenn Payne did a great job as Emri. I felt for him. Here's this guy just wants to find a girl and 'comfort'. He's tired, he's been walking a long time. Walk to the next place, look for water. They're heading west because, why not? There's no joy in this world. All the people dried up, whatever that means.

I don't know how old Zack Ratkovich is, he doesn't say in any bios. But his character was too confusing. The character comes of as about 17-19. The actor looks mid 20's- closer to thirty (sorry, Zack). So, for me, maybe a younger actor would have been a better choice. If he was trying to play an older but more naive type it just didn't work. He only looked like an older guy trying to play a kid.

For such a low budget the cinematography was great. But, the writing was just so-so. The concept was big. There were times when I just expected more from the story. And there were times I wish I could mute the soundtrack. Some songs or even background music was enjoyable, but mostly it was dour.

To Michael Williams I say: Don't stop. Just delegate a little more.

Riddle Room

I did watch to the end...
It starts out with a woman, gagged and bound, tossed and locked in a room.

First of all, the main character doesn't get top billing? What's that about... she's 8th! And top billing goes to.... "Minion #2"!

I kept waiting for something to happen. Instead it just kinda drags along. And the end was disappointing. The only reason I watched to the end was because I had hope.

But, at the end, everything is dumped on your lap.

I'll watch almost anything. This is very low-budget- it's filmed in someone's basement (I don't know, really, but probably). The actors are unknown, I'm sure they did the best they could with what the had. The story had potential. There's no build, climax. And right when you think the story's not going anywhere they send someone in to explain it all.

Assassins Tale

Came for Anna Silk, stayed for Michael Beach
If you're looking for a high action assassin flick, this is not it. Although there are a few twists in the storyline, there is a lot more dialog than action. Michael Beach, Anna Silk and Guy Garner are three assassins contemplating life and love, loyalty and deceit. The scene depicted in the poster has nothing to do with the film. The budget is low, but the dialog is well written and the acting is well done. All three wonder about their inevitable future and what's to come while dealing with their current lives. Rob Roy Fitzgerald and Kaiwi Lyman also do a fantastic job. I wouldn't say this is one of my all time favs, but on a rainy Saturday afternoon I would watch this again!

Planet of the Apes

Nice Saturday afternoon movie
At first, I thought this was a parody movie- Mark Wahlberg, Helena Bonham Carter, Paul Giamatti and Michael Clarke Duncan- I was wrong. This turned out to be a loose remake of the 1968 original. It was nice to see Charlton Heston (uncredited) as the iconic Dr. Zaius. Mark Wahlberg did a fine job, as did Helena Bonham Carter. Paul Giamatti's character felt like comic relief to me, slightly out of place, but not unwelcome. It was well made, the acting was good and it kept me interested throughout the movie, but no spectacular 'whoa!' moments. I consider this a fine movie and I would watch it again but I wouldn't purposefully go out of my way to find it. All-in-all, a nice movie for a Saturday afternoon.

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