
IMDb member since November 2006
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    17 years



Not bad
Here's a brief summary of the game: You are an agent who drives this super-gadgety car that would make even Q jealous and go around and shoot bad guys. Throughou the levels there are also bonus objectives (which are not mandatory) such as hitting special gps trackers, reaching a certain completion time, and others. The controls are relatively smooth, although the visuals can get a little clunky at times. Its not too hard; you should be able to beat in in weekend. Odds are you won't finish the first time though, but don't get frustrated. Also, there are some pretty cool bonus features, such as a music video, a few multiplayer games, unlockable extras for your car, and more!

S.S. Doomtrooper

Not as bad as everyone says!
OK, this movie isn't going to win any Oscars, but if you really watch a Sci-fi channel original movie expecting jaw-dropping special effects, you're just plain dumb. If you simply look past the big monster (which is, in my opinion, the only weak aspect of the film), the movie's quality acting, surprisingly impressive wardrobe, and, aside from the monster, some rather impressive special effects. Plus, it looks like the makers of this really spent some time, money, and effort on this by giving the characters a believable background (car thief from Brooklyn, female french resistance), and the accents do not sound fake in the least. Really good!

Power Rangers Turbo

Oh God, why?!
This show is single-handedly responsible for the downfall of the Power rangers. Everyone loved Mighty Morphin, and then Zeo came along which wasn't as good but still a good show. Up until then, most people had thought, "Hey, it's not going to win any awards, but the acting really isn't that bad and it teaches lessons without being too obvious about it." Well, all hopes were dashed with this series. It had horrible acting, was way too obvious in the "lessons" it tries to give, and the special effects are the worst out of any power rangers show to date! After Turbo, Power Rangers in Space came out, which was a good show, but by that point the power rangers had lost all credibility, and so nobody wanted to watch it anymore. F uck you Turbo Rangers!!!

Batman: The Animated Series

One Helluva series
This show was great. What was unique about (among other things) was the fact that it didn't really deal with batman's origins, as the movie of the same name had come out a few years ago, and its sequel had come out the same year this show was launched. Also the animation was superb (except for the fact that Bruce Wayne always appeared fat in his regular clothes). Voice talents were also great, especially with Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) as the Joker. Also Batman's voice sounded like it truly would scare the s*** out of a thug if he ran into him in a dark alley. On top of it all, I'm a marvel fan, so it's hard to impress me with a DC Comics work, but they pulled it off. Truly amazing.

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