
IMDb member since February 2021
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Insomniac really hit the nail on the head here.
Marvel's Spider-Man is perhaps the best interpretation of the web-slinging hero to date. Insomniac have done an absolutely incredible job of this game - the characters are portrayed extremely well thanks to the amazing voice actors, the open-world of New York City is impressive not only in size but also in the small details scattered throughout, the plot is great and pays homage to Peter's original comic book roots, the soundtrack is superb, and the combat is just amazing, on par with that of the Arkham games. Needless to say, Marvel's Spider-Man is one of the greatest superhero games ever made, and definitely one of the best PlayStation exclusives of the decade. I don't really think words can do justice to this masterpiece, so I think it's best if you just buy the game and see for yourself. But I assure you, you will enjoy this game. This was actually the first game I got the platinum trophy for, not because I'm a trophy hunter or anything, but because it was just so good I wanted to do literally everything the game offered. If you're looking for a new game to get lost in, I would highly recommend Marvel's Spider-Man if you haven't played it already.

Ghost of Tsushima

An essential for anyone who owns a PlayStation.
Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best PlayStation exclusive titles that I have ever played. First off, the game just looks gorgeous. It's one of the very few games that I've just been blown away by how pretty it is, and to top that off, the photo mode is simply incredible - it goes into tons of detail detail and really helps to capture the beauty of Tsushima island. Everything, from the trees, to the grass, to the animals, even the blood on Jin's sword, is so realistic and stunning. Now the gameplay: At first, learning how to perfectly parry and dodge enemies is hard, but as time goes on these moves successfully becomes easier and more familiar. This isn't a game where you can just mash random buttons and hope for the best; combat requires technique, precision and split-second timing. You may not like this as it isn't exactly casual, but personally I find it to be enjoyable. And once you've upgraded your armour and sword a bit, the whole ordeal does become much easier. Speaking of technique, one really cool feature of Ghost of Tsushima is the ability to switch between different fighting stances. Different stances perform best against different enemy types, so you have to be constantly changing stance depending on who is attacking you. I personally find this quite fun, as it provides a challenge. Exploration is great; it's an open-world, full of wildlife and flowers to observe and collect, and (as mentioned earlier) the scenery is simply breathtaking. Anyway, let's move on. Skill progression is done pretty well, it's presented in a sort-of table that's divided into different categories that make navigating and choosing abilities easier, depending on what you're really looking for (stealth, combat, etc.). Loading times are pretty quick which isn't ever a bad thing, the music is really scenic and cool, the characters (especially Jin) are interesting as you get to see them develop throughout the story, and the plot is great with some nice twists. There are also plenty of side-missions to distract you and keep the fun going once the main story has been completed. Throughout my play-through, I have encountered some minor bugs and glitches, but nothing game-breaking and nothing that ruins the experience. Also, switching between different weapons can be confusing at times. In order to switch to explosive arrows, for example, you have to hold down L2, then press right on the D-pad, then triangle. These combinations can be hard to remember and you may find yourself struggling in battle, attempting to recall how to equip the different throwables and types of arrow (I know I have). And even once you've familiarised with the button combinations, it still takes a couple of precious seconds to switch weapons and it's quite likely that in that time the enemy will have got a few hits in, which is often enough to kill you. But overall, Ghost of Tsushima is an excellent game with only a few small flaws that I would highly recommend it to anyone with a PlayStation 4 or 5.

Hitman III

I will leave you to prepare (to buy this game)
Hitman 3 is, undoubtedly, the best of the series. Not many changes have been made to the gameplay from Hitman 2, but to be honest, I'm fine with that. Hitman 2 was pretty spot-on, there weren't many issues to fix. The changes that have been made, however, are great, the most notable of which is Agent 47's brand-new hacker-camera, which can hack electronic locks among other things (such as taking photos, duh). Now, let me talk about the locations. In short, they're absolutely amazing. I often found myself replaying a mission four or five times in order to explore every location and complete every challenge, as much as I did with the previous two games. Now the story: Hitman 2016 had a very basic story that felt more like an excuse to string together the assassinations than anything else, Hitman 2's story was more complicated and had several cool twists but still felt a little forced, however Hitman 3 delivers an absolutely brilliant story in my opinion. I was actually engaged in the cutscenes for once! If you felt that the previous two games were somewhat limp in that department, you don't have to concern yourself with that for Hitman 3. I won't dish out any spoilers, but let's just say you won't be expecting that final mission. Now let's talk about the mission stories. In the previous games there were quite a few mission stories, maybe six or seven per mission? In Hitman 3 it's a bit different. Most locations have only three, but some have none at all (such as the final mission. I won't tell you why though, because that would be a spoiler!). In some missions I find this quite annoying, because it feels like IO are being stingy, but in other cases I can fully understand why there are only three. Take the one at Thornbridge Manor, for example, where you pose as a detective and solve a murder, before actually committing one yourself. That mission story was super detailed, and probably lasted me a good forty minutes. So in the case of that missiom, I get why there are only three mission stories. But in other missions, like the ones in Mendoza or Chongqing, where the mission stories are no longer than the ones in either Hitman 1 or 2, I felt a little disappointed. Speaking of, you can actually play both those games within Hitman 3, with all the graphical upgrades and gameplay changes, if you've purchased them and downloaded the legacy packs, which is great. There's also the added VR mode, but it's honestly not that good. It doesn't support the PlayStation Move controllers and it's also pretty glitchy, nowhere near as clean as what was shown in the official "Sandbox VR" video about a month back. If you have PSVR and want to give it a go, I'd highly recommend playing all the missions normally before doing them in VR, because that's the best way to experience them. It has potential, but it needs a lot of improvement. Another awesome thing about this game is the soundtrack - it's brilliant, way better than the other games, and it creates a ton of atmosphere. Lastly, there are plenty of community-made contracts to do once you've finished the main story, not to mention that the main story missions are very replayable anyway, so don't worry about Hitman 3 being too short for the full price (it's not). So to conclude, Hitman 3 is an amazing game. If you enjoyed the first two, then you'll absolutely love this one. The only downside is that, like the last two games, you can't complete challenges or earn XP while offline, which completely sucks, because it means you can't unlock any new weapons, gadgets or suits, and you're stuck with the default loadout for the whole game. Oh, and also you don't get many escalation missions with just the standard edition, but to be honest it's not such a big deal seeing how much else there is to do, and I think IO are planning to release more content time. But besides all that, Hitman 3 is an absolute blast. Would 100% recommend.

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