
IMDb member since November 2006
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I loved it!!!
I have to admit that I watched this with hesitation as its aimed at 16 year old's.. i'm way older! ha ha The acting was really good! The boys have a really funny role in the film especially with the beans and their friendship together. I loved the horror and the comedy, I'm 28 and it kept me interested with the twists and turns of the plot. I was worried about the horror for my 8 old daughter but its done in such a way its not too scary she found it funny too! A great film for a night in with the family!! I hope they make more because I'm a horror fan and its great to see these funny horror style of films out there! Maybe they will make a sequel


Good film!
I just watched Infestation, i really thought it was good!!

The story is thoughtful and has a good structure. Although with a few 'tongue in cheek' scenes, it still manages to pull off some fantastic action scenes!!!

The gore isn't as gruesome as other zombie films but give a great brutal/ thug style of Zombie, but does lack a certain gruesome gore associated and loved with zombie films. I loved the fantastic CGI work!! for those computer game fans it ROCKS!!! and really creates the characters World their faced with, setting off a whole sci-fi/ horror blend genre very effectively!!

Loved it!! Cant wait for the next film by this guy!!

If this is what this team can produce on a low budget, id love to see what they can do on a good budget!!

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