
IMDb member since February 2021
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Fantastic show, much more than just racing as well
I'll try to keep this brief, but this is a great show even if you aren't a racing fan. The character development and struggle is what makes the show so captivating. Other racing shows focus primarily on just the track action and you never get a feel if any personality from the participants. I'm overtake one of the most primary characters is a photographer, struggling to come to terms with the repercussions of an image he took, completely unrelated to racing in general. His interactions with the racing world, with the drivers, the teams, The managers, is what helps make the show so much more than just a racing drama. I hope season 2 arrives soon!

The Covenant

Just American war propaganda.
This isn't a movie, it's just a ooh rah go america, better kill all the brown people pro-military recruiting tool. There is nothing redeemable about the main character, from the beginning he's more than willing to go outside the rules and hunt down "inverted targets", and no one bats an eye. In fact, his commander intentionally turns a blind eye.

Who is Ritchie making films for these days??? I'd be willing to bet that it wouldn't take more than 10 minutes of google searching to find out one (or more) of the backers of the film has ties to us govt.

On top of all that, it's BORING, and it looks like a Direct to dvd movie. Gyllenhall is NEVER convincing as big bad army dude, the "plot" is thin as hell, and the fake explosions are suuuuuuuper cheesy. They should have just made a US Army commercial and saved the rest of the budget.

John Wick: Chapter 4

So bad. The worst yet.
Sheez Louise these are getting awful. They know the audience wants to see a conclusion; but like Lucy holding the football, they'll keep yanking it away forever. They're trying so hard to keep upping the level, but the fights are just cliche now. The NPCs all swing so slow, hold their hands out for so long, Ian McShanes new teeth are horrendously white, I'm a huge fan of his but it's just unnatural. Almost like Rudy Giuliani. The Bug eyed dude from the remake of IT is awful as a Frenchman? Belgian? Whatever his accent is supposed to be, it's bad. Donnie Yen's blind swordsman is amusing but still cheesy. Nobody? Who is this dude and why is he even in this movie??? Was there some contract requirement that said "we must have a dude with a dog in this film"??? Please just finish the series and stop making more. Oh wait they just announced JW 5 in pre-production.

Can I jade my 12 dollars back???

The only GOOD part was the throwback to Warriors, and even that just seemed bizarre and completely out of place.

Strange World

Not disneys finest but still plenty entertaining!
Cliffs: great adventure movie. Not going to crack the top 20 of disneys best movies.

Some of the other reviews are HARSH. This was a very entertaining movie, plenty of adventure, amazing visuals, Disney really screwed themselves by doing ZERO promotion for this film. It seems like their last few projects have been released with absolutely NO advertising, it's almost like they DONT want people to see their new movies???

While this one wasn't going to light the world on fire, it's still worth watching and appreciating the amazing artistry and creature design.

As a huge Terry Pratchett / Discworld fan, the ending scene def cracked me up a bit, I won't spoil it for those who haven't watched the movie yet.

No Time to Die

What a waste of a good bond.
All the other reviews have said it better than I can, this film makes no sense, with unbelievable characters, even by Bond standards. What I WILL point out is, what a shame that Craig's time as bond started off so very strong and promising, with Casino Royalle, and was just run steadily downhill ever since. With Mads Mikkelsen as adversary, you had someone intimidating, unpredictable, ruthless. Rami Malek's Safin is barely a wisp of Smoke. He has no fire, no personality. It's like the entire writing staff just said "what is safin like? Well, he speaks in a soft voice". That's it? That's the entire persona for a James Bond villain??? Pathetic. Malek is a great actor, and it sucks to see such an opportunity go to waste.

Wendell & Wild

Underwhelming, almost unwatchable.
What the hell is this? It's not for adults, and it SURE ain't for children. I almost turned it off inside of the opening sequences. Seems like they put all their faith in big name star power and didn't bother with a coherent story. Visual effects don't make up for the lack of charisma or charm. It's impossible to care about any of the characters in the movie, I would have rather just watched Coraline or Nightmare before Xmas again instead. I don't think I laughed a single time during the entire film, and perhaps I misunderstood, but isn't that what Key and Peele are all about? I get the feeling Netflix is just cranking out anything they can, just to keep up with Prime.

