
IMDb member since January 2021
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    3 years, 4 months



Decent, At Best
To be frank:

To much money-grabbing "wokeness" and "activism" instead of focusing on the actual plot and storyline.

I feel like Candyman could've been great, but the storyline was all over the place, and Candyman's character was confusing as well.

Is he a black man murdered because of prejudice? Or is he a cold blooded murderer? Is he both? Did he change over time? To many questions, not enough answers.

It feels like only 40% of the movie was actually horror, and the rest was money-grabbing by using BLM and activism as a way to grab attention.

I'm not against BLM and I support it, but I'm also not for using BLM in an attempt to make your movie more "woke" and "eye-opening", because in my opinion this is just using the entire movement to make money.

Now onto the LGBTQ+ community and Candyman. Why in the world did they make the gay men so stereotypical? And why are there only gay men, no other member of the LGBTQ+ community?

I know more about this subject because I am LGBTQ+ and do NOT like it when movies/shows use the community as a way of making money.

It's so obvious in Candyman that they know very little about LGBTQ+; they only use gay people and make them stereotypical as all get out. They didn't have to do that to show that the characters are gay.

They literally could've just had them be gay and not say "Mm-mm-mmm" when drinking wine or had them have the stereotypical gay accent. They do realise not all gay men talk like that, right? The majority actually don't talk like that.

There's nothing wrong with talking that way or saying those things, but the fact that they use these stereotypes so often it just gets annoying and shows the amount of surface-level research they've done into the LGBTQ+ community.

One way to tell that an LGBTQ+ couple in a movie is a money-grab is how they act, which we've covered. Another way is to look at other couples in the movie/show.

In candyman, the main couple is straight. More likely than not, in a show where there is only one stereotypical gay couple and the main couple is straight, the gay couple is simply a placement money-grab.

I don't know why they decided to do this. LGBTQ+ people don't need, nor want to have movies/shows put them in there just to say they put them in there.

We just want shows to have LGBTQ+ characters without making them stereotypical or ultra-gay or "yAsSs QuEeN." Literally all we want is acknowledgement.

That would be like asking someone to get you a water so they get you a water and a bunch of other waters and drinks. No. We don't want all that. We just want a water, this is to much and to fast, we just wanted a water.

Anyway, that's all I have to say about Candyman. If you've actually read this far; Wow, good job, dude.

I actually think the acting wasn't all that bad in the movie, I believe if the actors played in different movies they would be great, but Candyman is just not it.

I debated on giving this 3/10 or 2/10, but I decided on 2/10. I honestly don't know how the critics gave this high ratings, but they are, in the end, critics, and we all know critics will be critics.

If you enjoyed Candyman, no hate to you, this was just my opinion. No hate to the movie either, I understand that a lot of people worked very hard on it, and we can't ignore that.

My review was show that improvements need to be made and how movies use activism as a money-grab.

That's all, bye-bye ! <3.

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun

Loved it !!
A friend recommended this to me because she read the manga, and it was really good !! i love the style,, its so pretty and sparklyyyyy!!! nenes eyes are so (///0///)!!!

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