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Gossip Girl: Deb Brawl in a Blue Dress
Episode 1, Season 2

It's just not good.
There were very few good moments in this episode but the entire series and story just feels so forced and disjointed.

I don't find myself truly rooting for any characters or really caring about them, the acting from some of the actors is so stiff.

There's honestly just way too many main characters and they're obviously struggling to give them proper screentime.

The throuple scenes are getting SO REPETITIVE . They're having the same conversations over again over again. The 3 of them are barely even characters anymore, they're just there to have sex scenes and stress about being a throuple.

There's just no heart in this show... there's no lead up to relationships, there's barely chemistry among any of the cast.

The Julien vs Monet plot line is easily the most exciting / entertaining but the jingling between other characters like the teachers or throuple just brings the show down.

The teachers are still terrible and just takes the immersion out of Gossip Girl. I never thought Gossip Girl could be mentioned TOO MUCH in the show but it feels that way. It's just hard to really connect with GG's post when the teachers are standing around discussing it.

Plus the constant FORCED REFERENCES whenever the main teens talk to each other is so excessive. It's like them name dropping a celeb or some scandal/real life event every other word is too much.

The whole series just seemed to have been rushed and not properly planned.... and it's suffering badly from it.

House of the Dragon: The Lord of the Tides
Episode 8, Season 1

The ending ruined this episode for me.
Are the writers scared to make morally grey / "evil" characters..? Why are they doing this to Alicent character...

I appreciated and loved them giving more depth to the character by introducing her younger and the friend of Rhaenyra, but now they're making it out as if Alicent and Otto are good people. Yes, they're still choosing to take over, but they're making Alicent hesitantly go along with it and only because of her misunderstanding the King.

It's just ruining the build up to the war for me. It's not feeling ruthless. All the characters feel too tamed and not necessarily soft but like they're scared to do what they must.

Also there's just so much questionable about the whole premise and idea and I can't help but notice it. Like Rhaenyra AND Viserys knowing how power hungry Otto was, yet he was allowed back as hand with no explanation...

Why would Rhaenyra become so distant from kings landing? I understand to avoid all the criticism and the Hightowers, but you'd expect her to go visit her father and keep up with what's going on and give him advice through the years. He needed his actual family there to help guide his decisions. I don't know I'm just so frustrated, there's things I love so much about this show and I have really been loving it until this week..

House of the Dragon: Second of His Name
Episode 3, Season 1

This series is good but....
It's so frustrating to watch, the King is so STUPID. Otto Hightower is such a annoying and obvious snake, it's just mind boggling how dumb the King is omg he falls for literally everything. The king could probably be manipulated to believe the sky is orange.

I'm loving the buildup to everything and all the characters being introduced and established. The action scenes have been well made so far and it's always exciting seeing dragons and especially how distinctly different they are in this series.

I'm so excited for the coming weeks! It's only going to get better and better and I'm looking forward to the big timejump even though I've grown attached to young Rhaenyra.

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Chapter Ten: Final Girls
Episode 10, Season 1

It was great, tired of these people spamming bad reviews
The finale was great, I was on the edge of my seat. The chase scene with Imogen and fight of her surviving Archie's attack was good. She really did give the ultimate "final girl" like she was described.

THANK GOD. The writers did not make constant references to the original. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Ezra and Aria adopting Imogen's baby, but I think I will like it and it's a good way to have them appear in the series in the future without it being so forced.

The A reveal wasn't THAT exciting but it made sense and I liked how it was done. It reminded me of a horror film, such as scream the way it was revealed. Which is what the series is going for using classic horror tropes, and all the girls are very likable.

The finale did feel a bit rushed in areas, but it was good and actually resolved season 1's storylines. I like the idea of them doing that rather than spend 6 seasons dragging out the identity of "A" causing many plot holes and inconsistencies.

My only worry is the reasoning behind A's motive makes it difficult to create more seasons. The main "liars" / girls aren't really liars or mean. They don't seem to have ever been mean. I get it's called original sin because their parents were the mean girls but after season 1 events why even continue attacking the main girls now?

I liked at times how A was basically attacking any bullies / bad people who came into the girl's life's but it takes away the purpose of them being the "Pretty Little Liars" and will make it hard for the series to go on.

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Chapter Nine: Dead and Buried
Episode 9, Season 1

This is insane!! Everything just built up and is beginning to explode this is how you do a episode before the finale!! This was so well done omg! All the reveals and twists!!

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Chapter Eight: Bad Blood
Episode 8, Season 1

This series just keeps getting better!!
I'm honestly so surprised how good this series has been!! The creators have done a brilliant job at setting it apart from the original series, it's such it's own story and series and they don't rely on never ending references to the OG.

