
IMDb member since November 2006
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Heroes: Chapter Seven 'Out of Time'
Episode 7, Season 2

It has pending questions, but is gripping
Hey guys, do you know what i'm always asking myself in this second season? Why Hiro just doesn't return at that moment, when he disappeared? He can choose any point of time he wants! His friend Ando shouldn't have to wait even one second for him. Ando doesn't have to wait in the present as long as Hiro is staying in the past.

Also, i didn't find it good to show Dr. Suresh suddenly as a so naive person. I mean, Bob Bishop just tells him that Noah Bennet killed somebody and he believes him immediately. O.k., it was the truth, but that was coincidence. Dr. Suresh couldn't know. It also could had been a lie. His character is indeed idealistic, but also clever and not trustful and soft-headed.

Anyway, i liked this episode much. It had some great ideas and scenes. And the last shot: i didn't expect that. I would not have really believed that he died, but that... He reminded me a bit of Highlander. It's getting more exciting now, yeah!!

Das Leben der Anderen

Not really convincing!
Top 250: #53?! 8.5 points?! What?!

Are are you kidding me?! This is absolutely ridiculous! That movie never deserves such a high ranking! How many really, really good films didn't even arrive on the Top 250?! But this overrated work did it?!

Do you really think this movie is better than 'Ben Hur'(#138)?!

Do you really think this movie is better than 'Blade Runner'(#104)?!

Do you really think this movie is better than '2001: A Space Odyssey'(#80)?!

Yes?!? O.k., your problem!

'Das Leben der Anderen' is solid, but not great!

And i'm telling you why:

This movie tries to tell the change of a fanatic, heavy-handed Stasi agent into a refined, freethinking good man. So far, so good.

The movie is at least 2 hours and 17 minutes long. But it doesn't take nowhere near enough time to focus on his most necessary point, the psychology transfer of the agent! Instead of it concentrates in his solid, but not very groundbreaking, background story about wiretapping, trust, betrayal, the Stasi and the inhuman system.

And do you know why? Because it was too difficult for the director! He runaround it. His own issue. He just uses some cheap tricks. He shows us, how the Stasi agent steals a book, written by the famous Heinrich Böll, whose works were forbidden in the DDR, from the author. And after that there is one shot where he reads a poetic part from it. While he's wiretapping him, he listens how beautiful his subject can play piano. Pling, Pling and suddenly he has become a different, better person who helps him. That's it. And that's too easy and too fast. And finally rather cheap.

The viewer doesn't get involved in a man's internal duel. We don't really understand, why he turns off from his principals. Of course we understand ourselves, that we (or most of us) don't want to live in a communistic system, but we can't empathize with this man about his change.

Mr. Von Donnersmarck doesn't make us feel he says us to feel.

But without making the experience of feeling, which could be told with the help of tools of a sensitive direction, this is not big cinema.

In his most important point this movie is weak, skin deep and unconvincing!!

That's my true opinion about it.

P.S.: I think one of the main reasons for the huge success of the film is, that there's been no film before, which concerned with the explosive Stasi theme. Although i think it got over-hyped and pushed by many IMDb-users from Germany.


Why just 7 ?
I can't believe that this very, very good movie just gets 7.2 points here on IMDb. Especially not when there are so many movies which get much more points although they are bold weaker.

It reminds me that the votes on IMDb are a psychological mass phenomenon and can not be really representative.

Let's face it, at least the half of the movies in the 'Top 250' don't really earn it to be in it. Everyone who seriously loves cinema, who has a true and deep intuition about cinema, and who also knows many movies which are older than 15 or 20 years, and maybe didn't start to be a geek just 3 years ago, can't take this for real.

I don't know if 'Face/Off' earns it to be in the best 250 movies list, but it definitively earns much more than 7.2 points.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

They made everything wrong what they just could do wrong!
I remember the enthusiasm back the day when i leaved as a twelve year old boy the cinema after i've watched the third part. It was great, inspiring. Of course i was younger and maybe more impressible. We all change while the years. And also our point of view. I tried to analyze myself, but it has nothing to do with such things.

It's just really scrap! They screwed up a beautiful, legendary trilogy!

George Lucas blackmailed Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford: Now or never! In the last years they've let written a crop of scripts and i'm sure there've been present some much more better scripts than this one. But George didn't like them although Harrison Ford and Spielberg were confident of some of them. Unfortunately George decided for this one.

The night i saw this queer film was like a surreal night, i couldn't believe what i saw.

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

Why do they kill? Why??
That's the big question. I mean this is not the same kind of why, why Michael Myers is killing or the Hitcher-Highwaykiller. I think the end of the film doesn't make sense. Also the fact that they want to kill themselves or at least Emmet. Why they didn't plan to play the badly wounded who survived it, like in the end of "Scream" which is anyway copied. And what's the motive of Mandy Lane at all? Emmet does everything what Mandy wants from him, but why does she do all that? There seems to be no reason to take revenge for something or anything else? Only that they go on her nerves that they all want her? That's too airy. Maybe the friends of the guy who crashed at the edge on the swimming pool gave him from then a hard time. But there's nothing to see about that in the movie. And even though it wouldn't make sense, because why should Mandy help Emmet to take revenge when she's not giving' a damn about him?

The reasons why i'm giving it not less than 5 points is that the film has a nice photography, an acceptable soundtrack, a promising start and the direction is a little better than the usual teen horror movies. It's a bit more realistic slasher and two or three elements are interesting.

But considering that it became so much so good criticisms this is NOT such a great or innovative slasher movie. No, it isn't!

AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem

Shame on you Walter Hill !!
I can't blame the Strause Brothers for everything, because first of all it is the guilt of Walter Hill and the other Producers who have decided for this guys. It's unbelievable that all of this current Producers of AVPR also once were involved in the original Alien and Predator Movies!

When i heard that two sfx-artists will direct the second part, it was clear that this is getting even worse than the first AVP. It seems that they learned nothing about the mistakes from the past. There are a few sad examples of earlier special-effects people who also thought they can bring it as a director:

Spawn by Mark Dippé, Starship Troopers 2 by Phil Tippett, The Fly II by Chris Walas and some other more.

Maybe next time, in 5 or 6 years, when it's all water under the bridge, they choose a really talented director, who makes a totally new beginning of it all with a higher budget of 150 million dollars, a fascinating script and some really strong actors.

I want a huge difference between the movies like it was between Batman & Robin and Batman Begins!

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