Willow: Prisoners of Skellin
Episode 6, Season 1

Gets worse with every episode.
Man I wanted this show to be even DECENT. The first few episodes were ok at best, and then it's just fallen from there. It's laughable. The script is terrible. The acting is awful, the plot is a joke. But it's not bad enough to be good. Another waste, just milking 80's kids for their nostalgia and then letting us down. Even the use of modern (and by "modern" I mean actual songs from actual bands from the late 1900s) is amusing for a moment but really doesn't fit in with a continuation of the original movie.

I'm having a hard time wanting to watch the next two episodes In season 1 if they're going to be as bad as this one, and keep circling the drain.

Glass Onion

Great cast, lame movie.
Can I have my 2hrs 20 mins back?

We get it. Rich guy buy rich guy things.

Daniel Craig tries but makes a terrible southern gentleman, who dresses like no southern gentleman in history. Bautista is the most believable of the bunch, and he was fortunate to exit the film early. I kept hoping it would get any better, and it never did. If you're co-owner of this fantastically valuable company, but you can't be bothered to scour your entire home to find the most critical bit of evidence, perhaps in your entire life? Your entire friend circle just forgets that you have a twin?

These aren't even good caricatures. How odd that Craig's character claimed to be so upset about dumb cases, this whole film was one.

Bullet Train

Moderately entertaining, should have been 80 minutes not OVER TWO HOURS.

It feels like they just saw a Guy Ritchie film for the first time and said "oooooh we need to do that, but with a much bigger budget, and instead of having CLEVER twists, just make dead characters keep somehow coming back to life".

There have been a rash of these films coming out in the past few years, Gunpowder Milkshake style assassin movies, I mention that one because it was actually entertaining. This one just leans heavily on Brad Pitt's star power, and the rest is incredibly one dimensional characters who can't get off this literal train wreck.

I hope someone does a recut around 80 - 90 mins long, and turns the tempo up. Would bump this film up to a 7 from a 5.

Gone Girl

Mehhhhhhhhhh. An hour too long, a few dozen too many plot holes.
You'd think that by casting real life terrible husband affleck in the role of a terrible husband would work well, but he's awful. Pike plays a good sociopath, but when the plot goes from "I'm going to kill myself to frame my husband, oh wait just kidding I got robbed by yokels so now I'm going to murder my rich ex boyfriend", laughable at best. How a detective would have found the diary conveniently placed in a furnace, and NOT smelled a rat is beyond me. Did they even dust it for afflecks prints???

Tyler Perry plays his role well, otherwise the only character I felt anything for was the poor sister who got gut punched every 5 minutes when another lie was exposed.

Weak excuse for a thriller, should have been 90 minutes not 150.

Why is Ratakowskis head so tiny??? Her face freaks me out.


Fantastic. Violent. Utterly realistic.
Michael Mann's HEAT is incredible. A perfect balancing act, you see exactly what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Pacino vs Deniro. Hanna vs McCauley. The only thing I've ever been able to criticize about this film is I strongly dislike Justine, but I've never been able to tell if she's INTENDED to be disliked, or if it's just me.

Someday when I win the lottery I'm going to hire animators to do a shot for shot anime recreation of this entire film, using the existing audio. The way Mann composes so many of his shots makes it look like he was creating a film based on a manga.

The Sandman

Better than I'd hoped, but not as good as I'd dreamed.
First off, for all the complainers who somehow think their ideas on the show are better than the man who C R E A T E D Sandman, who has been as heavily involved in the show as possible, sit down.

Overall the series is excellent, I can only nitpick about minor things.

1: making Alex Burgess sleep instead of cursing him with endlessly staying awake was a silly thing to change. It didn't improve the story, it lessened it. Dream has just been imprisoned for 100 years. He's supposed to get out and take revenge, ruthlessly, as one of the immortal Endless could and should, but instead he Just sends his captor off to dreamland.