I love how different "A" is done in this series too it's so fresh and all the horror tropes are so nice to see. They're not done in a overbearing way or distracting it's all so natural and flows well.

It's also great to see how much the writers have found their footing for the story and characters by the end middle to end of the season.

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Chapter Six: Scars
Episode 6, Season 1

These other reviews are annoying
You all complain if a spin off series is trying too hard to be like the original, but now you're complaining that this one is too different. Which is a GOOD THING. Original sin is very much it's own series and has set itself apart from the OG well.

The series isn't bad and I recommend everyone to watch it, it's good.

High School Musical: The Musical - The Series: Happy Campers
Episode 1, Season 3

Why are they making the show more childish?
Season 1 was the only good season and after that it's turned into more and more of just a Disney channel show for today's standards. Which are really childish. Disney Channel stopped being good YEARSS ago.. but Disney+ clearly allowed for them to be a bit more risky in season 1 but the writers have just ruined the series now & since Olivia Rodrigo is leaving a big piece of the story and series is going with her.

I'm not sure what made them decide to have a camp season. It's giving BUNK'D.

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin

It's actually good.
I'm seeing reviews judging before they even finish the first episode. Please just stop.

I had my doubts but they released the first 3 EPISODES for a reason and I suggest watching all 3 before judging. The first 2 episodes really focus on introducing and string the ground for the story. The tension and excitement start building especially in episode 3.

I'm so excited for what's to come!

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Chapter Three: Aftermath
Episode 3, Season 1

I'm loving it!!
I'm so surprised I actually like this show so far! During episode 1 I was worried because it felt a bit hollow and I was unsure of how it would turn out, but by the time episode 2 is over I'm so hooked!

They've done such a good job at setting this show apart from the original. They haven't relied on constant references to the original or anything. They've taken the time to establish these new characters and VERY different story which I love to see.

I find all the characters likable so far and enjoyable to watch and by episode 3 the series has found it's footing, and it's doing such a good job. I hope it continues well and the reveals and twists turn out to be shocking! I'm so excited.

The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild
Episode 8, Season 3

This season was very lackluster.
I'm not sure why many people can't see how empty this season felt. It felt like a lot happened but at the same time not much happened at all...

I guess people just see gore and satire and instantly rate it 10/10 all the time.

The whole moment of Butcher suddenly turning on soldier boy just cause of Ryan was so obnoxious. Why couldn't soldier boy just leave the child alone after Butcher explained to him.... It didn't make sense. It all felt so lazy and rushed.

It's honestly weird how rushed this last episode felt because the episodes before this felt like so much filler. I'm not sure what to even think.

The highlights for this episode for me was Starlight's powerful moment even though I felt the CGI could've been better. I also loved Kimoko's fight scene, they're always the best.

Stranger Things: Chapter Eight: Papa
Episode 8, Season 4

This season has been amazing!
It really was worth the wait!! They've expanded upon everything! I love finding out all the origins of the upside down and everything.

MILLIE BOBBY BROWN better finally get the recognition she truly deserves this awards season! She deserves so much more attention for her ACTING. She is so young and has been consistently so good and only gets better! She impresses so much!! Omg

I'm so nervous for the finale... I love all the characters so much and all the heartfelt moments make me so emotional.

Will's storyline has been done so well. The anxiety and confusion of being closeted as a teen. That conversation he shared with Mike at the start of the episode was so heartbreaking when he silently breaks down and cries.

The Boys: Herogasm
Episode 6, Season 3

This season just isn't hitting for me..
I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but this season just feels off to me...

It feels like they're relying on just shocking graphic moments to keep the show interesting and corny moments that are meant to be funny. I just am not connecting with the storyline as well as season 1 and 2's storylines...

I was looking forward to this episode because of how much the cast hyped it up but it wasn't what I was expecting...

I will say though I have liked Starlight, Hughie, MM, and Kimiko's storylines this season for the most part and I enjoy their characters the most right now.

Stranger Things: Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Episode 7, Season 4

This reveal was INSANE and so well done!!!! Omg I started freaking out terrified Nancy was about to die (still possibly could, hopefully not!!) but it led to this insane reveal of who Vecna was!!!

I am just so shocked, this was so so so good!!! Like wow I can't wait a month for the next episode!! It's gonna be so hard just wow.

Stranger Things: Chapter Five: The Nina Project
Episode 5, Season 4

Eleven's storyline
Millie's acting has been so good at portraying this child who has not had the chance to live a normal childhood and all the anxiety and confusion thag comes with it. The trauma eleven has is so deep and heartbreaking and Millie is doing a amazing job bringing it to life.

This storyline of Eleven facing her past trauma to regain her powers and then being even stronger possibly feels eerie. It makes me worry Eleven could end up taking a darker path and becoming the ruthless monster some people want to make her out to be. It's sad, I just hope in the end she gets the happy ending she deserves.

