
IMDb member since November 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


The Da Vinci Code

Was that it?
'Da Vinci' code should appear beside the word 'over-hyped' in the dictionary. It is a prime example of how success and high ticket sales in no way reflects the quality of the movie. Whilst the storyline had the vague potential to be interesting, it was ruined by an achingly dull performance from Tom Hanks, who for some reason resembled a lump of concrete in a wig. When i saw it at the cinema there were periodical ripples of laughter sweeping across everyone in the screen I was in, and indeed the bits that stick out in my mind were the unintentionally funny bits, such as when someone dramatically exclaims "Let's go to the library!". Asides from that, totally forgettable.


Sleep is certainly an apt theme for this movie
This is quite possibly the worst film I have ever seen. The fact that I saw it quite late at night without falling asleep halfway through is probably due more to the power of caffeine than any qualities inherent in this film - of which there are zilch. It is clichéd, abysmally acted, frighteningly dull and rather confusing. It is one of those films where you cant quite believe that during the course of filming no one in the production company stopped and said "hang on, this is rubbish, people wont buy this!". The only circumstance in which someone would voluntarily sit through this movie would be if they had just arrived here from Mars and had never seen a movie before and had no concept of what a movie was. Now let us never mention this film ever again - "Sleepstalker" never happened.

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