
IMDb member since November 2006
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Fainaru fantajî IX

Garnet/Dagger's real name.
Find it here: Once this I didn't like was how this game was not challenging enough for my taste. It is way too easy. You basically get your task from one of your allies, and go and do it. Unfortunately, when you go perform these tasks, you encounter almost no resistance. It's just way too easy. Granted, there are many side quests that can be challenging to complete. But, when I formulate an opinion on the challenge, I always look over everything, and the challenge of the side quests doesn't even come close to equaling the simplicity of the main quest.

Overall though, I found this to be a very well made game. All of the different areas were well done respectively, and when combined into one game it naturally comes out very well. The best parts would probably be the graphics and sound, followed very closely by the gameplay, story, and replay value. The only area with major flaws would be the challenge, but with the other good areas, this game evens out nicely. Overall, very well done, another Final Fantasy destined to be a legendary game, Kudos Square, you did it again.

Bridge to Terabithia

A Travesty
This movie was a terrible disappointment. The story was butchered, the special effects were cheap, the plot was full of holes and dead ends that the book dealt with expertly. The actors were splendid; they simply had very little to work with. It could have been so much more, but instead Disney botched things as usual. The trailer deceives those who watch it by displaying all kinds of fantastical imagery - most of which is seen only in the last five minutes of the movie. The climax of the story and the main character's reaction to it were vastly understated, and you're left wondering if any person would recover so quickly. Don't waste your money. This film should have went straight to DVD. For a well-transfered book series, watch Harry Potter, or better, Narnia. This movie will disappoint fans of the book and first timers alike. I can't believe they had millions of dollars in the budget and churned out a dying flop of a film. Again, the best part of this movie is the acting, but since they had nothing to work with, it's nothing more than another nail in Disney Corporation's coffin.

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