
IMDb member since July 2001
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The Rebound

My new favorite romantic comedy
This movie was a pleasant surprise. It starts a little slow but it soon picks up steam. Justin Bartha was incredible and very believable. I am so glad to see him getting the lines and the billing he deserves. Catherine was magnificent as always. They appeared to have a great chemistry between them. The script and directing were very good. The kids, Sadie, Kelly Gould and Frank Jr. Andrew Cherry were very good. I am usually not a big fan of child actors but these two are real pros and add a lot to the movie. Finally, some supporting characters that deserve mention are Sandy's boss Laura, played by Lynn Whitfield and Aram's parents played by Art Garfunkel and Joanna Gleason. They played their roles wonderfully. I have watched this movie half a dozen times and it still charms me and makes me want to watch it again. I really love this movie.

Queer as Folk

One of my all time favorite shows
It's great drama. I love it. The fact that it portrays mostly gay and lesbian couples is not a problem for me. I am not gay. But I still love the show. Michael is my favorite. Michael and Brian together. Who doesn't have a best friend from school? Justin is so handsome. Justin and Brian have come a long way in the past few seasons. They are good together. I really liked Ethan too. I'm sorry he's not part of the cast anymore. I have purchased the complete seasons 1, 2, and 3. I'm looking forward to season 4. If they were all straight, with the same plot and script, it would still be a great show. The fact that they are all gay sort of fades into the background. It's the script. It's the cast. It's the writers. It's a great show.

The Pianist

Don't miss this movie
I have become a huge fan of Adrien Brody after watching this movie. It was very well made. The plot and casting were right on the mark. It gives me chills just remembering the action. It is a very moving, very emotional movie. Bravo!!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Worth the price....
We just rented the VHS version of Harry Potter's new movie, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Overall, it was a very good movie, and I'm sure all the children enjoyed it. I found the ghost in the bathroom a little too silly for my tastes, but I realize the target audience was probably about 8-12 years old. We enjoyed it and I recommend it to anyone who liked the first Harry Potter movie. I give it an 8.

The Wedding Planner

a charming comedy
This was not the best movie Jennifer Lopez or Matthew McConaughey have ever made. It was however an enjoyable romantic comedy, with a very predictable storyline and ending. I liked the movie for what it was, a light charming romantic comedy. It won't win any Academy Awards, but it is good for a rainy Friday night. I hate to have to say this, but it probably is a chick flick. :) I gave it a 7/10.

The Emperor's New Clothes

I probably would not have seen this movie if not for the rave reviews I read here. There were so many positive comments, it seemed I couldn't go wrong. You were all correct.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed this film. It was absolutely superb! The characters and story line were very good. It could have happened the way it was shown.

A wonderful, warm, charming, funny film. Don't miss this one. I gave it a 10/10.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

This movie was a BIG disappointment
My nineteen year old daughter attended this movie with me. We almost left early, but we both thought, it just has to get better. It doesn't. The plot was weird, it moved sluggishly, it was boring. What was the thing with the android sex guy? That was too weird. I felt cheated. The trailers were much better than the movie.

For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story

Fantastic Movie!!!
I have always been an Andy Garcia Fan. The first thing I remember seeing him in was in the 1980's. I think he is a truly GREAT actor. He demonstrates a sensitivity and compassion that I have never seen duplicated by another actor.

In this movie, about his beloved Cuba, his performance is without equal. He becomes Arturo. You are there with him and his family, you begin to understand the suffering and pain the revolution brought down upon the Cuban people. It will make you love Cuba, and the Cuban people, even as you hate the regime that destroyed their way of life. In my opinion, this is a MUST see movie. I gave it a 10/10.

Sweet November

This movie was AWFUL!!!
I rented this movie because I thought, with Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron, how bad could it be? Well, the answer is very, very, very bad. I never would have imagined that Keanu Reeves could perform this poorly. The plot was sappy, I mean really, it sucked. The acting by everyone was awful. Whose fault is that? The director? It doesn't matter, just take my advise and don't get this movie. I gave it a 2/10.

An Everlasting Piece

If you have never heard anything about a movie....beware
I watched this movie with a friend, we both thought it was pretty lame. It starts out slow and slowly winds down to a crawl. I almost fell asleep watching it. The acting was wooden, the plot, ridiculous, the characters, extremely unbelievable. I gave it a 4/10 just because I like Ireland.

The Scarlet Pimpernel

This is one of my all-time favorite movies. I have watched it many times and I still enjoy it and find it entertaining. This is a movie my sister and I watch together when ever we get the chance. Anthony Andrews was superb as Sir Percy. Jane Seymour was the perfect Marguerite. This movie was a perfect 10.

Pearl Harbor

A new favorite
I was pleasantly surprised by Pearl Harbor. I thought it was going to be more of a war movie. Lots of battles, fighting, that sort of thing. But, it was more of a love story, as told during a time of war. I thought it was very well done. Great roles by the three stars, especially Ben Affleck.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

This movie was a BIG disappointment
My nineteen year old daughter attended this movie with me. We almost left early, but we both thought, it just has to get better. It doesn't. The plot was weird, it moved sluggishly, it was boring. What was the thing with the android sex guy? That was too weird. I felt cheated. The trailers were much better than the movie.

Shining Through

I really enjoyed this movie! Fantastic plot, great acting,
I thought this movie was tops. I have watched it several times, and I still am thrilled by the suspense and action. Really, really, great movie. Melanie Griffith was very beautiful and talented in her role and Michael Douglas was a very believable officer. The many twists and turns kept me sitting on the edge of my seat. I also though Liam Neesom was excellent in his role too.

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