
IMDb member since November 2006
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    17 years


Fast Romance

Great Entertainment on a Really Low Budget.
I was going to start this with 'Carter Ferguson's film', but judging by the number of people to thank on the end credits it's a little bit of everybody's film!

I saw it on Friday, the second of two sold out screenings at Edinburgh International FF, and the momentum gathered so much that a third screening was arranged for prime time Saturday evening.

I've waited for ages to see this film, and had heard only good things about it, so while I thought that the guys at Cineworld (where it opens for a 2 week run in July) couldn't be THAT wrong, I still wanted to judge for myself.

I shouldn't have worried, it does exactly what it set out to do, it's romantic, it's a comedy, it's also got a bit of Drama and a bit of Pathos with good strong characters to carry it along.

My nit-picking? Could only be insignificant things and the film already does a fabulous job for the ridiculously small 50k budget. I would only be nit-picking and James McCreadie & Debbie May would almost certainly say I'm talking rubbish! For a first feature, and a multi-stranded- character romance at that, Jim & Debs have done a fantastic job.

The important thing? Audiences enjoy it, plenty of laughs and smiles in the bar afterwards and, I'm sure, continued success when it hits the really big screens in July.

Night People

An object lesson in what can be done with a limited budget.
I saw this film last night and was very pleasantly surprised. I really liked it! The photography was stunning, I loved the subtle differences in the night shots of Edinburgh as the time passed, using the changing light brilliantly. Wildlife-in-the-city shots were also unexpected and this was a clever way to change scenes. For a film that has a supposedly micro budget it had the look of a film with very high production values all round. I liked that there were proper endings to the stories, sensible, believable endings. Not too predictable, we could see the end was coming as it was getting near the morning, but each story could have ended differently, and I think that the audience cared about the characters stories. There wasn't one poor performance from any of the actors, and it's to Adrian Mead's credit as Director that they carried off the comedy as well as the drama. And the little girl? Where on earth did they get her? She was wonderful but I don't think I could stand her if she was around my house all day! It would be unfair to say that this is one of the better Scottish films of recent years, it could quite easily be one of the better British films.

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