I'm loving the Hawkins and California storylines also especially since all the characters are getting their moments to shine and the chemistry is great between them all. I love that there feels like more Nancy in this season and her reporter/detective work and Robin is even better with the crew this season especially alongside Steve and Nancy. I can't lie im enjoying the Nancy and Steve moments a lot.

Stranger Things: Chapter Four: Dear Billy
Episode 4, Season 4

I just feel....
There was too much time used on Max being chased by Vecna because it was obvious she wasn't going to die. It's like we spend most of the episode with her feeling like she's going to die so a lot of screentime goes to that, but it was obvious they weren't going to kill her off....

And Vecna suddenly giving her so much time to escape meanwhile he killed the other two victims so quickly.... it just took me out of the moments and was so obvious that Max had plot armor or whatever.

Stranger Things: Chapter Three: The Monster and the Superhero
Episode 3, Season 4

Millie Bobby Brown.
I feel like most people acknowledge how amazing Millie's acting is, but I feel she's so under-appreciated and doesn't get enough recognition for how good she is. She's one of the child stars who have remained consistently good and is growing into a even better actress as she gets older.

This season has been great so far. Since the actors are aging, they can create more mature storytelling and it's showing. The tension is clearly building to a big finale, especially with Eleven's storyline.

Fear the Walking Dead: Amina
Episode 15, Season 7

Why have they treated Alycia like this for YEARS NOW??? After they killed off Madison. Alycia should've been the center of the show and the MAIN character. They shouldn't have added sooo many new characters and not give the main stars barely any screentime.

This was sloppy and poorly done. What's the point of Madison even returning now???? ALYCIA IS GONE. We don't care. They wasted her talent and potential. Anyone who watched the 100 and saw how amazing Alycia was on there knows she deserved better.

The Kardashians

Dont really like it much but some of these reviews are weirddd
The first episode wasn't bad, it was cute seeing them all and catching up with them. I felt it was boring and uninteresting, but the other review left on this is superrr weird.

The amount of hatred some of you have toward this family is extremely unhealthy and borderline insane. You do not have to watch this show or interact with them online in anyway, but it's clear some of you go out of your way to do so....

Anyways, it's a cute show following their lives and it is kinda nice to see things behind the scenes of the crazy scandals and headlines about them. I just feel they've been doing this for so long. It doesn't really feel natural, and it never really did - KUWTK was very scripted at some points and it's clear they create a "storyline" in a sense for the shows, so is it really "reality" ?? Maybe that's why I can't fully get into it.

Euphoria: All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned for a Thing I Cannot Name
Episode 8, Season 2

This was terrible
It felt crowded and and rushed leaving a lot of things even more unresolved, yet at the same time had felt like nothing really happened. There was alot of screentime used for the characters to just stare at each other.

There was 5 minutes used for Eliott to sing to Rue. We didn't get any scenes of Rue & Jules actually talking.

We got a scene of Ashtray being killed? That really made no sense, where was the logic? What was his plan? What was the point? If he didn't want Fez to take the blame, he could've just told the police the truth... and honestly Ashtray suddenly killing Chester or whatever didn't even make sense. Ashtray was seen as street smart and aware in season 1 and season 2 Sam planted seeds wanting ashtray to be seen as trigger happy clearly just for this ending, but it's like what's the point???? Just for shock???

The dumb Cassie and Nate storyline took up so much of this season for Jules and Kat to have no screentime and no storyline only for it to end in a underwhelming dumb way. In season 1, Jules was treated as the secondary protagonist and she's an amazing compelling character who deserved a better story for season 2, especially after her special episode. Instead we got Sam choosing to make forced drama and "shock" value "storylines" just for the sake of it.

Season 2 overall dropped the quality of this series down so much. Season 2 became more like a standard teen drama with amazing cinematography and acting. However, Sam's amazing artistic touch with directing just comes off as pretentious since there's not a actual good story and depth to back it up like there was in season 1.

Euphoria: The Theater and Its Double
Episode 7, Season 2

This episode was good for the most part
Lexi's play was a interesting way of telling the story and her perspective / story. I liked most of it, there was some aspects of the episode I didn't like. There were some flashbacks and scenes that could be confusing of the timeline and if the scene was actually real or not.

I felt like the Fez, Faye, Ashtray scenes were disappointing. It seems like they were meant to build tension but I just felt they were too short and scattered to really do anything. I feel like they should've let the whole scene play out toward the end of the episode or early in the episode instead.

Season 2 has been a unorganized weird mess if we're honest.

There truly feels like there's too many characters and not enough episodes to flesh out them and the story, and it's odd because season 1 didn't struggle with this as badly at all.

