
IMDb member since February 2021
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The Blackening

Would've been better if the went all in
The movie was fine. There was a comedy aspect and a horror aspect but it didn't particularly succeed in either category. The slasher/horror aspect was barely scary as it kept on getting interrupted by attempts at comedy that fell flat. It seemed like the movie couldn't decide whether or not it was going for a scary movie style film and because it didn't go all the way in for the parody effect the comedy doesn't land all the time. The characters and cultural references were fun as it reflected modern pop culture more accurately than movies usually gets it. It was enjoyable but overall underwhelming.

The Black Demon

An interesting premise ruined by overacting and cringey dialogue
A mediocre shark movie with an interesting message about the detrimental impact of oil companies who take advantage of developing nations and ruin the local environment which would've been good if the acting and dialogue wasn't so painful to watch. The movie would've probably done better if they got rid of the shark part of it since it was barely there anyways. Wish they explored more of the curse aspect and went with a more ghost/demon horror aspect which would've made the movie a lot less boring. Also they could not have written more of a generic white man for the father. He had such an entitled white man attitude that I was rooting for his death.

The Suicide Squad

Gory and Chaotic just like God intended
This movie is everything suicide squad should be. Sure some critics could say it's juvenile and but the movie just really brought out my inner child. The first suicide squad was too dark and serious but this one is just perfect! A chaotic plot that leaves you guessing on who's going to die and who's going to survive. Funny characters that are funnier bc of the way they interact with each other. Gory kill scenes that also manage to be beautiful and funny. Plus I'm a sucker for a found family plot where the bad guys have a heart.


Would buy with a free coupon
The premise is interesting but the execution feels too cartoony. The characters are stereotypes and feel 1 dimensional. Also casting is a bit confusing and brings you out of the movie. There are some comedic moments you can appreciate but it can be cringey at some parts with the suburban mom humor. It's a nice light movie to have on in the background.


They tried
This movie tried something new by combining a disaster thriller with comedy and well al I can say is that they tried. The movie feels slow and dragging in some parts while some scenes just feel cartoony and unrealistic. The characters are likeable and funny but the movie was just lackluster.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

The height of animation
This is one of the most beautiful movies I've seen. The visuals are enchanting with the bright colours and detailed animations that looked smooth and realistic. The plot really hits and I know child me would've loved the message of anybody being super and not gonna lie adult me felt empowered too. In both the mcu and real life the main characters are wealthy geniuses so having a confused preteen who's just trying to find his way in life as a superhero is refreshing. The characters are expressive and diverse without feeling like caricatures. Honestly when I heard another spider man movie was coming out I was a bit scared that they'd fudge it up and set back minority protagonists but man was I not disappointed. This is an amazingly thought out movie that is everything diversity in Hollywood should be. I can't wait to see where they take miles morales.

Wanbyeokhan tain

An anxious persons worst nightmare
The relationships are messy with deep personal secrets being revealed to the worst people. I haven't seen the Italian version yet but I loved the chemistry of the cast. They all embody their characters so well that you could believe that this was an actual friend group and we are watching a chaotic reality show. It reminds us how our lives are equally as complex and hidden even in the times of social media. No matter how well you think you know someone do you really? While my social anxiety hated every moment of it I just couldn't help but keep watching.

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

Was this really necessary
Just like saw for a 10 year old. The puzzles seemed ridiculously simple and spelled out while for a genius zoey misses so much. The characters are bland and one dimensional seemingly only there to serve as dead bodies so that zoey can be one step closer to her end goal. The plot is a jumble of scenes cut together to tell a story that only makes sense at the end to only disappoint with how simple it is. This movie feels like it's was made just to fill in the blanks for a 3rd movie and honestly maybe they should've just left it at one.

Free Guy

Fun but not fresh
The movie is beautiful to watch and the cgi effects are fun but the characters are just not it. It feels like if you took every stereotype of tech bros and gaming nerds and shoved them into a movie. Mr. Waititi seems confused on whether he's playing a 40 year old man holding onto his 20s or a ruthless business man. Then there's the random inputs of twitch streamers and YouTubers that you're like alright now that's enough. The plot feels like you've already seen the movie with it being a mix of ready player one and Truman show with no surprises or changes to the plot it kind of feels like Netflix made it. Definitely one for the kids.

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