2: why did Dream battle Lucifer instead of Choronzon? IMO the Audible version of that battle was of much greater impact than the Netflix version. If you haven't listened to the Audible version, what are you doing??? It's an absolute TREAT!

3: I still think it would be better if Dream's eyes were ALWAYS blacked out with stars in them. The way Netflix made it look is pretty good tho, but not amazing.

4: why take Gregory? In the original, Dream takes a contract from Cain and Abel, and re-absorbs his power from that. Taking Gregory was again, unnecessary to the story, and just painful for the audience to witness. Dream is fine being ruthless to the inhabitants of the dreaming, but won't take revenge against Alex Burgess who just held him captive for decades?

These are all pretty nit-picky, yes, and overall the show is as good of an adaptation as anyone could pull off. I don't think it will be a widespread enough success for Netflix to green light a second season, the source material is too niche.

Cowboy Bebop

Much better the second time around.
I'll admit, as a huge fan of the anime, I came in with a microscope, ready to tear this new version to shreds. My initial reaction was 6/10. Overall decent, but impossible to capture all of what made the anime so appealing. Cho does his best, but is too old and not energetic enough as spike, I liked Shakir's version of Jet Black the most of all the main cast, and initially Pineda's Faye just was not working at ALL for me.

Vicious is terrible. Really really terrible. Vaudevillian low budget, how did this even make it in the SHOW levels of terrible. Elena Satine's version of Julia was an unnecessary change from the anime, and she looks like lip fillers with a human attached.

Now, a year later, I'm watching it again, and finding that it's grown on me quite a bit. Vicious is still terrible, but Maybe the lens on my microscope is a bit more blurry and things don't seem as bad as they did a year ago.

Either way, I do wish they could have green lit a second season, to see new versions of important episodes in the later seasons, but at least we'll always have the anime.

The Quick and the Dead

Peak Raimi. Million dollar cast, a pedestal for Hackman to shine on.
Truly an underrated film, with absolute legends in the cast, not just Gene Hackman as the ruthless and wealthy land owner, a very young Leonardo Dicaprio as the son of Hackman, Russell Crowe years before he rose to fame in Gladiator, as a Preacher trying to leave his years as an outlaw behind him, or the breathtaking Sharon Stone, only referred to as "The lady", a gunfighter with secrets and motives yet to be revealed, there are also some great parts by horror and sci-fi legend Lance Henriksen and Keith David as other competitors in the gun fighting competition.

Raimi's style applies surprisingly well to a western and what the film lacks in depth (remember this is a western where the plot is literally "hey there's a gun fighting competition"), it makes up for in style and great performances. I've watched this film dozens of times and will watch it dozens more.

Mulholland Falls

Underwhelming, least impressive of the genre. Great cast tho.
All the ingredients are here, it's like they put it in the oven for the right time, but forgot to turn the oven on.

Connelly is the most beautiful woman in human history, and I'll watch any project she's attached to, but this film was just blah from beginning to end.

As plenty of other have said, LA Confidential is a FAR superior film if you want Noir action, and Chinatown is a vastly superior film if you want Noir slow burn.

The Book of Boba Fett

bad at first but gets much better!!!
***updated at the bottom***

The first episodes of Boba being taken into the Tusken Raiders clan was actually interesting and decent. After that, all of the episodes of him trying to be "daimyo of tatooine" are just super cheesy and tacky and look like super low budget, family channel value brand. The girl with the shag haircut and her scooter gang are just awful. What a disappointment coming from how good Mandalorian was.

Also, that's the fakest looking bantha I've ever seen. It's like they didn't even TRY to make the horns not look like foam.

A few episodes in, the entire show pivots, and becomes The Mandalorian, and then it gets GOOD. Episodes following Din Djarin are back in line with what we've come to expect from previous seasons of Mando, and I've gotta say, I completely enjoy these later episodes. The season finale is excellent too!!!


So boring. Should have been 90mins
Ugh. What a waste of 2+ hrs. Boring bland characters, uninteresting story, visuals look decent, it's just impossible to care about any of these characters, or their plight.

I'd rather just rewatch literally any other marvel film than this. I'd rather watch Green Lantern than this.

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