The Nate and Cassie storyline has been so ridiculous, and I hate how Nate is portrayed now. He's like this timid shy boy when Nate was nothing but center of attention and constantly yelling in season 1, like what happened to all his friends??

I feel it's obvious many storylines are gonna be left unfinished in the finale... and there's characters that have been given literally nothing to do this season.. it's very obvious with Jules and Kat, which were two really strong characters who shined in season 1.

It seems like they're setting up for some characters to be removed though. This episode confirmed Maddy is a senior along with Nate and Cassie, and it seems she's preparing to leave after the school year. I'm not sure how the timeline will work and if they won't be until after season 3 or what...

Euphoria: Stand Still Like the Hummingbird
Episode 5, Season 2

Zendaya !!!
Zendaya, Storm Reid, and Nika King really shine in this episode! They're always delivering with their acting and chemistry as a family. I loved finally having a episode dedicated to Rue.

I mainly give this episode a 10 for the acting!! Zendaya continues to lead the cast so brilliantly, and the lack of Cassie / Nate was a breath of fresh air.

I'm not loving the storylines this season besides Rue as it feels like the only storyline continuing from season 1, which is really just her struggles with addiction.

I'm glad the Cassie & Nate situation is known, it's truly a terrible storyline. It feels so much like a recycled teen trope that's been doing so many times, and it's given the supporting cast besides Sydney and Jacob with not much to do. I'm not sure why that storyline was chosen to get so much focus, but it seems like it will be the center of attention again next week.......

Euphoria: You Who Cannot See, Think of Those Who Can
Episode 4, Season 2

The worst episode of the series....
I'm not sure if Sam lost his notes of season 1 and the characters.. but the series is heading in a bad direction..

First, the scene of Nate & Cassie arguing was one of the most forced and weird interactions ever... they didn't even feel like the same characters, the way they were talking, especially Cassie...? This terrible storyline with Cassie & Nate gets way too much screentime also... it's exhausting.

Maddy's birthday party turned out to just be a disappointing weird mess...

Kat has literally no storyline, she just appears for a few seconds to mention how she doesn't like Ethan... after all the build up of season 1 of them getting together. It was clear Kat did like Ethan, so in the span of 3 weeks after the winter formal, she despises him...

Rue didn't do much this episode besides be high and we have Jules and Elliott kissing every 5 minutes.... Which is all just weird...

Like why is Jules acting like this... based on how we left off with her in her special episodes, none of this makes sense.

Sam is just ignoring whatever he wants about season 1 & the special episodes, to write the characters however he wants...

Then, we have the storyline of Cal just visiting the gay bar he went with Derek, felt like this should've happened last episode.... All of his scenes felt like they were just happening... I didn't feel much for him at all... or his random decision to tell his family about his secret life...

This entire episode felt like a lot but nothing at the same time.. I just absolutely love this show and am so sad to see how it's turning out with this new season...

Euphoria: Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys
Episode 3, Season 2

I loved it, the season is building up to something big!
I loved that there was so much RUE in this episode. Zendaya truly is amazing as Rue and leads the show so well. Rue is such a good and entertaining characters.

THE RUE AND GIA SCENE. Like omg. Just give Zendaya another Emmy already, and this is only episode 3... and Storm Reid deserves more recognition, she's always amazing.

Sydney's bathroom scene was so good too!

The Rue/Jules/Elliott storyline became more intriguing this episode too!! The ending with him complimenting Jules?! Omggg it made me realize it seems like he has bad intentions and purposely getting in between Rue & Jules, but the compliments he gave Jules were so sweet and true.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the Cassie / Nate storyline... it was more tolerable this episode, but I just wish Cassie's character went in a different direction with a better storyline. I feel like however this storyline is resolved is what will make or break it.

Lexi's play seems like it may be interesting.. i'm into seeing how Cassie reacts to how it turns out, or it may include all the characters expose them a bit..?

Kat feels so sidelined... and Maddy did as well this episode especially, but since Maddy is involved in the Nate/Cassie thing, she'll have more to come, I'm assuming..

Euphoria: Out of Touch
Episode 2, Season 2

I love this show but the Nate & Cassie storyline needs to end
I thought the Cassie and Nate storyline would be interesting, but it's feeling forced and random. It's also taking up so much screentime, to the point where I just wanted the other characters on screen when Nate or Cassie was.

Cassie feels like a entirely new character, and Nate nearly does too. I also get the vibe they're gonna try and redeem him...? It's all just so weird and I'm not a fan of this storyline.

I loved Maddy and Kat's scenes even though Kat feels so sidelined as a character. It's also really sad because JULES even feels pushed to the side.. I did like her telling rue how she felt right away, shows she's learned to communicate her feelings more.

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